"ist ein preiswertes ($17.95 US/15,00 Euro)\nuniverselles Tool.\n\nBitte lassen Sie sich registrieren.\nSie unterstⁿtzen\ndamit auch die Weiterentwicklung.\nWeitere Informationen unter http://www.podien.de",
"Bitte geben Sie die Registrierungsnummer ein!", //71
"Im Hilfemenue erfahren Sie, wie Sie eine Registrierungsnummer erhalten. Registrierungsgebⁿhr $17.95(US) oder 15,00 Euro. Bitte besuchen Sie meine Homepage unter http://www.podien.de",
"Die Evaluierungsperiode ist vorbei\nBitte lassen Sie sich registrieren.\nFalls Sie weiter testen wollen, geben Sie bitte eine andere Zahl im mΣchsten Dialog ein.",
"So viele Anzeigem÷glichkeiten sind nicht vorhanden\nBitte l÷schen Sie einen Eintrag zuerst!",
"Bitte geben Sie eine Zahl\nzwischen %d und %d ein", //75
"Danke fⁿr die Registrierung",
"Registrierungsnummer unbekannt",
"Wurde ich zweimal aufgerufen?\nOder gibt es ein anderes Σhnliches Programm?",
"Ich bin noch nicht mit der Initialisierung fertig!",
"Unbekanntes Betriebssystem", //80
"Bitte installieren Sie den Treiber NTIOWP.SYS (neu) !",
"Diese Programmversion ben÷tigt einen neuen Treiber.\nBitte installieren Sie den Treiber NTIOWP.SYS neu\nVersionsausgabe : %d\nAktuelle Version : %d",
"Bitte installieren Sie den Treiber IOWP9598.VXD (neu) !",
"Diese Programmversion ben÷tigt einen neuen Treiber.\nBitte installieren Sie den Treiber IOWP9598.VXD neu\nVersionsausgabe : %d\nAktuelle Version : %d",
"Keine Optimierungen fⁿr\nCyrix 5x86", //85
"Keine Optimierungen fⁿr\n\nIntel 486",
"Keine Optimierungen fⁿr\n\nIntel 786",
"Es gibt keine Optimierungen fⁿr\ndiesen Processor\n",
"Kleines Display",
"Lage des kleinen Displays", // 90
"Gr÷▀e des kleinen Displays",
"Obere rechte Ecke",
"Untere linke Ecke",
"Untere rechte Ecke", // 95
"Immer sichtbar",
"Konfiguration des kleinen Displays",
"Graphen", // 100
"Alternative Kⁿhlung",
"Kⁿhlung an ",
"Kⁿhlung aus",
"Altennative Kⁿhlung an ", // 105
"Forcierte Kⁿhlung ",
"Forcierte Kⁿhlung abgeschaltet ",
"Keine Ausgabe der Bezeichung",
"Farbiges Display", // 110
"Bitte rufen Sie\nCPUCooL nur einmal auf",
"Optimierung durchfⁿhren",
"Temperatursensor Auswahl",
"Sensor Pentiumkompatibel", // 115
"Sensor Transistor",
"", // 120
"Die eingegebene Registrierungsnummer stammt aus Hackerkreisen! B i t t e r e g i s t r i e r e n S i e CPUCooL. Ich war so fair, Ihre Festplatte heile zu lassen, sind Sie bitte auch so fair und registrieren Sie CPUCooL! Es ist recht kostenaufwendig, immer die neueste Hardware zu testen, und dieses Programm ist billig! Es kostet nur 15,00 Euro oder $17.95 US!",
"\nKeine CPU Optimierungen",
"Nur der Tray wird upgedated",
"Keine perodischen Updates",
"Wenn Sie die Ausgabe reaktivieren wollen drⁿcken Sie bitte", // 125
"Einstellungen -> Umschaltung der Me▀werterfassung -> Anzeige der Werte des Motherboards",
"Einstellungen -> Umschaltung der Me▀werterfassung -> Volle Anzeige",
"(nicht registriert)",
"Windows herunterfahren", //130
"Taste fⁿr normales Herunterfahren",
"Taste fⁿr forciertes Herunterfahren",
"Taste fⁿr normalen Restart",
"Taste fⁿr forciertes Restart",
"Taste zum Ausloggen", //135
"und Alt und Strg(Control)Taste",
"fahre Rechner herunter",
"und schalte ihn aus",
"CPUCooL will den Rechner\nwegen ▄bertemperatur herunterfahren",
"PLL Hersteller", // 140
"PLL Typ",
"Tray Frequenz 1",
"Tray Frequenz 2",
"Tray Frequenz 3", //145
"Tray Frequenz 4",
"Aktuelle PLL Werte",
"Setze FSB beim Starten auf",
"FSB Frequenz setzen",
"PLL auslesen", //150
"Fehler beim Auslesen der PLL!",
"Vorsicht !!\nDas setzen der Frequenz kann Ihre Hardware zerst÷ren!\nDafⁿr ⁿbernehme ich keine Verantwortung!\nBeim HΣngenbleiben des Systems Netz ausschalten und neu versuchen!\nEs werden folgende Werte gesetzt:\nHersteller : %s\nType : %s\nFrequenz FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nFrequenz PCI : %2d.%1d MHz\nCPU Frequenz : %d.%1d MHz",
"Aktuelle Frequenz",
"Fehler beim Setzen der PLL!",
"Zahl der eingelesenen Bytes verkehrt.\nStatt %d Bytes sind es %d Bytes.", //155
"Warnung!!\nDas setzen der Frequenz kann Ihre Hardware zerst÷ren!\nDafⁿr ⁿbernehme ich keine Verantwortung!",
"Ich kann keine 'nur schreib PLL's' auslesen!\nSie k÷nnen nur gesetzt werden!\nBitte benutzen Sie den Frequenz setzen Button,\num eine neue Frequenz zu setzten",
" zu klein",
" zu gross", //160
"Privileg zum Herunterfahren nicht bekommen!",
"Logfile mit dem Start von CPUCooL beginnen",
"Neue Daten an altes Logfile anhΣngen",
"Textbezeichungen der Parameter ins Logfile schreiben",
"Nur Motherboard Werte abspeichern", //165
"Fehler beim ÷ffnen des Logfiles",
"Fehler beim Schlie▀en des Logfiles",
"Logfile Schreibfehler",
"Logfile ist bereits ge÷ffnet",
"Logfile ist nicht ge÷ffnet", //170
"L2 Cache Latency",
"Setze Optimierungen beim Start von CPUCooL",
"Nicht m÷glich",
"Bitte L2 Cache Latency erst testen", //175
"Vorsicht !!!\nDas VerΣndern dieser Einstellung kann Ihre Hardware zerst÷ren!\nDafⁿr ⁿbernehme ich keine Verantwortung\nBeim HΣngenbleiben des Systems Netz ausschalten und neu versuchen!",
" Grenzwert",
"Keine horizontalen Linien",
"Keine vertikalen Linien",
"Grafikausgabe in Celsius", //180
"Fahrenheit ⁿber 130F",
"Info auf File schreiben",
"Daten wurden auf das File\nCPUCooL.Info\ngeschrieben!",
"Bargraphen", //185
"Numerische Werte",
"Keine Alarmanzeige",
"Bitte eine Zahl zwischen %d und %d eingeben!", //190
"Inhalt des EEPROMS auf dem SDRAM (Kurzⁿbersicht)",
"Anzahl der Bytes im EEPROM",
"CAS latency",
"SDRAM cycle time", //220
"SDRAM access time",
"SDRAM 2nd cycle time",
"SDRAM 2nd access time",
"PC 100 Spec",
"Erweiterte Ausgabe", //225
"RAS to CAS delay",
"RAS precharge time",
"Update nur im Tray modus",
"Kein Update",
"Ausgabefenster minimieren", // 230
"Ausgabefenster aktivieren",
"Taktfrequenz (FSB)",
"Windowsspeicher optimieren", //235
"Gernzwerte fⁿr Temperatur, Spannungen und Lⁿfterdrehzahlen",
"Temperaturoffset eingeben",
"Celsius / Fahrenheit", //240
"Hochstartverhalten von CPUCooL",
"PrioritΣten festlegen",
"Spielestart im Traydisplay",
"Konfigurationsdisplay von CPUCooL", //245
"Zahlenwerte und Allgemein",
"Maximalwerte Grafik",
"Lⁿftungsregelung von CPUCooL einschalten",
"Temperatur und relative Drehzahl fⁿr unteres Lⁿfterniveau", //250
"Temperatur und relative Drehzahl fⁿr oberes Lⁿfterniveau",
"Steuernder Temperatursensor",
"Siehe Hilfe (Taste F1)",
"Keine Analyse des Boardes zu Beginn",
"EEProm ist leer oder nicht vorhanden", //255
"Alle entfernbaren Medien auswerfen",
"Setze FSB beim Herunterfahren auf",
"Zum Setzen des FrontSideBusses mu▀ die sich auf dem Mainboard befindende PLL ausgewΣhlt werden. Dieses kann ⁿber die Auswahl des Mainboards erfolgen. Falls Sie den Hersteller und Typ des Mainboards kennen, wΣhlen Sie es bitte aus.", //260
"Mainboard Hersteller",
"Mainboard Typ",
"Entfernbare &Medien auswerfen",
"Mainboard Auswahl",
"", //265
"Falls Ihr Mainboard bei der obigen Auswahl nicht dabei ist,\nmⁿ▀te CPUCooL auch ohne die Auswahl zurechtkommen.\nFalls Sie den Hersteller und Typ der PLL herausgefunden haben, schicken Sie mir bitte eine e-mail an",
"Tips zum Finden der PLL unter",
"Falls Sie den Hersteller und Typ des Mainboards herausfinden sollten,\nwΣhlen Sie es bitte unter Optionen -> Mainboard Auswahl aus!",
"ja", //270
"Weiss nicht",
"Sie haben das Mainboard\n%s\nmit der PLL\nHersteller : %s Typ : %s\nausgewΣhlt.Ist diese Auswahl richtig?",
"Frequenz einlesen", //275
"L2 Cache Einstellung",
"Motorola / Mitsubishi cache Typ",
"NEC / SEC cache Typ",
"Bitte L2 Speed erst testen!",
"Aktueller L2", //280
"L2 Cacheoptimierung beim Start von CPUCooL",
"Falls T÷ne h÷rbar oder Fehlermeldungen sichtbar sind,\nk÷nnen die T÷ne im BIOS oder die Fehlermeldungen bei einem anderen ▄berwachungsprogramm ausgeschaltet werden!",
"Bitte loggen Sie sich noch einmal mit Administratorrechten ein, damit der CPUCooL Server Dienst gestartet werden kann!",
"Alternativer PLL Zugriff",
"Beim Wechsel der Zugriffsart auf die PLL\nbitte Computer vorher ausschalten!", //285
"Der Hersteller des Mainboards %s hat den PLL Type wΣhrend der Produktion geΣndert!\nEs stehen folgende Type zur Auswahl:\nHersteller: %s Typ: %s\noder Hersteller: %s Typ: %s",
"Die FrontSideBus wurde noch nicht verΣndert!\nDas Resultat k÷nnte verkehrt sein!",
"CPUFSB nach Aufruf vom Autostartmenue sofort beenden",
"Forciertes Herunterfahren ohne Beendigung der Anwendungen", //305
"&Erzwungene Kⁿhlung",
"&FSB herabsetzen",
"&Computer herunterfahren", //310
"TemperaturabhΣngiger Programmstart bei Grenzwertⁿberschreitung (1)",
"TemperaturabhΣngiger Programmstart bei Grenzwertunterschreitung (2)",
"Zuerst mu▀ die Grenzwertⁿberschreitung (1) auftreten, damit Grenzwertunterschreitung (2) aktiv wird",
"Temperaturgesteuerte Kⁿhlung", //315
"Allgemeine Einstellungen",
"Einstellungen der Displays",
"Benennungen von Temperaturen, Spannungen und &Lⁿftern", //320
"TemperaturahhΣngige Kⁿhlung bei Grenzwertⁿberschreitung",
"TemperaturahhΣngige Kⁿhlung bei Grenzwertunterschreitung",
"steigt, starte die CPU Kⁿhlung",
"fΣllt, beende die CPU Kⁿhlung",
"Den Inhalt von SPD EEPROM", //325
"Der Einlesewert der PLL k÷nnte verkehrt sein. Bitte zunΣchst eine neue Frequenz setzen!",
"ATHLON verstΣrkte Kⁿhlung einschalten. St÷rgerΣusche durch die Soundkarte k÷nnten m÷glich sein!\nEinige TV Karten gehen nicht!",
"Speichern", //330
"kleines Display ÷ffnen, sonst ein Dialogfenster ÷ffnen",
"Frequenz 'Fine %d' in CPUCooL verwenden",
"Warnung!!!\nFrequenz 'Fine %d' wurde nicht getestet!\nDaher ist sie in CPUCooL nicht verfⁿgbar!\nBitte erst testen!", //335
"Freq setzen",
"Vorsicht !!\nDas setzen der Frequenz kann Ihre Hardware zerst÷ren!\nDafⁿr ⁿbernehme ich keine Verantwortung!\nBeim HΣngenbleiben des Systems Netz ausschalten und neu versuchen!\nEs werden folgende Werte gesetzt:\nHersteller : %s\nType : %s\nFrequenz FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nCPU Frequenz : %d.%1d MHz",
"Zahl der horizontalen Linien",
"Frequenz im Tray und zusΣtzlich beim Hochstart benutzen",
"Frequenz im Tray und zusΣtzlich beim Herunterfahren benutzen",// 340
"Beim Startup setzen",
"VerΣnderung des Multiplikators bei K6-2/3+",
"Langsame Lⁿfter detektieren",
"Falls ein falsche Mutliplikator von %s detektiert wurde, kann dieser Fehler hier korrigiert werden", //345
"Aktuelle Frequenz",
"ZusΣtzliche Register setzen",
"1 Takt reduziern bei Frames und CPU/PCI slave",
"Faire CPU/PCI PrioritΣten, PCIBusMaster", // 350
"PCI MasterRead Caching (eventuell gefΣhrlich)",
"Sound / USB Probleme reduzieren",
"FSB", //355
"Master PrioritΣt Rotation 2 Zyklen",
"Delay Transaktion (gefΣhrlich bei VIA686B)",
"Fⁿr diese PLL wird Finetuning angeboten!\nBitte benutzen Sie dieses, da es zuverlΣssiger ist!",
"&Windows mit der Tastatur herunterfahren / Auswurf von entfernbaren Medien",
"&FrontSideBus verΣndern / CPU Geschwindigkeit verΣndern",
"&CPU optimieren",
"Windows &Speicher periodisch aufrΣumen",
"&Grenzwerte fⁿr Temperatur, Spannung und Lⁿfterdrehzahlen", //380
"SD &RAM EPROM Inhalt anzeigen",
"SDRAM &1",
"SDRAM &2",
"SDRAM &3",
"SDRAM &4", //385
"SDRAM &5",
"SDRAM &6",
"SDRAM &7",
"SDRAM &8",
"&Anzeigem÷glichkeiten", //390
"&Tray Display",
"&Dieses Display (Hauptdisplay)",
"&Obere Zahlenanzeige",
"&Untere Grafik",
"&Kleines Display", //395
"&Grenzwerte der unteren grafischen Anzeige", //400
"&Farben des unteren und kleinen Displays",
"&Mainboard Auswahl",
"&Temperatursensor Auswahl/Lⁿftersteuerung",
"Temperatur&offset Eingabe", //405
"&Celsius Fahrenheit Umschaltung",
"&Umschaltung der Me▀werterfassung",
"&Sprachauswahl / Language Choice",
"&Hochstartverhalten von CPUCooL",
"Spiele &Button im Tray konfigurieren", //410
"&Bennenungen der Temperatur, Spannung und Lⁿfter",
"&PrioritΣt von CPUCooL",
"Registrierung &durchfⁿhren",
"Registrierungs&informationen", //415
"&Hilfe ⁿber CPUCooL",
"&CPUCool Informationen",
"Temp Sens 0",
"Temp Sens 1",
"Temp Sens 2",
"Temp Sens 3",
"Temp Sens 4",
"Temp Sens 5",
"Temp Sens 6",
"Temp Sens 7",
"VCore 1",
"VCore 2",
"3,3 V",
"5 V",
"12 V",
"V bat",
"V opt",
"V Akku",
"-5 V",
"-12 V",
"Lⁿfter 1",
"Lⁿfter 2",
"Lⁿfter 3",
"Lⁿfter 4",
"% CPU Zeit 1",
"% CPU Zeit 2",
"Modem empf",
"Modem send",
"Modem crc",
"Su Modem em",
"Su Modem se",
"Mem verfⁿg",
"Mem Pagefile",
"Disk lesen",
"Disk schreib",
"Server total",
"Client total",
"Pager Seiten",
"Aktuell Freq",
"", //460
"Tray &Fontauswahl",
"Konfiguration auf File s&peichern", //465
"Konfiguration von File &lesen",
"% CPU Auslastung / Bargraph",
"% CPU Auslastung / Zahlen",
"Keine Auslastungsanzeige",
"Anzeige von freiem Speicher", //470
"Semikolon zwischen den Werten",
"&Menue schlie▀en",
"Alle Werte l÷schen",
"HDD 1", //475
"HDD 2",
"HDD 3",
"HDD 4",
"▄bersicht", // 480
"ZusΣtzliche Informationen",
"S.M.A.R.T. einschalten\n(bitte noch nicht bei SCSI Systemen)",
"Firmwareversion", //485
"Zahl der Start / Stops", //490
"Zahl der reallokierten Sektoren",
"Lese Kanal",
"Stunden eingeschaltet", //495
"Spin Retry Count",
"Calibration Retry Count",
"Power Cycle Count",
"Unbekanntes Attribut",
"Aktueller Wert", //500
"Status des Wertes",
"Unbearbeiter Wert",
"Schlechteste Werte",
"Vorsicht !!\nDas setzen der Frequenz kann Ihre Hardware zerst÷ren!\nDafⁿr ⁿbernehme ich keine Verantwortung!\nBeim HΣngenbleiben des Systems Netz ausschalten und neu versuchen!\nEs werden folgende Werte gesetzt:\nHersteller : %s\nType : %s\nFrequenz FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nFrequenz PCI : %2d.%1d MHz\nFrequenz RAM : %3d.%1d MHz\nCPU Frequenz : %d.%1d MHz",
"Bei jedem ... ten Durchlauf des allgemeinen Updates werden auch die S.M.A.R.T Informationen upgedatet",
"Es erfolgt eine ─nderungsmeldung, wenn einer der S.M.A.R.T Werte sich verΣndert",
"Es erfolgt eine ─nderungsmeldung, wenn sich einer der standartisierten S.M.A.R.T Werte (Bereich 0 - 15) Σndert",
"Es erfolgt keine ─nderungsmeldung bei ─nderungen eines S.M.A.R.T Wertes",
"Achtung!!!\nFestplatte %d\n─nderung des S.M.A.R.T. Parameters %s von %d auf %d", //510
"Leider ist dies nur eine Testversion,\ndie nicht registriert werden kann.\nDie Vollversion enthΣlt an dieser Stelle diese Eingabemaske fⁿr die Registriernummer.\nBitte kaufen Sie CPUCooL/CPUFSB unter:\nhttp://www.podien.de/REGISTER.HTM !\nRegistrierte User erhalten die Vollversion bei\nsupport@podien.de\nbei Einsendung Ihrer Registrierungs-Email oder unter Angabe Ihrer Registriernummer.");
"ASUS nicht in BIOS gefunden\nIst ASUS wirklich der Hersteller\nEine falsche Antwort kann Ihre Hardware zerst÷ren!\nDafⁿr ⁿbernehme ich keine Verantwortung!",
"Diese Art der Frequenzumstellung geht bei dieser PLL nicht.\nBenutzen Sie bitte den Fine Tuning Button, um die Frequenz zu Σndern",
"FrontSideBus verΣndern\nDie Mainboardauswahl dient nur zur PLL Vorauswahl!\nTips zum PLL finden unter",
"Sie haben leider nur das Monitor IC gefunden!\nTips zum Finden der PLL unter",
"Sie haben leider eine PLL gefunden, die keine FrequenzΣnderung ⁿber den SMBUS zulΣ▀t. Dieses hat der PLL Hersteller leider nicht implementiert. Ein ─ndern der Frequenz ist nicht m÷glich - und wird nicht m÷glich sein, auch nicht mit anderen Programmen, da die Hardware es nicht unterstⁿtzt.",
"Sie haben leider eine PLL gefunden, die keinen SMBUS Anschlu▀ hat. Dieses Feature hat der PLL Hersteller leider nicht implementiert. Ein ─ndern der Frequenz ist nicht m÷glich - und wird nicht m÷glich sein, auch nicht mit anderen Programmen, da die Hardware es nicht unterstⁿtzt.",
"Kⁿhlung durch S1 Sleep Zustand (basierend auf HALT Befehl)",
"Kⁿhlung durch C2 Sleep Zustand (basierend auf I/O Befehl)", //540
"Leider ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.\nIst das E-mail Programm offen?\nDann schlie▀en Sie es bitte und wiederholen den Vorgang.\n",
"Lⁿfter immer anzeigen",
"Debug File generieren",
"Daten wurden auf das File\nCPUFSB.Info\ngeschrieben!",
"Trayicons nach 30 min wieder aufbauen", //545
"Nur Schreib-PLL!\nEin Einlesen der PLL Werte ist nicht m÷glich, nur das Setzen der Frequenz!",
"Keine forcierte Athlon Kⁿhlung",
"Nur fⁿr registrierte User",
"Die Vollversion wⁿrde jetzt die Einstellungen speichern.\nBitte registrieren Sie CPUCooL/CPUFSB fⁿr nur 15,00 Euros / $ 17.95 US",
"Farbige Trayausgabe", //550
"60 sec",
"Taktfrequenz in GHz",
"Festplattenstatus : in Ordnung",
"Festplattenstatus : FEHLER", //555
"Achtung!!!\nFestplatte %d\nSMART Fehler der Festplatte\n%s\nSeriennummer %s\nParameter %s mit dem Wert von %d unter der Schwelle %d\nDefekt wahrscheinlich",
"What should CPUCooL do\nafter it is called?", //10
"Make up a dialog",
"Go to tray",
"If CPUCooL is called from the StartUp folder",
"goto tray else start dialog",
//Cyrix processor configuration
"Cyrix Processor Configuration", // 15
"Write Allocation",
"Write Back Cache",
"IO Recovery Time",
"Linear Burst (dangerous)",
"Cached Directory", // 20
"Negate Lock",
"Suspend on Halt",
"&Exit", //25
//End Menu
"Go to Tray",
"Big Display",
// Free Memory Menu
"&Free Memory",
"Below the limit", // 30
"If free memory is below",
"and there is no activity for",
"seconds then start to free",
"megabytes of memory",
"Clicking on the tray will free", // 35
"megabytes of memory",
"Free memory every",
"Periodical background",
"If there is no activity for", //40
// General to do menu
"Measurement sources configuration",
"Only tray value",
"Tray and motherboard values",
"Full display", //45
// Cooling display
"Cooling mode on",
"Cooling mode off",
"Actions to be done when Tray Item Start Game is selected",
"If the temperature of",
"raises above", // 50
"then raise priority of the cooling task",
"and sound an alert",
"If activity is above",
"% for",
"seconds, disable cooling function", //55
"Lower Limit",
"Upper Limit", //60
"Activate limit control",
// Priority display
"Idle (not advisable)",
"Above idle", //65
"Above normal",
"Real time",
"Raise the priority during access",
// Shareware display
"is an inexpensive $17.95 US\nuniversal tool.\n\nPlease Register\nand help to support\nfurther development.\nHave a look at http://www.podien.de for more information!",
"Please enter the registration number", //71
"See the Help Menu to learn how to get a registration number.\nThe registration fee is $17.95 US or 15,00 Euro.\nPlease visit my homepage at http://www.podien.de",
"The evaluation period is over.\nPlease register\nor enter another single digit number at the next screen.",
"Too much to display!\nPlease remove some items first!",
"Please enter a value\nbetween %d and %d!", //75
"Thank you for registering!",
"Registration number not found",
// Message boxes
"Is there another working process?",
"Please wait until initialization has finished",
"Unknown operating system", //80
"Please install NTIOWP.SYS driver first",
"Program requires new driver version!\nPlease install NTIOWP.SYS first\nVersion read out : %d\nCurrent version : %d",
"Please install driver IOWP9598.VXD first",
"Program requires new driver version!\nPlease install IOWP9598.VXD first\nVersion read out : %d\nCurrent version : %d",
"No Optimization for Cyrix 5x86 series", //85
"No Optimization for\nIntel 486 CPU's",
"No Optimization for\nIntel 786 so far",
"No Optimazation\nfor this processor\navailable",
//Exit Menue addtion
"Small Display",
//Small Display general configuration
"Positon of small display", // 90
"Size of small display",
"Upper right corner",
"Lower left corner",
"Lower right corner", //95
"Always on top",
//Small Displays left button menu
"Configuration of small displays",
"Numeric display",
"Graphic display", //100
"Bargraph display",
//Messages shown in main display
"Alternative cooling",
"Cooling on ",
"Cooling off ",
"Alternative cooling on ", // 105
"Forced cooling ",
"Forcierte cooling forced off ",
"No display of names",
"Colored display", //110
"Please run\nCPUCooL only once",
"Language choice",
"Do Optimizations",
"Temperature Sensor Choice",
"Temp1 Sensor Pentium compatible", // 115
"Temp1 Sensor Transistor",
"Temp2 Sensor Pentium compatible",
"Temp2 Sensor Transistor",
"Temp3 Sensor Pentium compatible",
"Temp3 Sensor Transistor", // 120
"The registration number you have entered is a hacked one. PLEASE REGISTER! I am fair not to destroy your harddisk. CPUCooL is cheap only $17.95 US! PLEASE REGISTER and help me to continue developement of CPUCooL! Remember that it is expensive to test new hardware and the price you pay is small!",
"\nNo CPU optimize",
"Only tray item is updated",
"No periodic update",
"To get an output display please press", // 125
"Settings -> Measurement sources configuration -> Tray and motherboard values",
"Settings -> Measurement sources configuration -> Full display",
"(not registered)",
"Windows shutdown display", //130
"Normal Windows shutdown button",
"Forced Windows shutdown button",
"Normal Windows restart button",
"Forced Windows restart button",
"Logoff key", // 135
"and Alt and Control keys",
"shutdown Windows",
"and switch power off",
"Temperature is over the limit.\nCPUCooL will shutdown now.",
"PLL manufacturer", //140
"PLL type",
"Frequency to set",
"Tray frequency 1",
"Tray frequency 2",
"Tray frequency 3", //145
"Tray frequency 4",
"Current PLL values",
"Set FSB on next startup",
"Set frequency",
"Get PLL output", //150
"Error reading PLL",
"Setting FSB can damage your hardware!\nIt is on your own risk!\nNo resposibility!\nIf system hangs unplug AC and try it again!\nManufacturer : %s\nType : %s\nFrequency FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nFrequency PCI : %2d.%1d MHz\nCPU frequency : %d.%1d MHz",
"Actual frequency",
"Error setting PLL",
"Incorrect number of bytes read.\nShould be %d actual %d", //155
"not used",
"Getting PLL data can damage your hardware!\nIt is on your own risk!\nNo resposibility!",
"Your PLL is a write only PLL!\nThat could not be read\nThat is no reason to worry\nYou can write another frequency to write only PLL's!",
" too small",
" too big", //160
"No privilege to shutdown",
"Start logging at start of CPUCooL",
"Append data to logfile",
"Text of data is written to logfile",
"Mainboard values only", //165
"Error while opening logfile",
"Error closing logfile",
"Error writing logfile",
"Logfile is already open",
"Logfile is not open", //170
"L2 Cache Latency",
"Set Optimizations at start of CPUCooL",
"Not possible",
"Please test L2 Cache Latency first", //175
"This setting can damage your hardware!\nIt is on your own risk!\nNo resposibility!\nIf system hangs unplug AC and try it again!",
" Limit",
"No horizontal lines",
"No vertical lines",
"Graphics display in Celsius", //180
"Temperature display over 130F",
"Write info to file",
"Data was written to file\nCPUCooL.Info",
"Bargraphs", // 185
"Numerical values",
"No alarm to tray",
"Please enter a number between %d and %d", //190
"Low Power",
"Low Power MMX",
"Open &main display",
"Free memory",
"&Toggle cooling", //195
"Cooling off",
"&Alarm on",
"&Alarm off",
"Forced &cooling off",
"St&op game", //200
"St&art game",
"Update rate %d sec ",
"Switch off cooling",
"Stop timer routine",
"Free MBytes of Memory (MByte)", //205
"Set FSB to MHz",
"Actions to be done when Tray Item Stop Game is selected",
"Restore cooling",
"Restore timer routine",
"Temp1 Sensor Thermistor", //210
"Temp2 Sensor Thermistor",
"Temp3 Sensor Thermistor",
"reduce FSB to",
"If temperature drops below",
"set the old FSB again", //215
"Contents of the EEPROMs on SDRAM (short form)",
"Number of Bytes in EEPROM",
"CAS Latency",
"SDRAM cycle time", //220
"SDRAM access time",
"SDRAM 2nd cycle time",
"SDRAM 2nd access time",
"PC100 spec",
"Extended Output", //225
"RAS to CAS Delay",
"RAS Precharge Time",
"Update only in tray mode",
"No update",
"Minimize Output Window", //230
"Restore Output Window",
"Cooling mode",
"CPU optimization",
"CPU clock frequency (FSB)",
"Windows memory optimize", //235
"Display options",
"Limits of temperature, voltage, and fan speed",
"Temperature offset",
"Celsius / Fahrenheit", //240
"CPUCooL startup",
"CPUCooL priority",
"Tray item game start",
"Log file",
"CPUCooL Main Configuration Display", //245
"Numbers and general",
"Graphic limits",
"Enable fan speed control by CPUCooL",
"Temperature and relaive fan speed for lower fan level", //250
"Temperature and relaive fan speed for upper fan level",
"Controlling sensor",
"See help display (Button F1)",
"No mainboard analysis at startup",
"EEProm is empty or not present", //255
"RPM ", // rotations per minute
"Eject all removable devices",
"At shutdown set FSB to",
"If you want to change the FrontSideBus of your mainbord you must select the PLL.If you know the manufacturer and the type of your mainboard, please select it now", //260
"Mainboard manufacturer",
"Mainboard type",
"Eject &removable media",
"Mainboard choice",
"", //265
"If your mainboard is not in the list above\neverything should work fine without a selection.\nIf you find out the PLL manufacturer and type, please give me an e-mail at",
"Hints for finding the PLL at",
"If you find out the manufacturer and type of your mainboard , please choose\noptions -> mainboard choise\nto select your mainboard.",
"yes", //270
"I don't know",
"You choose the mainboard\n%s\nwith the pll\nmanufacturer : %s type : %s.\nIs this correct?",
"Get frequency",
"L2 Cache Setting",
"Motorola / Mitsubishi cache type",
"NEC / SEC cache type",
"Please test L2 speed option first",
"Current L2", //280
"L2 cache optimization at start of CPUCooL",
"If you hear some sounds or see message boxes,\nyou can switch the sounds off in the BIOS or disable the message boxes in the other monitoring program",
"Please log in with administrator priviledges set to start the CPUCooL Server service!",
"Alternative PLL access",
"Before changing the access methode for the PLL\nplease switch off power first",
"Frequency change not successfull!",
"L2 cache change successfull",
"Error in changing L2 cache",
"degree, start",
"degree, start",
"drops below",
"raises above",
"Temperature controlled program launch start",
"Temperature controlled program launch program stop",
"Start program",
"The manufacturer of %s changed the PLL during production.\nPossible types are:\nmanufacturer: %s type: %s or\nmanufacturer: %s type: %s\nPlease look at your mainboard to select the type!",
"The FrontSideBus was not changed.\nResult may be wrong",
"Exit CPUFSB immediately after call from the autostart folder",
"Detect Graphic cards sensors", //300
"without any questions",
"Switch on temperature dependant FSB setting",
"Switch on temperature dependant forced cooling",
"Switch on temperature dependant computer shutdown",
"Forced shutdown without saving any settings", //305
"Cooling display",
"&Main display",
"&Forced cooling",
"&Reduce FSB",
"&Computer shutdown",
"Temperature dependant program launch if the temperature is over the limit(1)",
"Temperature dependant program launch if the temperature is under the limit(2)",
"First it must go over the limit (1) and then under (2)",
"Temperature dependant cooling", //315
"Common settings",
"Settings of the display",
"Displayed names of the temperature, voltages and fans", //320
"Temperature dependent cooling over a limit",
"Temperature dependent cooling under a limit",
"start CPU cooling",
"stop CPU cooling",
"Display the contents of SPD EEPROM", //325
"The output of the PLL might be wrong. Please set the frequency first!",
"ATHLON forced cooling.\nOn some boards there might be some noise from the soundcard!\nSome tv cards do not work properly!",
"Save", //330
"open small display else start dialog",
"not avail",
"Fine tuning",
"Use frequency 'fine %d' in CPUCooL",
"Warning!!! Frequency 'Fine %d' is not tested!\nSo it is not available in CPUCooL!\nPlease test it first!",
"Freq set",
"Setting FSB can damage your hardware!\nIt is on your own risk!\nNo resposibility!\nIf system hangs unplug AC and try it again!\nManufacturer : %s\nType : %s\nFrequency FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nCPU frequency : %d.%1d MHz",
"Number of horizontal lines",
"Use frequency in tray and cpucool startup",
"Use frequency in tray and cpucool shutdown",
"Use at statup",
"Multiplier change for K6-2/3+",
"Enable slow fan detection",
"If %s detects a wrong multiplier, please corret it here",
"Delay transaktion (dangerous on VIA686B systems)",
"This PLL has a fine tuning option!\nPlease use it as it is more reliable!",
"&File", //360 menu system
"&Save settings",
"Log file &config",
"Log file &name",
"St&art logging",
"St&op logging", //365
"Update &Rate",
"&1 sec",
"&2 sec",
"&5 sec", //370
"1&0 sec",
"20 sec",
"&30 sec",
"&Cooling mode / temperature dependant switching", //375
"Windows &shutdown by keyboard / Eject all removable media",
"Change &front side bus / change CPU speed",
"CPU &optimization",
"Windows &Memory periodical cleanup",
"&Limits of voltages, temperature fan speed", //380
"SDRAM &EEPROM contents",
"SDRAM&4", //385
"&Display options", //390
"&Tray display",
"This display (&Main display)",
"&Numeric display",
"&Graphic display",
"&Small display", //395
"&Limits of graphic display", //400
"&Colours of lower and small display",
"&Mainboard choice",
"Temperature &sensor choice/Fan control",
"Temperature &offset", //405
"&Celsius - Fahrenheit",
"Meas&urement sources configuration",
"&Language choice",
"Sta&rtup of CPUCooL",
"Configure &Tray Game item",
"Change &names of temperatues voltages and fans", //411
"&Priority of CPUCooL",
"&Do registration",
"Register &Info",
"&Help", //416
"Help &Items",
"&CPUCooL info",
"Temp2", //420
"Temp3", //421
"Temp Sens 0",
"Temp Sens 1",
"Temp Sens 2",
"Temp Sens 3", //425
"Temp Sens 4",
"Temp Sens 5",
"Temp Sens 6",
"Temp Sens 7",
"VCore 1", //430
"VCore 2",
"3,3 V",
"5 V",
"12 V",
"V bat", //435
"V opt",
"V accu",
"-5 V",
"-12 V",
"Fan 1", //440
"Fan 2",
"Fan 3",
"Fan 4",
"% CPU Time 1",
"% CPU Time 2", //445
"Comm rec",
"Comm trans",
"Comm crc",
"Comm tot rec",
"Comm tot trans", //450
"Mem avail",
"Mem page",
"Disk read",
"Disk write",
"Server total", //455
"Client total",
"Pager pag",
"Current Freq",
"", //460
"Tray font selection",
"Save configuration &to file", //465
"Load configuration &from file",
"% CPU usage / bargraph",
"% CPU usage / numbers",
"No % CPU usage shown",
"Display unused memory", //470
"Add semicolon between values",
"Cl&ose tray menu",
"Clear all values",
"Fan control",
"HDD 1", //475
"HDD 2",
"HDD 3",
"HDD 4",
"Harddisk &drives",
"Overview", //480
"Additional Information",
"Enable S.M.A.R.T.\n(if you have a SCSI system, please do not use that option)",
"Model number",
"Firmware rev", //485
"Serial number",
"Raw Read Error Rate",
"Throughput Performance",
"Spin Up Time",
"Start/Stop Count", //490
"Reallocated Sector Count",
"Read Channel Margin",
"Seek Error Rate",
"Seek Time Performance",
"Power On Hours Count", //495
"Spin Retry Count",
"Calibration Retry Count",
"Power Cycle Count",
"Unknown attribute"
"Current Value", //500
"Transhold Value",
"Status Value",
"RAW Value",
"Worse Ever Value",
"Setting FSB can damage your hardware!\nIt is on your own risk!\nNo resposibility!\nIf system hangs unplug AC and try it again!\nManufacturer : %s\nType : %s\nFrequency FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nFrequency PCI : %2d.%1d MHz\nFrequency RAM : %3d.%1d MHz\nCPU frequency : %d.%1d MHz",
"At every ... rd time of the common update the S.M.A.R.T. information is updated too",
"There will be a message if one of the S.M.A.R.T. values changes",
"There will be a message if one of the standard S.M.A.R.T values (range 0 - 15) changes",
"There will be no message if one of the S.M.A.R.T. values changes",
"Attention!!!\nDrive %d\nS.M.A.R.T. Parameter %s changed from %d to %d",
"Sorry, this is only a test version.\nThere is no chance to register.\nThe full version includes the registration screen here\nPlease buy this program at:\nhttp://www.podien.de/REGISTER.HTM !\nRegistered users get a full version at\nsupport@podien.de\nPlease include your registration e-mail or your registration number in your request.");
"Search lower SMBus range",
"Search upper SMBus Range",
"Harddisk optimizations",
"Set only basic cooling registers",
"Enable RAM refresh",
"CoolSVR.exe is working",
"CooLSRV.exe is not working",
"Fan divisor\nDivide by the choosen number\n0 = take no divisor into account", // 520
"Fan divisor",
"Are you shure that ASUS is the mainboard manufacturer?\nCPUCooL does not find the string ASUS in the bios!\nIt is on your own risk!\nNo resposibility!",
"This way to change the frequency does not work with this PLL\nPlease use the fine tuning button to change the frequency!",
"Temperature and absolute fan speed (*100 rpm, for 5000 rpm enter 50) for lower fan level",
"Temperature and absolute fan speed (*100 rpm, for 5000 rpm enter 50) for upper fan level",
"Generate info e-mail",
"F", //530
"* 100 rpm",
"Set temperature sensor choice at startup",
"Background color main display",
"Background color small display",
"FrontSideBus change\nThe mainboard choise is only for PLL preselection\nHints for finding the PLL at",
"You have found the monitoring ic!\nFor some hints to find the PLL please have a look at",
"You have found a PLL whose frequency could not be changed via SMBUS.\nThe PLL manufacturer did not implement this feature. It will also not be possible to change the frequency in the future version of any program - the hardware does not support it...",
"You have found a PLL who does not have an SMBUS.\nThe PLL manufacturer did not implement this feature. It will also not be possible to change the frequency in the future version of any program - the hardware does not support it...",
"Cooling via S1 (HALT) Sleep",
"Cooling via C2 (I/O based) sleep", //540
"An error occured while sending the e-mail.\nNo e-mail is sent\nIs your e-mail program running?\nThen please close it first,\nand try it again",
"Always display fans",
"Generate debug info",
"Data was written to file\nCPUFSB.Info",
"Rebuild tray icons after 30 min", //545
"Write Only PLL.\nThere is no reading of the PLL available only setting the new frequency!",
"No forced Athlon cooling",
"Only for registered users",
"The full version would save settings now!\nPlease register CPUCooL/CPUFSB for only 15,00 Euros / $ 17.95 US",
"Colored tray output",
"Number of lines",
"60 sec",
"CPU clock in Ghz",
"Harddisk state OK",
"Harddisk state BAD",//555
"Attention!!!\nHarddisk %d\nSMART error report for drive\n%s\nSerial : %s\nParameter %s value %d below transhold of %d\nDefect possible",
"Action dΘclenchΘe par\nl'appel de CPUCool ?", //10
"Ouverture d'une boεte de dialogue",
"RΘduction sur la BARRE",
"Si CPUCooL est appelΘ par le Dossier DΘmarrage",
"RΘduction sur la BARRE sinon ouverture de la boεte de dialogue",
//Cyrix processor configuration
"Configuration processeur Cyrix", // 15
"Allocation Θcriture",
"Cache WriteBack",
"IO Recovery Time",
"Mode Burst linΘaire (dangereux)",
"RΘpertoire cachΘ", // 20
"Identification du processeur",
"Inactiver la commande Lock",
"Interrompre α l'arrΩt",
"Quitter", //25
//End Menu
// Free Memory Menu
"Optimisation de la mΘmoire",
"En dessous de la limite", // 30
"Si la mΘmoire disponible est sous la limite",
"et en cas d'inactivitΘ depuis",
"secondes, alors libΘrer",
"MO de mΘmoire",
"Cliquer sur l'ic⌠ne de la BARRE pour libΘrer", // 35
"MO de mΘmoire",
"LibΘrer de la mΘmoire toutes les",
"ActivitΘ en tΓche de fond",
"En cas d'inactivitΘ depuis", //40
// General to do menu
"Options gΘnΘrales d'affichage",
"Valeurs uniquement sur l'ic⌠ne de la barre des tΓches",
"Valeurs de la barre des tΓches et de la carte mΦre",
"Affichage complet", //45
// Cooling display
"Mode Cool actif",
"Mode Cool inactif",
"Actions α effectuer lorsque la fonction dΘmarrer jeu est active dans l'εcone de la barre des tΓches",
"si la tempΘrature ",
"atteint", // 50
"alors augmenter la prioritΘ du refroidissement",
"avec l'alarme sonore",
"En cas d'activitΘ supΘrieure α",
"% pendant",
"secondes, dΘsactiver le refroidissement", //55
"Limite infΘrieure",
"Limite supΘrieure", //60
// Priority display
"Idle (not advisable)",
"Prioritaire sur le mode idle", //65
"Prioritaire sur le mode normal",
"Temps rΘel",
"Augmenter la prioritΘ durant l'accΦs",
// Shareware display
"est un logiciel de monitorage\nhardware peu onΘreux($17.95 US)\n\nMerci de vous enregistrer!\nVous soutiendrez ainsi\nles dΘveloppements α venir.",
"Saisir le numΘro d'enregistrement", //71
"Pour obtenir un numΘro d'enregistrement, se rΘfΘrer au menu d'aide.\nLe co√t de l'enregistrement est de $17.95 US ou 15,00 Euros.\nMerci de vous rendre sur le site α l'adresse http://www.podien.de",
"La durΘe d'Θvaluation est dΘpassΘe.\nMerci de vous enregistrer\nou saisir un autre chiffre dans la boite de dialogue suivante.",
"Trop de paramΦtres: affichage impossible!\nSupprimer certains paramΦtres!",
"Saisir une valeur\nentre %d et %d!", //75
"Merci de vous Ωtes enregistrΘ!",
"NumΘro d'enregistrement non trouvΘ",
// Message boxes
"Est-ce qu'une autre tΓche est en cours?",
"Attendre la fin de l'initialisation",
"SystΦme d'exploitation inconnu", //80
"Installer le pilote NTIOWP.SYS en premier",
"Le programme nΘcessite une nouvelle version du pilote!\nInstaller NTIOWP.SYS en premier\nVersion lue : %d\nVersion actuelle : %d",
"Installer le driver IOWP9598.VXD en premier",
"Le programme nΘcessite une nouvelle version du pilote!\nInstaller IOWP9598.VXD en premier\nVersion lue : %d\nVersion actuelle : %d",
"Pas d'optimisation possible pour\nles processeurs du type Cyrix 5x86", //85
"Pas d'optimisation possible pour\nles processeurs Intel 486",
"Optimisation non disponible pour\nles processeurs Intel 786",
"Optimisation non disponible pour ce processeur",
//Exit Menue addtion
//Small Display general configuration
"Position de l'affichage rΘduit", // 90
"Taille de l'affichage rΘduit",
"Coin supΘrieur droit",
"Coin infΘrieur gauche",
"Coin infΘrieur droit", //95
"Affichage permanent",
//Small Displays left button menu
"Configuration de l'affichage rΘduit",
"Affichage numΘrique",
"Affichage graphique", //100
"Barres graphiques",
//Messages shown in main display
"Refroidissement alternatif",
"Refroidissement actif ",
"Refroidissement inactif ",
"Refroidissement alternatif actif ", // 105
"Refroidissement forcΘ ",
"DΘsactivation du refroidissement forcΘ ",
"Pas d'affichage des noms",
"Affichage en couleur", //110
"CPUCooL ne doit Ωtre\nlancΘ qu'une seule fois",
"DΘfinir la langue",
"Pas d'optimisation",
"Dialogue de la sonde de tempΘrature",
"Sonde Temp1 Pentium compatible", // 115
"Temp1 Thermistor",
"Sonde Temp2 Pentium compatible",
"Temp2 Thermistor",
"Sonde Temp3 Pentium compatible",
"Temp3 Thermistor", // 120
"Le numΘro d'enregistrment que vous avez entrΘ est un numΘro piratΘ. SVP Enregistrez votre copie! Je suis gentil de ne pas dΘtriure les donnΘes de votre disque d√r. CPUCooL est peu honΘreux $17.95 US! SVP enregistrer votre copie pour contribuer au dΘveloppement de CPUCooL! Souvenez-vous qu'il m'est trΦs co√teux de tester du nouveau matΘriel et le prix de CPU COOL est trΦs bas!",
"\nPas de CPU optimisΘ",
"Seulement l'item du plateau est mis-α-jour",
"Pas de mise-α-jour pΘriodique",
"Pour obtenir une sortie d'affichage SVP presser", // 125
"Options -> GΘnΘrales -> Valeurs du plateau et de la carte mΦre",
"Options -> GΘnΘrales -> Affichage complet",
"(non enregistrΘ)",
"Affichage de l'arrΩt de Windows", //130
"Bouton d'arrΩt normal de Windows",
"Bouton d'arrΩt forcΘ de Windows",
"Bouton de redΘmarrage normal de Windows",
"Bouton de redΘmarrage de Windows forcΘ",
"Touche log off", //135
"et Alt et touche Contr⌠le",
"ArrΩt de Windows",
"et interrupteur d'arrΩt",
"TempΘrature au-dessus de la limite.\nCPUCooL s'arrΩtera immΘdiatement.",
"Manufacturier du PLL", //140
"Type de PLL",
"FrΘquence α rΘgler",
"FrΘquence 1 du plateau",
"FrΘquence 2 du plateau",
"FrΘquence 3 du plateau", //145
"FrΘquence 4 du plateau",
"CharactΦre de sorite du PLL",
"RΘgler le PLL au prochain dΘmarrage",
"RΘgler la frΘquence",
"Obtenir PLL", //150
"Erreur de Lecture du PLL",
"RΘgler le FSB peu endomager votre oridinateur!\nC'est α votre propre risque!\nPas de responsabilitΘ!\nManufacturier : %s\nType : %s\nFrΘquence FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nFrΘquence PCI : %2d.%1d MHz\nFrΘquence CPU : %d.%1d MHz",
"FrΘquence actuelle",
"Erreur de rΘglage du PLL",
"Nombre d'octets lu incorrect.\nDevrait Ωtre %d actuel %d", //155
"non utilisΘ",
"Obtenir les donnΘes du PLL peu endomager votre ordinateur!\nC'est α votre propre risque!\nPas de responsabilitΘ!",
"Lecture impossible des PLL en Θcriture seulement",
" : La limite minimale a ΘtΘ atteinte",
" : La limite maximale a ΘtΘ atteinte", //160
"Pas de privilΦge d'arrΩt",
"DΘmarrer le logging au dΘmarrage de CPUCooL",
"Ajouter les donnΘes au fichier log",
"Texte de donnΘes est enregistrΘ dans le fichier log",
"Valeurs de la carte principale seulement", //165
"Erreur pendant l'ouverture du fichier log",
"Erreur pendant la fermeture du fichier log",
"Erreur pendant l'Θcriture du fichier log",
"Fichier log est dΘjα ouvert",
"Fichier log n'est pas ouvert", //170
"L2 Cache Latency",
"RΘgle l'optimisation au dΘmarrage de CPUCooL",
"SVP tester L2 Cache Latency en premier", //175
"RΘgler ce paramΦtre peu endommager votre ordinateur!\nC'est α votre propre risque!\nPas de responsabilitΘ!\nSi le systΦme s'arrΩte dΘbrancher l'alimentation ΘlΘctrique et essayer α nouveau!",
" Limite",
"Pas de lignes horizontales",
"Pas de lignes verticales",
"Affichage des graphiques en degrΘs Celsius", //180
"Affichage de temperature au-dessus de 130░F",
"Ecrire les infos dans un fichier",
"Les donnΘes ont ΘtΘ sauvegardΘes dans le fichier\nCPUCool.Info",
"Valeurs en barres", // 185
"Valeurs numΘriques",
"Pas d'alarme dans le plateau",
"SVP entrer un nombre compris entre %d et %d", //190
"Basse puissance",
"Basse puissance MMX",
"Ouvrir la fenΩtre pricipale",
"MΘmoire disponible",
"Refroidissement actif", //195
"Refroidissement inactif",
"Alarme active",
"Alarme inactive",
"Refroidissement forcΘ actif",
"ArrΩter jeu", //200
"DΘmarrer jeu",
"Rafraεchissement %d sec ",
"DΘsactiver le refroidissement",
"ArrΩter la routine de temps",
"MΘmoire disponible (Moctets)",
"Ajuster le FSB (MHZ)",
"Actions devant Ωtre exΘcutΘes quand l'item de la barre ArrΩter jeu est sΘlectionnΘ",
"RΘactiver le refroidissement",
"RedΘmarrer la routine de temps",
"Thermistor Temp 1",
"Thermistor Temp 2",
"Thermistor Temp 3",
"rΘduire FSB α",
"Si la tempΘrature descend en dessous de",
"restaurer l'ancien frΘquence du FSB",
"Contenu des EEPROM sur SDRAM",
"VΘrifier sommation",
"Nombre d'octets dans l'EEPROM",
"DΘlais CAS",
"Temps du cycle SDRAM",
"Temps d'accΦs SDRAM",
"Temps du cycle 2iΦme SDRAM",
"Temps d'accΦs 2iΦme SDRAM",
"SpΘcifications du PC 100",
"Sortie Θtendue",
"DΘlai du RAS au CAS",
"Temps de prΘchargement du RAS",
"Mise α jour seulement dans la barre",
"Pas de mise α jour",
"RΘduire la fenΩtre de sortie",
"Restaurer la fenΩtre de sortie",
"Mode de refroidissement",
"Optimisation du processeur",
"FrΘquence de l'horloge du processeur (FSB)",
"Optimisation de la mΘmoire",
"Option d'affichage",
"TempΘratures, voltages et ventilateur",
"Offset de la tempΘrature",
"Celsius / Fahrenheit",
"DΘmarrage de CPUCooL",
"PrioritΘ de CPUCooL",
"Item de la barre dΘmarrage de jeu",
"Fichier Log ",
"Configuration de l'affichage principal de CPUCooL",
"Nombres et gΘnΘral",
"Limites du graphique",
"Activer le contr⌠le de la vitesse du ventilateur",
"TempΘrature et vitesse relative du ventilateur pour le niveau infΘrieur",
"TempΘrature et vitesse relative du ventilateur pour le niveau supΘrieur",
"Sonde de contr⌠le",
"Consulter Aide (Touche F1)",
"Pas d'analyse de carte mΦre au dΘmarrage",
"L'EEProm est vide ou abscent",
"tr/min", //rotations / min
"Ejecter tous les disques amovibles",
"FrΘquence lors de l'arrΩt",
"Certaines cartes mΦres ont besoin d'Ωtre spΘcialement sΘlectionnΘes.\nToutes les autres cartes mΦres devraient fonctionner sans problΦmes.\nS.V.P. veulliez vΘrifier si votre carte mΦre se trouve dans la liste ci-dessous.\nS.V.P. sΘlectionnez-la ou bien vous ne pourrez pas utiliser toutes les fonctions du logiciel", //260
"Ejecter les mΘdias amovibles",
"Carte mΦre...",
"", //265
"Si votre carte mΦre n'est pas listΘe si dessus\ncela devrait fonctionner correctement sans la selection.\nSinon envoyez moi un email α",
"Conseil pour trouver le PLL sur",
"Si vous trouvez le fabricant et type de votre carte mΦre , alors choisir\noptions -> choix de la carte mΦre\npour sΘlectionner votre carte mΦre.",
"Oui", //270
"Je ne sais pas",
"Vous choisissez votre carte mΦre\n%s\navec le pll\nfabricant : %s type : %s.\nEst-ce correct?",
"Obtenir frΘquence", //275
"L2 Cache Setting",
"Motorola / Mitsubishi cache type",
"NEC / SEC cache type",
"SVP tester l'option de vitesse du L2 en premier",
"L2 courant",
"Optimisation du cache L2 au dΘmarrage de CPUCooL",
"Si vous entendez des sons ou bien voyez des boεtes de dialogue apparaεtre,\nvous pouvez enlever le son dans le BIOS ou dΘsactiver les boεtes de messages dans les autres programmes de monitorage",
"SVP connectez vous avec les droits d'administrateur pour dΘmarrer le service CPUCooL Server!",
"AccΦs PLL alternatif",
"Avant de changer la mΘthode d'accΦs pour le PLL\nSVP dΘsactiver l'alimentation",
"Changement de frΘquence sans succΦs!",
"Changement du cache L2 effectuΘ avec succΦs",
"Erreur pendant le changement du cache L2",
"degrΘ, dΘmarrer",
"degrΘ, dΘmarrer",
"retombe α",
"Lancement du programme de contr⌠le de temperature dΘmarrΘ",
"Lancement du programme de contr⌠le de temperature arrΩtΘ",
"DΘmarrer programme",
"Si le fabricant %s a changΘ le PLL pendant la production.\nLes types sont:\nfabricant: %s type: %s or\nfabricant: %s type: %s\nSVP regarder sur votre carte mΦre afin de sΘlectionner le type!",
"Le FrontSideBus n'a pas ΘtΘ changΘ.\nLe rΘsultat peut ne pas Ωtre bon",
"Quitter CPUCOOL immediatement aprΦs le redΘmarrage",
"Utiliser une carte graphique",
"sans aucune questions",
"DΘmarrer l'ajustement FSB dΘpendant de la tempΘrature",
"DΘmarrer l'ajustement FSB dΘpendant du refroidissement forcΘ",
"DΘmarrer l'ajustement FSB dΘpendant de l'arrΩt de l'ordinateur",
"ArrΩt forcΘ sans enregistrement de la configuration",
"Affichage du refroidissement",
"Affichage principal",
"Refroidissement forcΘ",
"RΘduire FSB",
"ArrΩt de l'ordinateur",
"Logiciels de refroidissement",
"TempΘrature maxi",
"TempΘrature mini",
"En premier elle doit aller au-dessus de la limite 1 et ensuite en-dessous de la limite 2",
"Refroidissement dΘpendant de la temperature", //315
"Configuration commune",
"Configuration de l'affichage",
"Noms affichΘs pour la tempΘrature, les tension et vitesses des ventillateurs", //320
"TempΘrature maxi avant refroidissement",
"ArrΩter le refroidissement ",
"dΘmarrer refroidissement du CPU",
"arrΩter refroidissement du CPU",
"Afficher le contenu du SPD EEPROM", //325
"La sortie du PLL peut Ωtre fausse. SVP ajuster la frΘquence en premier!",
"Refroidissement forcΘ de l'ATHLON.\nSur certaines cartes mΦres il peut y avoir de sons provenant de la carte de son!\nSome tv cards do not work properly!",
"Sauvegarder", //330
"Ouvrir l'affichage rΘduit sinon dΘmarrer en fenΩtre normale.",
// English
"pas disponible",
"RΘglages fins",
"Utiliser la frequence 'niveau %d'",
"Attention!!! la frΘquence 'niveau %d' n'a pas ΘtΘ testΘe!\nNon disponible dans cette version de CPUCooL!\nSVP testez la d'abord",
"RΘgler le FSB peu endomager votre oridinateur!\nC'est α votre propre risque!\nPas de responsabilitΘ!\nManufacturier : %s\nType : %s\nFrΘquence FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nFrΘquence CPU : %d.%1d MHz",
"Number of horizontal lines",
"Utiliser cette frequence au dΘmarrage de CPUCOOL",
"Conserver cette frequence aprΦs l'arrΩt de CPUCOOL",
"Utiliser au dΘmarrage",
"Multiplier change for K6-2/3+",
"Autoriser la dΘtection des ventilateurs lents",
"If %s detects a wrong multiplier, please corret it here",
"FrΘquence actuelle",
"Change additional:",
"1 clock at frames and CPU/PCI slave",
"Fair CPU/PCI priority, PCIBusMaster",
"PCI MasterRead caching", // 351
"Reduce sound / USB problems",
"Frequence de base",
"FSB", //355
"Master priority rotation 2 cycles",
"Delay transaction (dangereux avec les chipsets VIA686B)",
"Ce PLL bΘnΘficie d'options de rΘglages fins.\nUtilisez-les !",
"Enregistrer la configuration",
"Configuration du fichier .log...",
"Nom du ficher .log...",
"DΘbuter logging",
"Terminer logging",
"1 sec",
"2 sec",
"5 sec",
"10 sec",
"20 sec",
"30 sec",
"ArrΩt de Windows par le clavier / Ejecter tous les mΘdias amovibles...",
"FSB / Vitesse du CPU...",
"Optimisation du CPU",
"Nettoyage pΘriodique de la mΘmore de Windows...",
"Limites des tensions, des tempΘratures, vitesse des ventillateurs...",
"Contenu de l'EEPROM dans la SDRAM...",
"SDRAM4...", //385
"Barre des tΓches",
"Indicateurs numΘriques...",
"Indicateurs numΘriques...",
"Limites du graphique...",
"Carte mΦre...",
"Sonde de tempΘrature...",
"Offset de la tempΘature...",
"Celsius - Fahrenheit...",
"Configuartion des sources de mesures...",
"Configurer le dΘmarrage de jeux de la barre...",
"Nommer les indicateurs...",
"Informations d'enregistrement",
"Rubriqes d'aide",
"A propos de CPUCooL",
"TempΘrat 3",
"Capt Temp 0",
"Capt Temp 1",
"Capt Temp 2",
"Capt Temp 3",
"Capt Temp 4",
"Capt Temp 5",
"Capt Temp 6",
"Capt Temp 7",
"V Core",
"Tension 2",
"3,3 Volt",
"5 Volt",
"12 Volt",
"V bat",
"V opt",
"V accu",
"-5 Volt",
"-12 Volt",
"Ventil. 1",
"Ventil. 2",
"Ventil. 3",
"Ventil. 4",
"% CPU",
"% du temps 2",
"DΘbit (reτu)",
"DΘbit (Θmis)",
"Erreurs (CRC)",
"Total (reτu)",
"Total (Θmis)",
"MΘmoire dispo",
"MΘm. paginΘe",
"Disque (lect);",
"Disque (Θcrit.)",
"Tot. serveur",
"Tot. client",
"FrΘqu actuelle",
"", //460
"Enregistrer la configuration sous...",
"Charger la configuration...",
"% CPU / bargraph",
"% CPU / numbers",
"No % CPU usage shown",
"Afficher la mΘmoire libre",
"Add semicolon between values",
"Close tray menu",
"Remise α zΘro",
"Contr⌠le des ventilateurs",
"HDD 1", //475
"HDD 2",
"HDD 3",
"HDD 4",
"Disques durs",
"Informations supplΘmentaires",
"Activer S.M.A.R.T.\n(ne pas utiliser avec du SCSI)",
"NumΘro de modΦle",
"Version du microcode", //485
"NumΘro de sΘrie",
"Raw Read Error Rate",
"Throughput Performance",
"Spin Up Time",
"Start/Stop Count", //490
"Reallocated Sector Count",
"Read Channel Margin",
"Seek Error Rate",
"Seek Time Performance",
"Power On Hours Count", //495
"Spin Retry Count",
"Calibration Retry Count",
"Power Cycle Count",
"Unknown attribute"
"Current Value", //500
"Transhold Value",
"Status Value",
"RAW Value",
"Worse Ever Value",
"RΘgler le FSB peu endomager votre oridinateur!\nC'est α votre propre risque!\nPas de responsabilitΘ!\nManufacturier : %s\nType : %s\nFrΘquence FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nFrΘquence PCI : %2d.%1d MHz\nFrΘquence RAM : %2d.%1d MHz\nFrΘquence CPU : %d.%1d MHz",
"At every... rd time of the common update the S.M.A.R.T. information is updated too",
"There will be a message if one of the S.M.A.R.T. values changes",
"There will be a message if one of the standard S.M.A.R.T values (range 0 - 15) changes",
"There will be no message if one of the S.M.A.R.T. values changes",
"Attention!!!\nDrive %d\nS.M.A.R.T. Parameter %s changed from %d to %d",
"Sorry, this is only a test version.\nThere is no chance to register.\nThe full version includes the registration screen here\nPlease buy this program at:\nhttp://www.podien.de/REGISTER.HTM !\nRegistered users get a full version at\nsupport@podien.de\nPlease include your registration e-mail or your registration number in your request.");
"Search lower SMBus range",
"Search upper SMBus Range",
"Optimisation du disque dur",
"Set only basic cooling registers",
"Enable RAM refresh",
"CoolSVR.exe est chargΘ",
"CooLSRV.exe n'est pas chargΘ",
"Fan divisor\nDivide by the choosen number\n0 = take no divisor into account", // 520
"Fan divisor",
"Le fabriquant de votre carte mΦre ne semble pas Ωtre ASUS\nCPUCooL ne trouve pas ASUS dans le bios!\nVous utilisez ce logiciel α vos propres risques!\nMa resposibilitΘ ne pourra Ωtre engagΘe!",
"Ne pas utiliser cette option avec ce PLL.\nUtilisez le bouton RΘglages fins .",
"Temperature and absolute fan speed (*100 rpm, for 5000 rpm enter 50) for lower fan level",
"Temperature and absolute fan speed (*100 rpm, for 5000 rpm enter 50) for upper fan level",
"Generate info e-mail",
"F", //530
"*100 rpm",
"Set temperature sensor choice at startup",
"Couleurs de l'arriΦre plan (affchage complet)",
"Couleurs de l'arriΦre plan (affchage Mini)",
"FrontSideBus change\nThe mainboard choise is only for PLL preselection\nHints for finding the PLL at",
"You have found the monitoring ic!\nFor some hints to find the PLL please have a look at",
"You have found a PLL whose frequency could not be changed via SMBUS.\nThe PLL manufacturer did not implement this feature. It will also not be possible to change the frequency in the future version of any program - the hardware does not support it...",
"You have found a PLL who does not have an SMBUS.\nThe PLL manufacturer did not implement this feature. It will also not be possible to change the frequency in the future version of any program - the hardware does not support it...",
"Refroidissement via S1 (HALT) Sleep",
"Refroidissement via C2 (I/O based) sleep", //540
"An error occured while sending the e-mail.\nNo e-mail is sent\nIs your e-mail program running?\nThen please close it first,\nand try it again",
"Always display fans",
"Generate debug info",
"Les donnΘes ont ΘtΘ sauvegardΘes dans le fichier\nCPUFSB.Info",
"Rebuild tray icons after 30 min", //545
"Write Only PLL.\nThere is no reading of the PLL available only setting the new frequency!",
"No forced Athlon cooling",
"Only for registered users",
"The full version would save settings now! Please register CPUCooL for only 15,00 Euros / $ 17.95 US",
"Colored tray output",
"Number of lines",
"60 sec",
"CPU clock in Ghz",
"Harddisk state OK",
"Harddisk state BAD",//555
"Attention!!!\nHarddisk %d\nSMART error report for drive\n%s\nSerial : %s\nParameter %s value %d below transhold of %d\nDefect possible",
"Operazione da eseguire\nall'avvio di CPUCool.", //10
"Mostra la finestra principale",
"Nascondi nell'area di notifica",
"Se CPUCooL Φ avviato dalla cartella Esecuzione automatica",
"riduci a icona nell'area di notifica altrimenti mostra la finestra principale",
//Cyrix processor configuration
"Configurazione processore Cyrix", // 15
"Allocazione di scrittura",
"Cache Write Back",
"Tempo di IO Recovery",
"Linear Burst (pericoloso)",
"Cached Directory", // 20
"Negate Lock",
"Sospendi quando inattivo",
"Esci", //25
//End Menu
"Finestra estesa",
// Free Memory Menu
"Gestione della memoria di Windows",
"Libera in base alla memoria disponibile", // 30
"Se la memoria disponibile Φ inferiore a:",
"e non c'Φ attivitα per:",
"secondi, allora libera",
"megabyte di memoria.",
"Fare clic sull'icona nell'area di notifica per liberare:", // 35
"megabyte di memoria.",
"Libera la memoria ogni:",
"Libera la memoria periodicamente",
"Se non c'Φ attivitα per", //40
// General to do menu
"Origine da cui leggere i valori",
"Non mostrare alcun valore",
"Solo i valori da visualizzare nel systray",
"Mostra tutti i valori esclusi quelli di sistema",
"Visualizzazione completa", //45
// Cooling display
"Attiva raffreddamento",
"Disattiva raffreddamento",
"Azioni da eseguire quando si seleziona Avvia gioco dal menu nell'area di notifica:",
"Se la temperatura relativa a:",
"Φ maggiore di:", // 50
"allora aumenta la classe di prioritα per il raffreddamento.",
"Avvisa acusticamente",
"Se il tempo di utilizzo della CPU supera il:",
"% per:",
"secondi, allora sospendi il raffreddamento del processore.", //55
"Limite inferiore:",
"Limite superiore:", //60
"Attiva limiti di controllo",
// Priority display
"Idle (scelta non consigliata)",
"Superiore a idle", //65
"Real time",
"Aumenta la prioritα durante l'accesso",
// Shareware display
"Φ un'utilitα di sistema\ndel costo di soli $17.95 US.\n\nRegistratevi\ne contribuirete a supportarne\nlo sviluppo.",
"Immettere il codice di registrazione", //71
"Consultare la Guida in linea per ottenere informazioni sulla registrazione.\nIl costo della registrazione Φ di $17.95 US o 15,00 Euro.\nVisitate l'home page http://www.podien.de",
"Il periodo di valutazione Φ terminato.\nRegistratevi\no digitate un numero ad una cifra nella prossima finestra.",
"Sono stati selezionati troppi valori da visualizzare.\n╚ necessario rimuoverne alcuni.",
"Digitare un numero compreso\ntra %d e %d!", //75
"Grazie per aver scelto di registrare questo prodotto!",
"Codice di registrazione non trovato.",
// Message boxes
"╚ in esecuzione un altro processo?",
"Attendere il completamento della fase d'inizializzazione.",
"Sistema operativo sconosciuto.", //80
"Prima di avviare CPUCooL, Φ necessario installare il driver NTIOWP.SYS.",
"Il programma richiede una versione pi∙ recente del driver NTIOWP.SYS.\nPrima di avviare CPUCooL, aggiornare il driver NTIOWP.SYS.\nVersione richiesta: %d\nVersione corrente: %d",
"Prima di avviare CPUCooL, Φ necessario installare il driver IOWP9598.VXD.",
"Il programma richiede una versione pi∙ recente del driver IOWP9598.VXD.\nPrima di avviare CPUCooL, aggiornare il driver IOWP9598.VXD.\nVersione richiesta: %d\nVersione corrente: %d",
"Nessuna ottimizzazione disponibile per la serie Cyrix 5x86.", //85
"Nessuna ottimizzazione disponibile\nper i processori Intel 486.",
"Nessuna ottimizzazione disponibile\nal momento per i processori Intel 786.",
"Nessuna ottimizzazione disponibile\nper questo processore.",
//Exit Menue addtion
"Finestra ridotta",
//Small Display general configuration
"Posizione della finestra:", // 90
"Dimensione della finestra:",
"Angolo superiore destro",
"Angolo inferiore sinistro",
"Angolo inferiore destro", //95
"Sempre in primo piano",
//Small Displays left button menu
"Configurazione della finestra ridotta.",
"Visualizzazione numerica",
"Visualizzazione grafica", //100
"Visualizzazione a barre",
//Messages shown in main display
"Utilizza il raffreddamento alternativo",
"La CPU Φ raffreddata.",
"La CPU non Φ raffreddata.",
"Raffreddamento alternativo attivato", // 105
"Raffreddamento forzato ",
"Raffreddamento forzato disattivo ",
"Non mostrare le etichette",
"Mostra etichette e valori colorati", //110
"Eseguire CPUCool\nuna sola volta",
"Scelta della lingua",
"Esegui le ottimizzazioni",
"Sensori della temperatura e controllo ventole",
"Sensore compatibile Pentium", // 115
"Sensore transistor",
"Sensore compatibile Pentium",
"Sensore transistor",
"Sensore compatibile Pentium",
"Sensore transistor", // 120
"Il codice di registrazione digitato non Φ stato ottenuto legalmente. REGISTRATEVI! L'autore del programma Φ sufficientemente onesto da non distruggere il disco fisso. CPUCooL costa solamente $17.95 US! REGISTRATEVI e aiutate l'autore a continuare lo sviluppo di questo programma! ╚ costoso provare nuovo hardware e la spesa da sostenere per la registrazione Φ bassa!",
"\nNessuna ottimizzazione",
"Solo l'icona nel systray Φ aggiornata",
"La visualizzazione dei valori Φ stata disattivata.",
"Per visualizzare i valori, selezionare dal menu Impostazioni", // 125
"Origine da cui leggere i valori -> Mostra tutti i valori esclusi quelli di sistema",
"Origine da cui leggere i valori -> Visualizzazione completa",
"(versione non registrata)",
"Arresto del sistema", //130
"Arresta il sistema",
"Forza l'arresto del sistema",
"Riavvia il sistema",
"Forza il riavvio del sistema",
"Disconnetti", // 135
" pi∙ i tasti Alt e Control.",
"allora arresta il sistema.",
"Spegni il computer",
"La temperatura ha superato il limite imposto.\nCPUCooL arresterα il sistema.",
"Produttore PLL:", //140
"Tipo PLL:",
"Frequenza FSB:",
"Frequenza FSB 1 (icona nell'area di notifica):",
"Frequenza FSB 2 (icona nell'area di notifica):",
"Frequenza FSB 3 (icona nell'area di notifica):", //145
"Frequenza FSB 4 (icona nell'area di notifica):",
"Valori PLL attuali:",
"Frequenza FSB al riavvio successivo:",
"Imposta frequenza",
"Leggi PLL", //150
"Errore durante la lettura del PLL",
"Questa operazione potrebbe danneggiare l'hardware.\nL'utente se ne assume tutti rischi.\nL'autore del programma non si assume alcuna responsabilitα.\nSe il sistema si blocca, scollegare l'alimentazione e riprovare.\nProduttore: %s\nModello: %s\nFrequenza FSB: %3d.%1d MHz\nFrequenza PCI: %2d.%1d MHz\nFrequenza CPU: %d.%1d MHz",
"Frequenza attuale",
"Errore durante l'impostazione del PLL",
"Il numero di byte letti non Φ corretto.\nDovrebbe essere %d attuale %d", //155
"(nessun valore impostato)",
"Questa operazione potrebbe danneggiare l'hardware!\nFatelo a vostro rischio.\nNon mi assumo alcuna responsabilitα!",
"Il PLL Φ in sola scrittura!\nNon pu≥ essere letto.\nNon c'Φ motivo di allarmarsi.\n╚ possibile modificare la frequenza di un PLL in sola scrittura!",
" troppo piccolo",
" troppo grande", //160
"Non si dispone dei privilegi necessari per arrestare il sistema.",
"Avvia la registrazione degli eventi all'avvio di CPUCooL",
"Accoda i dati nel registro degli eventi",
"Scrivi nel registro degli eventi le informazioni sui dati",
"Scrivi solo i valori riportati dalla scheda madre", //165
"Si Φ verificato un errore durante l'apertura del registro degli eventi.",
"Si Φ verificato un errore durante la chiusura del registro degli eventi.",
"Si Φ verificato un errore durante la scrittura del registro degli eventi.",
"Il registro degli eventi Φ giα aperto.",
"Il registro degli eventi non Φ aperto.", //170
"Latenza della cache L2:",
"Ottimizza il processore all'avvio di CPUCooL",
"Testare prima la latenza della cache L2.", //175
"Questa operazione potrebbe danneggiare l'hardware!\nL'utente se ne assume tutti i rischi.\nL'autore del programma non si assume alcuna responsabilitα.\nSe il sistema si blocca, scollegare l'alimentazione e riprovare.",
" (limite):",
"Non visualizzare le linee orizzontali",
"Non visualizzare le linee verticali",
"Rappresenta il grafico in Celsius", //180
"Visualizza le temperature superiori a 130F",
"Salva le informazioni in un file",
"Le informazioni sono state salvate\nnel file CPUCooL.Info.",
"Grafico a barre:", // 185
"Valori numerici:",
"Nessun allarme nell'area di notifica",
"Digitare un numero tra %d e %d", //190
"Riduci potenza",
"Riduci potenza (MMX)",
"Mostra finestra principale",
"Libera memoria",
"Raffredda processore", //195
"Disattiva raffreddamento",
"Allarme attivo",
"Allarme disattivo",
"Raffreddamento forzato disattivo",
"Interrompi gioco", //200
"Avvia gioco",
"I valori sono aggiornati ogni %d sec. ",
"Disattiva raffreddamento",
"Sospendi il timer",
"Quantitα di memoria RAM da liberare (in MB):", //205
"Frequenza FSB (in MHz):",
"Azioni da eseguire al termine del gioco:",
"Ripristina raffreddamento",
"Ripristina il timer",
"Sensore termistore", //210
"Sensore termistore",
"Sensore termistore",
"allora riduci la frequenza FSB:",
"Se la temperatura scende sotto:",
"allora ripristina la frequenza FSB precedente.", //215
"Contenuto della EEPROM.",
"Valore di checksum:",
"Byte totali:",
"Latenza CAS:",
"Ciclo SDRAM:", //220
"Tempo d'accesso SDRAM:",
"2░ ciclo SDRAM:",
"2░ tempo d'accesso SDRAM:",
"Spec PC100:",
"Avanzate...", //225
"RAS to CAS Delay:",
"RAS Precharge:",
"Aggiorna solo l'area di notifica",
"Nessun aggiornamento",
"Riduci a icona la finestra", //230
"Ripristina la finestra",
"Raffreddamento processore",
"Ottimizzazione del processore",
"Frequenza del Front Side Bus",
"Gestione della memoria", //235
"Opzioni di visualizzazione",
"Limiti per la temperatura, il voltaggio e la velocitα delle ventole",
"Scostamento temperatura",
"Scala Celsius / Fahrenheit", //240
"Avvio di CPUCooL",
"Prioritα di esecuzione di CPUCooL",
"Configurazione per l'esecuzione dei giochi",
"File di log",
"Finestra di configurazione di CPUCooL", //245
"Valori numerici",
"Limiti per i valori del grafico",
"Attiva controllo ventole",
"Temperatura e velocitα della ventola (limite inferiore)", //250
"Temperatura e velocitα della ventola (limite superiore)",
"Sensore da monitorare:",
"Consultare la Guida in linea (premere F1)",
"Non effettuare l'analisi della scheda madre all'avvio",
"EEProm vuota o non presente", //255
"RPM ",
"Espelli tutti i supporti rimovibili",
"Frequenza FSB durante l'arresto del sistema:",
"Per modificare la frequenza del Front Side Bus, Φ necessario selezionare il PLL installato sulla propria scheda madre. Se si conosce il produttore e il modello della scheda madre utilizzata, selezionarla dal seguente elenco.", //260
"Espelli il supporto rimovibile",
"Scheda madre",
"", //265
"Se la propria scheda madre non compare in elenco\nnon si dovrebbero comunque verificare problemi durante l'utilizzo di CPUCooL.\nQualora si identifichi il produttore ed il tipo di PLL utilizzato, inviare un'e-mail al seguente indirizzo:",
"Per suggerimenti su come identificare il PLL, visitare:",
"Una volta identificato il produttore e il modello di scheda madre utilizzato, scegliere dal menu Impostazioni la voce Scheda madre.",
"s∞", //270
"Non lo so",
"╚ stata selezionata la scheda madre\n%s\ncon il PLL\n prodotto da: %s modello: %s.\n╚ corretto?",
"Leggi frequenza",
"Impostazione cache L2",
"Tipo cache Motorola / Mitsubishi",
"Tipo cache NEC / SEC",
"Testare prima la velocitα per la cache L2",
"L2 attuale", //280
"Esegui l'ottimizzazione della cache L2 all'avvio di CPUCooL",
"Se il computer emette strani suoni o compaiono finestre d'avviso, probabilmente Φ attivo anche un altro sistema per il monitoraggio della temperatura. ╚ possibile disattivare eventuali avvertimenti visivi o acustici modificando le opzioni del BIOS oppure i parametri di configurazione del programma per la rilevazione della temperatura.",
"Per avviare il servizio di CPUCooL Φ necessario collegarsi con i privilegi di amministratore di sistema.",
"Accesso alternativo PLL",
"Prima di cambiare il metodo di accesso al PLL\nspegnere il computer.",
"Modifica della frequenza non riuscita!",
"Modifica della cache L2 riuscita.",
"Si Φ verificato un errore durante la modifica della cache L2.",
"Registrazione del programma",
"allora esegui l'applicazione:",
"allora esegui l'applicazione:",
"Φ inferiore a:",
"Φ maggiore di:",
"Avvio programma per il controllo della temperatura",
"Arresto programma per il controllo della temperatura",
"Programma da avviare:",
"Il produttore %s ha modificato il PLL durante la fase di produzione.\n╚ possibile scegliere tra:\nproduttore: %s modello: %s oppure\nproduttore: %s modello: %s.\nVerificare sulla scheda madre il tipo di PLL corretto.",
"La frequenza del Front Side Bus non Φ stata modificata.\nIl risultato riportato potrebbe essere errato.",
"Chiudi CPUFSB una volta avviato da Esecuzione automatica",
"Usa le schede video",
"Arresta il sistema senza visualizzare messaggi",
"Cambia la frequenza FSB in base al valore della temperatura",
"Raffredda il processore in base al valore della temperatura",
"Arresta il sistema in base al valore della temperatura",
"Forza l'arresto del sistema senza salvare i documenti ancora aperti", //305
"Opzioni raffreddamento del processore",
"Raffreddamento forzato",
"Frequenza FSB",
"Arresto del sistema",
"Esecuzione delle applicazioni",
"Esegui un'applicazione se il valore della temperatura Φ maggiore del limite 1 (in gradi)",
"Esegui un'applicazione se il valore della temperatura Φ inferiore al limite 2 (in gradi)",
"Il valore della temperatura deve prima essere maggiore del limite 1, quindi deve scendere al di sotto del limite 2",
"Raffreddamento del processore", //315
"Nomi da visualizzare per temperature, voltaggi e ventole", //320
"Raffredda il processore se la temperatura supera il seguente limite",
"Raffredda il processore se la temperatura Φ inferiore al seguente limite",
"allora raffredda il processore.",
"allora sospendi il raffreddamento del processore.",
"Mostra il contenuto della seguente SPD EEPROM:", //325
"La visualizzazione dei valori del PLL potrebbe essere errata. ╚ necessario impostare prima la frequenza.",
"Raffreddamento forzato ATHLON.\nAlcune schede madri potrebbero emettere un rumore dalla scheda audio!\nInoltre, alcune schede TV potrebbero non funzionare correttamente!",
"Salva", //330
"mostra la finestra ridotta altrimenti mostra la finestra principale",
"(Non disponibile)",
"Ottimizzazione accurata",
"Usa frequenza 'accurata %d' in CPUCooL",
"Attenzione!!! Il tipo di frequenza 'accurata %d' non Φ stata collaudata!\nNon Φ quindi possibile utilizzarla in CPUCooL!\nPrima provatela!",
"Modificare la frequenza dle Front Side Bus pu≥ seriamente danneggiare l'hardware!\nL'utente se ne assume i rischi. L'autore del programma non si assuma alcuna responsabilitα.\nQualora il sistema si dovesse bloccare, scollegare l'alimentazione e riprovate.\nProduttore: %s\nModello: %s\nFrequenza FSB: %3d.%1d MHz\nFrequenza PCI: %2d.%1d MHz\nFrequenza CPU: %d.%1d MHz",
"Numero delle linee orizzontali:",
"Usa la frequenza nel systray e all'avvio di CPUCooL",
"Usa la frequenza nel systray e all'uscita da CPUCooL",
"Usa all'avvio",
"Moltiplicatore modificato per for K6-2/3+",
"Identifica rotazioni lente delle ventole",
"Se %s identifica un moltiplicatore errato, correggerlo qui",
"Frequenza attuale:",
"1 clock per frame e CPU/PCI slave",
"Prioritα CPU/PCI, PCIBusMaster",
"Cache di PCI MasterRead (pericoloso)", // 351
"Riduce i problemi legati al sonoro / USB",
"Frequenza di base",
"FSB", //355
"Rotazione prioritα Master 2 cicli",
"Delay transaction (pericoloso per i sistemi VIA686B)",
"Questo PLL presenta un'opzione che consente l'ottimizzazione accurata.\nSi consiglia di utilizzarla in quanto pi∙ stabile e sicura.",
"&Salva le impostazioni",
"C&onfigura il registro degli eventi...",
"Salva con &nome il registro degli eventi...",
"Avvia la ®istrazione degli eventi",
"&Interrompi la registrazione degli eventi",
"&1 sec",
"&2 sec",
"&5 sec",
"10 &sec",
"20 s&ec",
"30 se&c",
"&Raffreddamento del processore...",
"Configur&azione dei tasti di scelta rapida per l'arresto del sistema...",
"&Impostazione della frequenza del Front side bus...",
"&Ottimizzazione del processore...",
"&Gestione della memoria di Windows...",
"&Limitazione di voltaggi, temperatura e rotazione delle ventole...",
"Contenuto delle &EEPROM SDRAM",
"SDRAM4", //385
"Finestra nell'&area di notifica",
"&Finestra principale",
"Visualizzazione &numerica",
"Visualizzazione &grafico",
"Finestra &ridotta",
"Visualizzazione &numerica",
"Visualizzazione istogramma",
"Visualizzazione g&rafico",
"Limiti per la rappresentazione del &grafico...",
"Scelta dei &colori...",
"&Scheda madre...",
"Sensori della &temperatura e controllo ventole...",
"Scosta&mento temperatura...",
"Scala dei &valori della temperatura...",
"Origine da cui leggere i &valori...",
"Scelta della &lingua...",
"Operazione da eseguire all'&avvio di CPUCooL...",
"Configurazione di CPUCool per l'esecuzione dei &giochi...",
"Personalizzazione dei &nomi dei sensori...",
"Prioritα di esecuzione di &CPUCooL...",
"&Informazioni sulla registrazione",
"&Sommario e indice",
"&Informazioni su CPUCooL",
"Sens temp 0",
"Sens temp 1",
"Sens temp 2",
"Sens temp 3",
"Sens temp 4",
"Sens temp 5",
"Sens temp 6",
"Sens temp 7",
"VCore 1",
"VCore 2",
"3,3 V",
"5 V",
"12 V",
"V bat",
"V opt",
"V accu",
"-5 V",
"-12 V",
"Vent 1",
"Vent 2",
"Vent 3",
"Vent 4",
"Tempo CPU 1",
"% Tempo 2",
"Modem ricev",
"Modem inviati",
"Modem CRC",
"Totale ricevuti",
"Totale inviati",
"Memoria disp",
"Pag mem",
"Lettura disco",
"Scrittura disco",
"Totale server",
"Totale client",
"Freq. CPU",
"", //460
"Tipo di carattere",
"S&alva le impostazioni in un file...",
"&Carica le impostazioni da un file...",
"% uso CPU / grafico",
"% uso CPU / numeri",
"Non mostrare % uso CPU",
"Mostra la memoria non usata",
"Separa i valori con punto e virgola",
"Chiudi il menu",
"Reimposta tutti i valori",
"Controllo ventole",
"Disco &1", //475
"Disco &2",
"Disco &3",
"Disco &4",
"&Unitα disco",
"Ulteriori informazioni",
"Attiva la funzione S.M.A.R.T.\n(solo se non si utilizza un'interfaccia SCSI)",
"Revisione Firmware", //485
"Numero di serie",
"Raw Read Error Rate",
"Throughput Performance",
"Spin Up Time",
"Start/Stop Count", //490
"Reallocated Sector Count",
"Read Channel Margin",
"Seek Error Rate",
"Seek Time Performance",
"Power On Hours Count", //495
"Spin Retry Count",
"Calibration Retry Count",
"Power Cycle Count",
"Attributo sconosciuto"
"Valore attuale", //500
"Valore Transhold",
"Valore RAW",
"Valori critici",
"Modificare la frequenza del FSB potrebbe danneggiare l'hardware!\nL'utente se ne assume tutti i rischi.\nL'autore del programma non si assume alcuna responsabilitα.\nSe durante l'operazione il sistema si blocca, scollegare l'alimentazione e riprovate.\nProduttore: %s\nModello : %s\nFrequenza FSB: %3d.%1d MHz\nFrequenza PCI: %2d.%1d MHz\nFrequenza RAM: %2d.%1d MHz\nFrequenza CPU: %d.%1d MHz",
"Specificare ogni quante esecuzioni dell'aggiornamento generale aggiornare le informazioni S.M.A.R.T.:",
"Visualizza un messaggio se uno dei valori S.M.A.R.T. viene modificato",
"Visualizza un messaggio se uno dei valori standard S.M.A.R.T (compresi tra 0 e 15) viene modificato",
"Non visualizzare alcun messaggio se uno dei valori S.M.A.R.T. viene modificato",
"Attenzione!!!\nUnitα %d.\nIl parametro S.M.A.R.T. %s Φ stato modificato da %d a %d",
"Questa Φ una copia di valutazione.\nQuesta versione del programma non pu≥ essere registrata.\n╚ necessario acquistare la versione completa.\nPer acquistare una copia completa del software, visitare:\nhttp://www.podien.de/REGISTER.HTM\nGli utenti registrati possono richiedere la versione completa inviando un'e-mail a\nsupport@podien.de, allegando il proprio codice di registrazione.");
"Identifica intervallo di valori SMBus pi∙ basso",
"Identifica intervallo di valori SMBus pi∙ alto",
"Ottimizzazioni unitα disco",
"Imposta solo i registri base",
"Attiva aggiornamento RAM",
"CoolSVR.exe Φ attivo.",
"CooLSRV.exe non Φ attivo.",
"Divisore ventola.\nDivide per il numero impostato.\n0 = non considera alcun divisore", // 520
"Divisore ventola",
"La scheda madre che si sta utilizzando Φ prodotta da ASUS?\nCPUCooL non ha trovato la stringa di testo ASUS nel BIOS.\nSe continuate, lo fate a vostro rischio!\nL'autore del programma non si assume alcuna responsabilitα.",
"Non Φ possibile modificare la frequenza del PLL utilizzando questo metodo.\nPer modificare la frequenza, fare clic sul pulsante per l'ottimizzazione accurata.",
"Controllo SMBus minimo (rileva solo indirizzi 2c-2e)",
"Rileva monitor Dell",
"Impostare temperatura e velocitα di rotazione della ventola per il limite inferiore (valore rpm*100. Esempio: per impostare 5000 rpm, digitare 50).",
"Impostare temperatura e velocitα di rotazione della ventola per il limite superiore (valore rpm*100. Esempio: per impostare 5000 rpm, digitare 50).",
"Supporto tecnico via e-mail",
"F", //530
"*100 rpm",
"Scegli il sensore della temperatura all'avvio",
"Colore di sfondo (finestra principale)",
"Colore di sfondo (finestra ridotta)",
"Modificare la frequenza del Front Side Bus.\nPer suggerimenti su come identificare il PLL installato sulla propria scheda madre, visitare:",
"╚ stato trovato il circuito integrato dedicato al monitoraggio.\nPer suggerimenti su come riconosce il PLL installato, visitare:",
"Non Φ possibile cambiare la frequenza del PLL via SMBUS.\nIl produttore del PLL non ha implementato questa possibilitα. PoichΘ l'hardware non lo consente, anche le future versioni del programma non potranno cambiare la frequenza del PLL.",
"Il PLL Φ sprovvisto di SMBUS.\nIl produttore del PLL non ha implementato questa caratteristica. PoichΘ l'hardware non lo consente, anche le future versioni del programma non potranno cambiare la frequenza del PLL.",
"Raffreddamento via Sleep S1 (istruzione HALT)",
"Raffreddamento via Sleep C2 (dipendendete da I/O)", //540
"Si Φ verificato un errore durante l'invio del messaggio di posta elettronica.\nNon Φ stato possibile inviare lÆe-mail.\nSe il client di posta elettronica Φ in esecuzione, chiuderlo, quindi riprovare.",
"Mostra le seguenti ventole:",
"Genera informazioni di de&bug",
"Le informazioni sono state salvate\nnel file CPUFSB.Info.",
"Aggiorna le icone visualizzate nell'area di notifica dopo 30 min", //545
"Questo PLL Φ in sola scrittura.\nNon Φ possibile leggere le informazioni del PLL ma Φ possibile impostare la nuova frequenza.",
"Non forzare il raffreddamento del processore Athlon",
"Only for registered users",
"The full version would save settings now! Please register CPUCooL for only 15,00 Euros / $ 17.95 US",
"Colored tray output",
"Number of lines",
"60 sec",
"CPU clock in Ghz",
"Harddisk state OK",
"Harddisk state BAD",//555
"Attention!!!\nHarddisk %d\nSMART error report for drive\n%s\nSerial : %s\nParameter %s value %d below transhold of %d\nDefect possible",
"Jestli je CPUCooL spuÜt∞n ze startovacφho souboru",
"jdi na tray jinak spusti dialog",
//Cyrix - konfigurace procesoru
"Cyrix - konfigurace procesoru", // 15
"Zapisovat rozvr₧enφ",
"Odepsat Cache",
"IO obnovovacφ Φas",
"Lineßrnφ prasknutφ (nebezpeΦnΘ)",
"CACHED adresß°", // 20
"ZruÜit zßmek",
"P°eruÜit p°i zastavenφ",
"Odejφt", //25
//Konec Menu
"Jdi na Tray",
"VelkΘ zobrazenφ",
// Menu VolnΘ Pam∞ti
"Uvolnit pam∞¥",
"Pod limit", // 30
"Jestli₧e je volnΘ pam∞¥ mpod limitem",
"a nenφ aktivita na",
"sekund pak zaΦni uvol≥ovat",
"megabyt∙ pam∞ti",
"Klikßnφ na tray bude uvol≥ovat", // 35
"megabyt∙ pam∞ti",
"Uvolnit pam∞¥ ka₧d²ch",
"PeriodickΘ pozadφ",
"Jestli₧e nenφ aktivita na", //40
// VÜeobecnΘ menu
"Konfigurace m∞°enφ zdroje",
"Pouzetray hodnota",
"Tray a zßkladnφ deska hodnoty",
"Pln² display", //45
// Cooling display
"Chladφcφ mod zapnut",
"Chladφcφ mod vypnut",
"Akce k provedenφ kdy₧ Tray nßstroj Start Game je vybrßn",
"Jestli₧e teplota",
"se zvedne nad", // 50
"pak zv²Üit prioritu v²konuchlazenφ",
"a spustit poplach",
"Jestli₧e je Φinnost v²Üe ne₧",
"% na",
"sekund, zastavit funkci chlazenφ", //55
"Dolnφ limit",
"Hornφ limit", //60
"Aktivovat kontrolu limitu",
// Priority displaye
"Nad neΦinnost", //65
"Nad normßl",
"SkuteΦn² Φas",
"Zv²Üit prioritu b∞hem p°φstupu",
// Shareware zobrazenφ
"je levn² $17.95 US univerzßlnφ nßstroj. Prosφm registrujte se a pomozte podpo°it dalÜφ v²voj.",
"Vlo₧te registraΦnφ Φφslo", //71
"Sledujte nßpov∞du pro zjiÜt∞nφ jak zφskat registraΦnφ Φφslo.RegistraΦnφ poplatek je $17,95 US nebo Ç 15,00 nebo.Prosφm navÜtivte moji strßnku http://www.podien.de",
"ZkuÜebnφ doba uplynula. Prosφm registrujte se nebo vlo₧te jinΘ Φφslo v dalÜφm zobrazenφ.",
"P°φli₧ mnoho na zobrazenφ! Prosφm nejprve odstra≥te n∞jakΘ nßstroje!",
"Program vy₧aduje novou verzi ovladaΦ∙! Prosφm nainstalujte NTIOWP.SYS nejd°φve Version read out : %d SouΦasnß verze : %d",
"Nainstalujtre ovladaΦ IOWP9598.VXD nejd°φve",
"Program vy₧aduje novou verzi ovladaΦ∙! Prosφm nainstalujte IOWP9598.VXD nejd°φvet Version read out : %d SouΦasnß verze : %d",
"Äßdnß optimalizace pro Cyrix 5x86 serie", //85
"Äßdnß optimalizace pro Intel 486 CPU's",
"Äßdnß optimalizace pro Intel 786 doposud",
"Äßdnß optimalizace pro tento procesor dostupnß",
//Exit Menue addtion
"MalΘ zobrazenφ",
//Small Display general configuration
"Pozice malΘho zobrazenφ", // 90
"Velikost malΘho zobrazenφ",
"Prav² hornφ roh",
"Lev² dolnφ roh",
"Prav² dolnφ roh ", //95
"V₧dy naho°e",
//Small Displays left button menu
"Konfigurace mal²ch zobrazenφ",
"NumerickΘ zobrazenφ",
"GrafickΘ zobrazenφ", //100
"Bargraf zobrazenφ",
//Zprßvy zobrazenΘ v hlavnφm zobrazenφ
"St°φdavΘ chlazenφ",
"Chlazenφ zapnuto ",
"Chlazenφ vypnuto ",
"St°φdavΘ chlazenφ zapnuto ", // 105
"NouzovΘ chlazenφ ",
"FORCIERTE chlazenφ nouzov∞ vypnuto ",
"ÄßdnΘ zobrazenφ nßzv∙",
"Barevn² display", //110
"Prosφm spus¥te CPUCooL pouze jednou",
"Teplota vybranΘho senzoru",
"Tepl1 Sensor Pentium kompatabilnφ", // 115
"Tepl1 Sensor Tranzistor",
"Tepl2 Sensor Pentium kompatabilnφ",
"Tepl2 Sensor Tranzistor",
"Tepl3 Sensor Pentium kompatabilnφ",
"Tepl3 Sensor Tranzistor", // 120
"RegistraΦnφ Φφslo, kterΘ jste vlo₧ili je pirßtskΘ. PROS═M REGISTRUJTE SE! Jsem hodn², ₧e vßm nezniΦφm harddisk. CPUCooL stojφ jen $17.95 US! PROS═M REGISTRUJTE SE a pomozte mi ve v²voji CPUCooL! Pamatujte si ₧e je drahΘ testvat nov² hardware a cena kterou platφte je malß!",
"Nastavenφ -> Konfigurace m∞°enφ zdroje -> Tray a zßkladnφ deska hodnoty",
"Nastavenφ -> Konfigurace m∞°enφ zdroje -> Pln² display",
"Zobrazenφ vypnutφ Windows", //130
"Normßlnφ Windows vypnutφ tlaΦφtko",
"NouzovΘ Windows vypnutφ tlaΦφtko",
"Normßlnφ Windows restart tlaΦφtko",
"NouzovΘ Windows restart tlaΦφtko",
"Logoff klßvesu", // 135
"a Alt a Control klßvesy",
"ukonΦitt Windows",
"a vypne zdroj",
"Teplota p°ekroΦila limit. CPUCooL se nynφ vypne.",
"PLL v²robce", //140
"PLL typ",
"Frekvence k nastavenφ",
"Tray frekvence 1",
"Tray frekvence 2",
"Tray frekvence 3", //145
"Tray frekvence 4",
"SouΦasnΘ PLL hodnoty",
"Nastav FSB na dalÜφ spuÜt∞nφ",
"Nastav frekvenci",
"Zφskat PLL v²stupt", //150
"Chyba p°i Φtenφ PLL",
"Nastavenφ FSB m∙₧e poÜkodit vßÜ hardware! na vlastnφ riziko! Äßdnß zodpov∞dnost! kdy₧ system zamrzne odpojte zdroj a zkuste to znovu! V²robce : %s Typ : %s Frekvence FSB : %3d.%1d MHz Frekvence PCI : %2d.%1d MHz CPU frekvence : %d.%1d MHz",
"Aktußlnφ frekvence",
"Chyba nastavenφ PLL",
"èpatn² poΦet byt∙ p°eΦteno. M∙₧e b²t %d actual %d", //155
"Zφskßvßnφ PLL dat m∙₧e pÜkodit vßÜ hardware! je to na vlastnφ nebezpeΦφ! Äßdnß zodpov∞dnost!",
"VaÜe PLL je pouze k zßpisu PLL! Nelze ho naΦφtat Nenφ to d∙vod k obavßm M∙₧ete psßt jinou frekvenci do pouze zapisovateln²ch PLL's!",
" p°φli₧ malΘ",
" p°φli₧ velkΘ", //160
"Äßdnß v²sada vypnutφ",
"P°ihlßsit p°i startu CPUCooL",
"P°ipsat data k logsouboru",
"Text dat je zapsßn v logsouboru",
"Pouze hodnoty zßkladnφ desky", //165
"Chyba p°i otevφrßnφ logsouboru",
"Chyba zavφrßnφ logsouboru",
"Chyba uklßdßlφ logsouboru",
"Logsoubor u₧ je otev°en",
"Logsoubor nenφ otev°en", //170
"L2 Cache Zpo₧d∞nφ",
"Nastavte optimalizaci na start CPUCooL",
"Prosφm otestujte nejprve L2 Cache Zpo₧d∞nφ", //175
"Toto nastavenφ m∙₧e poÜkodit vßÜ hardware! je to na vaÜe riziko! Äßdnß zodpov∞dnost! Jestli system zamrzne odpojte zdroj a zkuste to znovu!",
" Limit",
"ÄßdnΘ vodorovnΘ Φßry",
"ÄßdnΘ svislΘ Φßry",
"Grafick² display v Celsiech", //180
"Teplota ukazuje vφce ne₧ 130F",
"Ulo₧it info do souboru",
"Data byly zapsßny do souboru CPUCooL.Info",
"Bargraf", // 185
"NumerickΘ hodnoty",
"FaleÜnß Φφsla v tray",
"Äßdn² alarm na tray",
"Rychl² tray ΦφselnΘho generovßnφ",
"Prosφm vlo₧te Φφslo mezi %d a %d", //190
"Nφzk² v²kon",
"Nφzk² v²kon MMX",
"Otev°φt hlavnφ zobrazenφ",
"Volnß pam∞¥",
"Chlazenφ obvodu", //195
"Chlazenφ zapnuto",
"Alarm zapnut",
"Alarm vypnut",
"NouzovΘ chlazenφ vypnuto",
"Zastavit hru", //200
"Spustit hru",
"Update rate %d sec ",
"Vypnout chlazenφ",
"Zastavit ΦasovaΦ pravidelnΘho postupu",
"VolnΘ Megabity pam∞ti (MByte)", //205
"Nastav FSB na MHz",
"Postupy kdy₧ tray item zastavφ hru je vybran²",
"UvΘst do p∙vodnφho stavu chlazenφ",
"UvΘst do p∙vodnφho stavu ΦasovaΦ pravidelnΘho postupu",
"TEPL1 senzor termistor", //210
"TEPL2 senzor termistor",
"TEPL3 senzor termistor",
"snφ₧it FSB na",
"Jestli teplota klesne",
"nastav starou FSB znovu", //215
"Obsahy EEPROMS na SDRAM ( ve zkrßcenΘ form∞)",
"Kontrolnφ souΦet",
"PoΦet Byt∙ v EEPROM",
"CAS Zpo₧d∞nφ",
"SDRAM Φas cyklu", //220
"SDRAM p°φstupov² Φas",
"SDRAM druh² Φas cyklu",
"SDRAM druh² p°φstupov² Φas",
"PC100 t°φda",
"RozÜφ°en² v²kon (v²stup)", //225
"RAS do CAS Odlo₧enφ",
"RAS Precharge ╚as",
"Aktualizace pouze v tray modu",
"Äßdnß aktualizace",
"Minimalizovat v²stupnφ okno", //230
"P°ed∞lat v²stupnφ okno",
"Chladφcφ m≤d",
"CPU optimalizace",
"CPU m∞°iΦ frekvence (FSB)",
"Windows pam∞¥ optimalizace", //235
"Zobraz nastavenφ",
"Limity teploty, volta₧e, a rychlosti v∞trßku",
"Odchylka teploty",
"Celzi∙ / Stup≥∙ Fahrenheita", //240
"CPUCooL spuÜt∞nφ",
"CPUCooL priorita",
"Tray item game start",
"Log soubor",
"CPUCooL Hlavnφ zobrazenφ konfigurace", //245
"╚φsla a obecn∞...",
"GrafickΘ limity",
"Povolit regulaci otßΦek u CPUCooL",
"Teplota a rychlost v∞trßku pro ni₧Üφ ·rove≥ v∞trßnφ", //250
"Teplota a rychlost v∞trßku pro vyÜÜφ ·rove≥ v∞trßnφ",
"Kontrolnφ senzor",
"Sledujte nßpov∞du (Klßvesa F1)",
"Äßdnß zßkladnφ deska poΦφtaΦe analyzovßna p°i spuÜt∞nφ",
"EEPROM jsem prßzdn² nebo nep°φtomn²", //255
"Vytßhn∞te vÜechny vym∞nitelnΘ jednotky",
"P°i vypnutφ nastav FSB na",
"Jestli chcete zm∞nit FrontSideBus vaÜφ zßkladnφ desky musφte oznaΦit PLL.Jestli znßte v²robce a typ vaÜφ zßkladnφ desky, prosφm vyberte je hned", //260
"V²robce desky",
"Typ zßkladnφ desky",
"Vytßhn∞te vym∞nitelnß mΘdia",
"V²b∞r zßkladnφ desky",
"", //265
"Jestli vaÜe deska nenφ v seznamu vÜechno by m∞lo pracovat dob°e bez v²b∞ru. jestli ne nebo jestli najdete PLL v²robce a typ, prosφm napiÜte mi e-mail at",
"Hints for finding the PLL at",
"Jestli₧e zjistφte v²robce a typ vaÜφ zßkladnφ desky, prosφm vyberte volby -> v²b∞r zßkladnφ desky pro v²b∞r vaÜφ desky.",
"ano", //270
"Vybral jste si zßkladnφ desku %s S pll V²robce : %s typ : %s. je to sprßvn∞?",
"Jestli slyÜφte n∞jakΘ zvuky nebo vidφte boxy se sprßvami, m∙₧ete vypnout zvuky v BIOS nebo vypn∞te boxy se sprßvami v jinΘm monitorovacφm programu",
"Prosφm registrujte se s administrßtorsk²mi privilegii dejte CPUCooL Server service!",
"Mo₧nost PLL p°φstupu",
"P°ed zm∞nou vstupnφ metody pro PLL prosφm prvnφ vypn∞te poΦφtaΦ",
"Frekvence nebyla ·sp∞Ün∞ zm∞n∞na!",
"L2 cache ·sp∞Ün∞ zm∞n∞no",
"Chyba p°i zm∞n∞ L2 cache",
"stupe≥, start",
"stupe≥, start",
"Teplota °φdφcφ spuÜt∞nφ programu",
"Teplota °φdφcφ spuÜt∞nφ programu program vypla",
"Spustit program",
"V²robce %s zm∞nil PLL b∞hem produkce. Mo₧nΘ typy jsou: v²robce: %s typ: %s nebo v²robce: %s typ: %s Prosφm podφvejte se na vaÜi zßkladnφ desku pro vybrßnφ typu!",
"FrontSideBus nebyl zm∞n∞n. V²sledek m∙₧e b²t Üpatn²",
"Opustit CPUFSB hned po zavolßnφ z autostart slo₧ky",
"Pou₧ij GrafickΘ karty",
"bez otßzek",
"Zapnout teplotu zßvislou na FSB nastavenφ",
"P°epnout na teplotu pod°φzenou nucenΘmu chlazenφ",
"P°epnout na teplotu pod°φzenou vypnutφ poΦφtaΦe",
"NucenΘ ukonΦenφ bez ulo₧enφ nastavenφ", //305
"Zobrazenφ chlazenφ",
"Hlavnφ zobrazenφ",
"NucenΘ chlazenφ",
"Snφ₧it FSB",
"Vypnutφ poΦφtaΦe",
"SpuÜt∞nφ programu",
"Teplota pod°φzenß programu se spustφ jestli₧e je teplota nad limitem(1)",
"Teplota pod°φzenß programu se spustφ jestli₧e je teplota pod limitem(2)",
"Prvnφ to musφ jφt nad limit (1) a pak pod (2)",
"Teolotn∞ zßvislΘ chlazenφ", //315
"ObecnΘ nastavenφ",
"Nastavenφ zobrazenφ",
"ZobrazenΘ nßzvy teplot, voltß₧φ a v∞trßk∙", //320
"Teplotn∞ zßvislΘ chlazenφ nad limitem",
"Teplotn∞ zßvislΘ chlazenφ pod limitem",
"spustit CPU chlazenφ",
"zastavit CPU chlazenφ",
"Zobrazit obsahy SPD EEPROM", //325
"V²stup PLL by mohl b²t Üpatn². Prosφm prvnφ nastavte frekvenci!",
"ATHLON nucenΘ chlazenφ. Na n∞kter²ch deskßch by mohl b²t n∞jak² Üum ze zvukovΘ karty!\nSome tv cards do not work properly!",
"Ulo₧it", //330
"otev°φt malou nabφdku jinak spustit dialog",
"JemnΘ lad∞nφ",
"Pou₧φt frekvenci 'jemnΘ %d' v CPUCooL",
"Varovßnφ!!! Frekvence 'JemnΘ %d' nenφ testovanß! Tak₧e nenφ dostupnß v CPUCooL! Prosφm zkuste to d°φve!",
"Nastavit frekvenci",
"Nastavenφ FSB m∙₧e poÜkodit vßÜ hardware! It je na vlastnφ nebezpeΦφ! Äßdnß zoodpov∞dnost! jestli system zustane zamrzly odpojte zdroj a zkuste to znovu! V²robce : %s Typ : %s Frekvence FSB : %3d.%1d MHz CPU frekvence : %d.%1d MHz",
"Enable S.M.A.R.T.\n(if you have a SCSI system, please do not use that option)",
"Model number",
"Firmware rev", //485
"Serial number",
"Raw Read Error Rate",
"Throughput Performance",
"Spin Up Time",
"Start/Stop Count", //490
"Reallocated Sector Count",
"Read Channel Margin",
"Seek Error Rate",
"Seek Time Performance",
"Power On Hours Count", //495
"Spin Retry Count",
"Calibration Retry Count",
"Power Cycle Count",
"Unknown attribute"
"Current Value", //500
"Transhold Value",
"Status Value",
"RAW Value",
"Worse Ever Value",
"Nastavenφ FSB m∙₧e poÜkodit vßÜ hardware! na vlastnφ riziko! Äßdnß zodpov∞dnost! kdy₧ system zamrzne odpojte zdroj a zkuste to znovu! V²robce : %s Typ : %s Frekvence FSB : %3d.%1d MHz Frekvence PCI : %2d.%1d MHz Frekvence RAM : %2d.%1d MHz\nCPU Frekvence : %d.%1d MHz",
"At every ... rd time of the common update the S.M.A.R.T. information is updated too",
"There will be a message if one of the S.M.A.R.T. values changes",
"There will be a message if one of the standard S.M.A.R.T values (range 0 - 15) changes",
"There will be no message if one of the S.M.A.R.T. values changes",
"Attention!!!\nDrive %d\nS.M.A.R.T. Parameter %s changed from %d to %d",
"Sorry, this is only a test version.\nThere is no chance to register.\nThe full version includes the registration screen here\nPlease buy this program at:\nhttp://www.podien.de/REGISTER.HTM !\nRegistered users get a full version at\nsupport@podien.de\nPlease include your registration e-mail or your registration number in your request.");
"Search lower SMBus range",
"Search upper SMBus Range",
"Harddisk optimizations",
"Set only basic cooling registers",
"Enable RAM refresh",
"CoolSVR.exe is working",
"CooLSRV.exe is not working",
"Fan divisor\nDivide by the choosen number\n0 = take no divisor into account", // 520
"Fan divisor",
"Are you shure that ASUS is the mainboard manufacturer?\nCPUCooL does not find the string ASUS in the bios!\nIt is on your own risk!\nNo resposibility!",
"This way to change the frequency does not work with this PLL\nPlease use the fine tuning button to change the frequency!",
"Temperature and absolute fan speed (*100 rpm, for 5000 rpm enter 50) for lower fan level",
"Temperature and absolute fan speed (*100 rpm, for 5000 rpm enter 50) for upper fan level",
"Generate info e-mail",
"F", //530
"*100 rpm",
"Set temperature sensor choice at startup",
"Background color main display",
"Background color small display",
"FrontSideBus change\nThe mainboard choise is only for PLL preselection\nHints for finding the PLL at",
"You have found the monitoring ic!\nFor some hints to find the PLL please have a look at",
"You have found a PLL whose frequency could not be changed via SMBUS.\nThe PLL manufacturer did not implement this feature. It will also not be possible to change the frequency in the future version of any program - the hardware does not support it...",
"You have found a PLL who does not have an SMBUS.\nThe PLL manufacturer did not implement this feature. It will also not be possible to change the frequency in the future version of any program - the hardware does not support it...",
"Cooling via S1 (HALT) Sleep",
"Cooling via C2 (I/O based) sleep", //540
"An error occured while sending the e-mail.\nNo e-mail is sent\nIs your e-mail program running?\nThen please close it first,\nand try it again",
"Always display fans",
"Generate debug info",
"Data byly zapsßny do souboru CPUFSB.Info",
"Rebuild tray icons after 30 min", //545
"Write Only PLL.\nThere is no reading of the PLL available only setting the new frequency!",
"No forced Athlon cooling",
"Only for registered users",
"The full version would save settings now! Please register CPUCooL for only 15,00 Euros / $ 17.95 US",
"Colored tray output",
"Number of lines",
"60 sec",
"CPU clock in Ghz",
"Harddisk state OK",
"Harddisk state BAD",//555
"Attention!!!\nHarddisk %d\nSMART error report for drive\n%s\nSerial : %s\nParameter %s value %d below transhold of %d\nDefect possible",
"Kaj naj naredi CPUCooL\npotem ko je zagnan?", //10
"Odpri izbiro",
"Pojdi v tray",
"╚e je CPUCooL zagnan iz StartUp direktorija",
"pojdi v tray ali pa odpri mo₧nosti",
//Cyrix processor configuration
"Cyrix Processor Configuration", // 15
"Write Allocation",
"Write Back Cache",
"IO Recovery Time",
"Linear Burst (nevarno)",
"Cached Directory", // 20
"Negate Lock",
"Suspend on Halt",
"Izhod", //25
//End Menu
"V Tray",
"Veliki zaslon",
// Free Memory Menu
"Nastavitve sproÜΦanja spomina:",
"Pod mejo", // 30
"╚e je spomin pod",
"in Φe ni aktivnosti",
"sekund potem zaΦni sproÜΦati",
"megabytov spomina",
"Klik na tray bo sprostilo", // 35
"megabytov spomina",
"Sprosti spomin vsakih",
"PeriodiΦno v ozadju",
"╚e ni aktivnosti", //40
// General to do menu
"Konfiguracija izbire vira meritev",
"Samo vrednosti traya",
"Tray in matiΦna ploÜΦa",
"Celotni zaslon", //45
// Cooling display
"Hlajenje vklopljeno",
"Hlajenje izklopljeno",
"Kaj se naj zgodi Φe ja izbrana igra v trayu ",
"╚e se temperatura senzorja",
"dvigne Φez", // 50
"potem poveΦaj prioriteto hlajenja",
"in vklopi alarm.",
"╚e je aktivnost Φez",
"% za",
"sekund, potem izklopi hlajenje", //55
"Spodnja meja",
"Zgornja meja", //60
"Aktiviraj omejitve",
// Priority display
"Idle (ni priporoΦljivo)",
"Nad idle", //65
"Nad normalnim",
"V realnem Φasu",
"Dvigaj prioriteto med procesom",
// Shareware displej
"je poceni (13$) univerzalno orodje.\n\nProsim registrirajte se\nin mi pomagajte\ntako k nadaljnemu razvoju\nPoglejte na http://www.podien.de za veΦ informacij!",
"Prosim vnesite registracijsko Ütevilko", //71
"Poglejte v pomoΦ kako se registrirate.\nCena registracije je $17.95 US ali Ç 15,00.\nObiÜΦite mojo domaΦo stran na http://www.podien.de",
"Preizkusna doba je mimo.\nProsim registrirajte se\nali pa vnesite drugo enomestno Ütevilko.",
"PreveΦ za prikazati!\nProsim odstranite nekaj senzorjev!",
"Prosim vnesite vrednost\nmed %d in %d!", //75
"Hvala za registracijo!",
"Ne najdem registracijske Ütevilke",
// Message boxes
"Je Üe kakÜen delovni proces?",
"PoΦakajte da se program inicializira !",
"Neznan operacijski sistem", //80
"Prosim instalirajte najprej NTIOWP.SYS gonilnik",
"Program zahteva novejÜo verzijo gonilnika!\nProsim instalirajte najprej NTIOWP.SYS first\nVersion read out : %d\nTrenutna verzija : %d",
"Program zahteva novejÜo verzijo gonilnika!\nProsim instalirajte najprej IOWP9598.VXD first\nVersion read out : %d\nTrenutna verzija : %d",
"Ni optimizacije za Cyrix 5x86 serije", //85
"Ni optimizacije za\nIntel 486 CPU's",
"Ni Üe optimizacije za\nIntel 786",
"Optimizacija za\nta procesor\nni dosegljiva",
//Izhod Menue addtion
"Malo Okno",
//Mali Display general configuration
"Pozicija malega okna", // 90
"Velikost malega okna",
"Zgornji desni kot",
"Spodnji levi kot",
"Spodnji desni kot", //95
"Vedno na vrhu",
//Small Displays left button menu
"Konfiguracija malega okna",
"ètevilski del",
"GrafiΦni del", //100
"Okno z stolpci",
//Messages shown in main displej
"Alternativno hlajenje",
"Hlajenje vkopljeno ",
"Hlajenje izklopljeno ",
"Alternativno hlajenje vklopljeno", // 105
"Prisilno hlajenje ",
"Forcierte hlajenje izklopljeno",
"Ne prika₧i imen",
"Prikaz barv", //110
"Prosim za₧enite\nCPUCooL samo enkrat",
"Izbira jezika/Language choice",
"Uporabi optimizacije",
"Izbira temperaturnega senzorja",
"Temp1 Sensor Pentium kompatibilen", // 115
"Temp1 Sensor Transistor",
"Temp2 Sensor Pentium kompatibilen",
"Temp2 Sensor Transistor",
"Temp3 Sensor Pentium kompatibilen",
"Temp3 Sensor Transistor", // 120
"Registrska Ütevilka ki je vneÜena je piratska. PROSIM REGISTRIRAJTE SE! Sem fer da ne uniΦim vaÜega trdega diska. CPUCooL je poceni; samo $17.95 US! REGISTRIRAJTE SE !in mi pomagajte razvijati CPUCooL! Ne pozabite da je testiranje nove strojne opreme drago in da je cena ki jo vi plaΦate nizka!",
"\nNi CPU optimizacije",
"Samo tray se osve₧uje",
"Ni periodiΦnega osve₧evanja",
"Da dobite vrednosti pritisnite", // 125
"Nastavitve -> Izbira vira meritev -> Tray in matiΦna ploÜΦa",
"Temperatura je preko limita.\nCPUCooL bo zaustavil windowse.",
"PLL proizvajalec", //140
"PLL tip",
"Nastavi frekvenco",
"Tray frekvenca 1",
"Tray frekvenca 2",
"Tray frekvenca 3", //145
"Tray frekvenca 4",
"Trenutne PLL vrednosti",
"Set FSB on next startup",
"Nastavi frekvenco",
"Dobi PLL izpis", //150
"Napaka pri branju PLL",
"Spreminjanje FSB lahko poÜkoduje vaÜ hardware\nTo delate na lastno odgovornost!\nNe prevzemam nobene odgovornosti!\n╚e sistem zmrzne , raΦunalnik resetirajte in poskusite znova!\nProizvajalec : %s\nTip : %s\nFrekvenca FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nFrekvenca PCI : %2d.%1d MHz\nCPU frekvenca : %d.%1d MHz",
"Aktualna frekvenca",
"Napaka nastavljanja PLL",
"Berem narobno Ütevilo bytov.\nMoralo bi %d biti %d", //155
"ni uporabljeno",
"Getting PLL data can damage your hardware!\nTo delate na lastno odgovornost!\nNe prevzemam nobene odgovornosti!",
"VaÜ PLL je samo za pisanje PLL!\nZato ga ni mo₧no prebrati!\nNi razloga za zaskrbljenost\nLahko zapiÜete samo drugo frekvenco v samo zapisovalne PLL!",
" premalo",
" preveliko", //160
"Ni privilegija za zaustavitev",
"ZaΦni logirati skupaj z startom CPUCooL",
"Dodaj podatke v Log datoteko",
"Tekst podatkov se zapisuje v LOG",
"Samo vrednosti matiΦne ploÜΦe", //165
"Napaka pri odpiranju loga",
"Napaka pri zapiranju loga",
"Napaka zapisovanja loga",
"Log je ₧e odprt",
"Log se ne zapisuje", //170
"L2 Cache Latency",
"Za₧eni Optimizacijo skupaj z CPUCooLom",
"Ni mo₧no",
"Testirajte najprej L2 Cache Latency", //175
"Ta nastavitev lahko poÜkoduje vaÜ hardware!\nTo delate na lastno odgovornost!\nNe prevzemam nobene odgovornosti!\n╚e sistem zmrzne , raΦunalnik resetirajte in poskusite znova!",
" Omejitev",
"Ni horizontalnih Φrt",
"Ni navpiΦnih Φrt",
"GrafiΦno okno v ░C", //180
"Prika₧i temperature Φet 130 ░F",
"Write info to file",
"Podatki so bili zapisani v\ndatoteko CPUCooL.Info",
"Stolpci", // 185
"ètevilΦne vrednosti",
"Brez alarma v Trayu",
"Prosim vnesi Ütevilko med %d in %d", //190
"Low Power",
"Low Power MMX",
"Odpri glavni zaslon",
"Sprosti RAM",
"Izbira hlajenja", //195
"Hlajenje izklopljeno",
"Alarm vklopljen",
"Alarm izklopljen",
"Prisilno hlajenje izklopljeno",
"Ustavi igro", //200
"Za₧eni igro",
"Osve₧evanje %d sec ",
"Izklopi hlajenje",
"Ustavi periodiΦno branje",
"Sprosti MBytov spomina (MByte)", //205
"Spremeni FSB na MHz",
"Kaj se naj zgodi Φe je v Tray-u izbrana zaustavitev igre",
"Obnovi hlajenje",
"Obnovi periodiΦno branje",
"Temp1 Sensor Thermistor", //210
"Temp2 Sensor Thermistor",
"Temp3 Sensor Thermistor",
"zmanjÜaj FSB na",
"Ko pade temperatura pod",
"obnovi stari FSB", //215
"Vsebina EEPROMa (Kratki opis)",
"ètevilo Bytes v EEPROM",
"CAS Latenca",
"SDRAM cycle Φas", //220
"SDRAM access time",
"SDRAM 2nd cycle Φas",
"SDRAM 2nd access Φas",
"PC100 spec.",
"Podrobnosti", //225
"RAS to CAS Delay",
"RAS Precharge Time",
"Osve₧uj samo v Tray naΦinu",
"Brez osve₧evanja",
"Minimiraj izhodno okno", //230
"Obnovi izhodno okno",
"CPU optimizacija",
"CPU clock frequency (FSB)",
"Optimizacija spomina", //235
"Prika₧i mo₧nosti",
"Omejitve temperatur,napetosti in hitrosti ventilatorjev",
"Odstopanje temperatur",
"Celzij / Fahrenheit", //240
"CPUCooL zagon",
"Prioriteta CPUCoola",
"Za₧eni igro v Trayu",
"Log datoteka",
"CPUCooL Glavni konfiguracijski zaslon", //245
"ètevilke in sploÜno",
"Omejitve grafa",
"OmogoΦi kontrolo hitrosti ventilatorjev z CPUCooLom",
"spodnja meja temperature in relativna hitrost ventilatorja ", //250
"Zgornja meja temperature in relativna hitrost ventilatorja",
"Nadzorni senzor",
"Poglej pomoΦ (Tipka F1)",
"Ni analize matiΦne ploÜΦe pri zagonu",
"EEProm je prazen ali ni prisotem", //255
"RPM ",
"Izvrzi vse izmenjive medije",
"Pri zaustavitvi spremeni FSB na",
"╚e ₧elite spremeniti FSB matiΦne ploÜΦe morate izbrati PLL.╚e poznate izdelovalca in tip matiΦne ploÜΦe ga sedaj izberite.", //260
"Proizvajalec matiΦne ploÜΦe",
"Tip ploÜΦe",
"Izvrzi medij",
"Izbira matiΦne ploÜΦe",
"", //265
"╚e ni vaÜe matiΦne ploÜΦe v zgornji listi\npotem bi moralo vse delovati brez problema.\n╚e pa ne , potem izvejte proizvajalaca in tip PLL-ja in mi ju sporoΦite na",
"Hints for finding the PLL at",
"╚e ste izvedeli za tip vaÜe matiΦne ploÜΦe , prosim izberite\nmo₧nosti -> izbira matiΦne ploÜΦe\nza izbiro matiΦne ploÜΦe.",
"da", //270
"Ne vem",
"Izbrali sta matiΦno ploÜΦo\n%s\nz naslednjim pll\nproizvajalcem : %s tipa : %s.\nAli je pravilna?",
"Dobi frekvenco",
"L2 Cache nastavitve",
"Motorola / Mitsubishi cache tip",
"NEC / SEC cache tip",
"Prosim testirajte najprej hitrost L2",
"Trenutni L2", //280
"Uporabi L2 cache optimizacijo s startom CPUCooLa",
"╚e sliÜite piske ali opozorilna okna,\npotem jih lahko izklopite BIOSu ali pa izklopite sporoΦila v drugih programih",
"Prijavite se z administratorskimi privilegiji in za₧enite CPUCooL Server service!",
"Alternatini PLL dostop",
"Preden spremenite metodo dostopa za PLL\nprosim izklopite najprej napajanje raΦunalnika",
"Proizvajalec je %s spremenil tip PLL med proizvodnjo.\nMo₧ni tipi so:\nproizvajalec: %s tip: %s ali\nproizvajalec: %s tip: %s\nPoglejte na matiΦno ploÜΦo za tip PLL-ja!",
"Front Side Bus se ni spremenil.\nRezultat je mogoΦe napaΦen",
"Zapri CPUFSB takoj ko je bil zagnan iz zagonskega direktorija",
"Uporabi grafiΦne kartice",
"brez vpraÜanj",
"Temperaturno odvisno spreminjanje FSB",
"Temperaturno odvisno prisilno hlajenje",
"Temperaturno odvisna zaustavitev raΦunalnika",
"Prisilna zaustavitev raΦunalnika brez shranjevanja nastavitev", //305
"Cooling display",
"Glavno okno",
"Prisilno hlajenje",
"ZmanjÜaj FSB",
"Zaustavitev raΦunalnika",
"Zagon programa",
"Temperatuno odvisni zagon programa ; Φe je temperatura Φez mejo(1)",
"Temperatuno odvisni zagon programa ; Φe je temperatura pod mejo(2)",
"Najprej mora iti preko meje(1) in potem pod mejo (2)",
"Temperaturno odvisno hlajenje", //315
"SploÜne nastavitve",
"Nastavitve okna",
"Prika₧i imena temperatur, napetosti in ventilatorjev", //320
"Temperaturno odvisno hlajenje preko meje",
"Temperaturno odvisno hlajenje pod mejo",
"zaΦni CPU hlajenje",
"zaustavi CPU hlajenje",
"Prika₧i vsebino SPD EEPROM", //325
"Izpis PLL-ja je mogoΦe napaΦen. Prosim najprej nastavite frekvenco!",
"ATHLON prisilno hlajenje.\nlahko pride do Üuma v zvoΦni kartici!\nSome tv cards do not work properly!",
"Shrani", //330
"odpri malo okno drugaΦe pa opcije",
"ni na voljo",
"Fine tuning",
"Uporabi frekvenco 'fine %d' v CPUCooL",
"Opozorilo!!! Frekvenca 'Fine %d' ni testirana!\nTorej ni dosegljiva v CPUCooLu!\nProsim preizkusite jo najprej!",
"Frek nastavljana",
"Spreminjanje FSB lahko poÜkoduje vaÜ hardware\nTo delate na lastno odgovornost!\nNe prevzemam nobene odgovornosti!\n╚e sistem zmrzne , raΦunalnik resetirajte in poskusite znova!\nProizvajalec : %s\nTip : %s\nFrekvenca FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nCPU frekvenca : %d.%1d MHz",
"ètevilo horizontal linij",
"Uporabi frekvenco v tray in zagonu cpucoola",
"Uporabi frekvenco v trayu in zaustavitvi cpucool",
"Uporabi v zagonu",
"Sprememba mno₧ilnika za K6-2/3+",
"OmogoΦi detekcijo poΦasnih ventilatorjev",
"╚e %s zazna napaΦni mno₧ilnik ga popravite tukaj",
"Trenutna frekvenca",
"Spremeni dodatno:",
"1 clock at frames and CPU/PCI slave",
"Fair CPU/PCI priority, PCIBusMaster",
"PCI MasterRead caching (mogoΦe nevarno)", // 351
"ZmanjÜaj zvoΦne / USB probleme",
"Osnovna frekvenca",
"FSB", //355
"Master priority rotation 2 cycles",
"Delay transaktion (nevarno na VIA686B sistemih)",
"TA PLL ima opcijo za fino nastavitev!\nProsim uporabite jo je bolj verjetna!",
"Datoteka", //360 menu system
"Shrani nastavitve",
"Konfiguracija LOGa",
"Ime LOGa",
"ZaΦni logirati",
"Prekini logiranje", //365
"1 sec",
"2 sec",
"5 sec", //370
"10 sec",
"20 sec",
"30 sec",
"Hlajenje / temperaturno odvisno hlajenje", //375
"Zaustavitev sistema z tipkovnico / Izvrz izmenjljivih medijev",
"OmogoΦi S.M.A.R.T.\n(Φe imate SCSI sistem, prosim ne uporabite te mo₧nosti)",
"Vrsta diska",
"Firmware rev", //485
"Serijska Ütevilka",
"Raw Read Error Rate",
"Throughput Performance",
"Spin Up Time",
"Start/Stop Count", //490
"Reallocated Sector Count",
"Read Channel Margin",
"Seek Error Rate",
"Seek Time Performance",
"Power On Hours Count", //495
"Spin Retry Count",
"Calibration Retry Count",
"Power Cycle Count",
"Neznan atribut"
"Trenutna vrednost", //500
"Transhold Value",
"Status Value",
"RAW Value",
"NajslabÜa vrednost",
"Spreminjanje FSB lahko poÜkoduje vaÜ hardware!\nTo delate na lastno odgovornost!\nNe prevzemam nobene odgovornosti!\n╚e sistem zmrzne , raΦunalnik resetirajte in poskusite znova!\nProizvajalec : %s\nTip : %s\nFrekvenca FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nFrekvenca PCI : %2d.%1d MHz\nFrekvenca RAM : %3d.%1d\nCPU frekvenca : %d.%1d MHz",
"Na vsakih *..ih sploÜnih posodobitev se tudi posodobijo S.M.A.R.T informacije.",
"SporoΦilo bo Φe se ena od S.M.A.R.T. vrednosti spremeni.",
"SporoΦilo bo Φe se ena od standardardnih S.M.A.R.T vrednosti spremeni v (rangu 0 - 15).",
"Ne bo sporoΦila Φe se ena od S.M.A.R.T. vrednosti spremeni.",
"Pozor!!!\nDrive %d\nS.M.A.R.T. Parameter %s se je spremenil z %d na %d",
"Sorry, to je samo testna verzija.\nNi mo₧nosti za registracijo.\nPopolna verzija vsebuje to okno\nProsim kupite ta program na :\nhttp://www.podien.de/REGISTER.HTM !\nRegistrirani uporabniki dobijo \npopolno verzijo na support@podien.de\nKamor poÜljejo svojo registracijsko Ütevilko.");
"PreiÜΦi spodnjo SMBus adreso",
"PreiÜΦi zgornjo SMBus adreso",
"Optimizacija trdega diska",
"Uporabi osnovno hlajenje",
"Enable RAM refresh",
"CoolSVR.exe is working",
"CooLSRV.exe is not working",
"Fan divisor\nDivide by the choosen number\n0 = take no divisor into account", // 520
"Fan divisor",
"Are you shure that ASUS is the mainboard manufacturer?\nCPUCooL does not find the string ASUS in the bios!\nIt is on your own risk!\nNo resposibility!",
"This way to change the frequency does not work with this PLL\nPlease use the fine tuning button to change the frequency!",
"Temperature and absolute fan speed (*100 rpm, for 5000 rpm enter 50) for lower fan level",
"Temperature and absolute fan speed (*100 rpm, for 5000 rpm enter 50) for upper fan level",
"Generate info e-mail",
"F", //530
"*100 rpm",
"Set temperature sensor choice at startup",
"Background color main display",
"Background color small display",
"FrontSideBus change\nThe mainboard choise is only for PLL preselection\nHints for finding the PLL at",
"You have found the monitoring ic!\nFor some hints to find the PLL please have a look at",
"You have found a PLL whose frequency could not be changed via SMBUS.\nThe PLL manufacturer did not implement this feature. It will also not be possible to change the frequency in the future version of any program - the hardware does not support it...",
"You have found a PLL who does not have an SMBUS.\nThe PLL manufacturer did not implement this feature. It will also not be possible to change the frequency in the future version of any program - the hardware does not support it...",
"Cooling via S1 (HALT) Sleep",
"Cooling via C2 (I/O based) sleep", //540
"An error occured while sending the e-mail.\nNo e-mail is sent\nIs your e-mail program running?\nThen please close it first,\nand try it again",
"Always display fans",
"Generate debug info",
"Podatki so bili zapisani v\ndatoteko CPUFSB.Info",
"Rebuild tray icons after 30 min", //545
"Write Only PLL.\nThere is no reading of the PLL available only setting the new frequency!",
"No forced Athlon cooling",
"Only for registered users",
"The full version would save settings now! Please register CPUCooL for only 15,00 Euros / $ 17.95 US",
"Colored tray output",
"Number of lines",
"60 sec",
"CPU clock in Ghz",
"Harddisk state OK",
"Harddisk state BAD",//555
"Attention!!!\nHarddisk %d\nSMART error report for drive\n%s\nSerial : %s\nParameter %s value %d below transhold of %d\nDefect possible",
"H÷gerklicka pσ ikonen i aktivitetsfΣltet och frig÷r", // 35
"megabyte ram",
"Frig÷r minne var",
"Periodisk frig÷relse av minne",
"Om det inte Σr nσgon aktivitet pσ", //40
// General to do menu
"Konfiguration av mΣtningskΣllor",
"Bara aktivitetsfΣltsvΣrdet",
"AktivitetsfΣlt och moderkortsvΣrden",
"Alla vΣrden", //45
// Cooling display
"Kylning pσ",
"Kylning av",
"Vad ska hΣnda nΣr man vΣljer K÷r spel pσ ikonen i aktivitetsfΣltet?",
"Om temperaturen pσ",
"blir h÷gre Σn", // 50
"÷ka prioriteten pσ kylningen",
"och meddela mig",
"Om CPU-belastningen ÷verstiger",
"% i",
"sekunder, stΣng av kylningen.", //55
"Undre grΣns",
"╓vre grΣns", //60
"Aktivera grΣns-kontroll",
// Priority display
"Overksamt (inte att rekomendera)",
"Strax ÷ver overksamt", //65
"╓ver normal",7
"╓ka prioriteten under σtkomst",
// Shareware display
"Σr ett $17.95 US billigt\nuniversellt verktyg.\n\nVar god Registera\noch hjΣlp till att st÷tta\nfortsatt utveckling.\nSurfa in pσ http://www.podien.de f÷r mer information!",
"Var god skriv in ditt registrationsnummer", //71
"LΣs under HjΣlpmenyn hur du fσr ett registreringsnummer.\nRegistreringskostnaden Σr $17.95 US eller Ç 15,00.\nVΣlkomna att bes÷ka hemsidan pσ http://www.podien.de",
"UtvΣrderingsperioden Σr ÷ver.\nVar god registera\neller slσ in ett annat ensiffrigt nummer vid nΣsta skΣrm.",
"F÷r mycket att visa!\nTa bort nσgra saker f÷rst!",
"Skriv in ett vΣrde\nmellan %d och %d!", //75
"Tack f÷r din registering!",
"Inget registrationnummer funnet",
// Message boxes
"─r det en annan process igσng?",
"VΣnta tills initieringen har avslutats",
"OkΣnt operativsystem", //80
"Var god installera NTIOWP.SYS f÷rst",
"Programmet krΣver en ny drivrutinsversion!\nVar god installera NTIOWP.SYS f÷rst\nVersionsutlΣsning : %d\nNuvarande version : %d",
"Var god installera IOWP9598.VXD f÷rst",
"Programmet krΣver en ny drivrutinsversion!\nVar god installera IOWP9598.VXD f÷rst\nVersionutlΣsning : %d\nNuvarande version : %d",
"Ingen Optimering f÷r Cyrix 5x86 serien", //85
"Ingen Optimering f÷r\nIntel 486 CPU's",
"Ingen Optimering f÷r\nIntel 786 Σn sσ lΣnge",
"Ingen Optimering\nf÷r den hΣr processorn\nfinns tillgΣnglig",
//Exit Menue addtion
"Liten Display",
//Small Display general configuration
"Den lilla displayens position", // 90
"Den lilla displayens storlek",
"╓vre h÷ger h÷rn",
"Nedre vΣnster h÷rn",
"Nedre h÷ger h÷rn", //95
"Alltid ÷verst",
//Small Displays left button menu
"InstΣllningar f÷r den lilla displayen",
"Numerisk display",
"Grafisk display", //100
//Messages shown in main display
"Alternativ kylning",
"Kylning pσ ",
"Kylning av ",
"Alternativ kylning pσ ", // 105
"Tvingad kylning ",
"Tvingad kylning avtvingad ",
"Visa inte namn",
"Display i fΣrg", //110
"╓pnna bara\nCPUCooL en gσng",
"Val av sprσk",
"Do Optimizations",
"Val av Temperatur-Sensor",
"Temp1 Sensor Pentium kompatibel", // 115
"Temp1 Sensor Transistor",
"Temp2 Sensor Pentium kompatibel",
"Temp2 Sensor Transistor",
"Temp3 Sensor Pentium kompatibel",
"Temp3 Sensor Transistor", // 120
"Det registreringsnummer du har skrivit Σr hackat.SN─LLA REGISTRERA! Jag Σr schysst nog att inte f÷rst÷ra din hσrddisk. CPUCooL Σr billigt, bara $17.95 US! SN─LLA REGISTERA och hjΣlp mig att fortsΣtta utveckla CPUCooL! Kom ihσg att det Σr dyrt att testa ny hσrdvara, och priset du betalar Σr litet!",
"\nIngen CPU optimering",
"Bara fΣltikonen Σr uppdaterad",
"Ingen periodisk uppdatering",
"To get an output display please press", // 125
"InstΣllningar -> MΣtningskΣllor -> AktivitetsfΣlts och moderkortsvΣrden",
"InstΣllningar -> MΣtningskΣllor -> Alla vΣrden",
"Windows avstΣngning", //130
"Normal Windows avslutning",
"Tvingad Windows avslutning",
"Normal Windows omstart",
"Tvingad Windows omstart",
"Logga ut", // 135
"och Alt och Control tangenterna",
"avsluta Windows",
"och stΣng av datorn",
"Temperature is over the limit.\nCPUCooL will shutdown now.",
"PLL tillverkare", //140
"PLL typ",
"Frekvens som skall anvΣndas",
"AktivitetsfΣltsfrekvens 1",
"AktivitetsfΣltsfrekvens 2",
"AktivitetsfΣltsfrekvens 3", //145
"AktivitetsfΣltsfrekvens 4",
"Nuvarande PLL vΣrde",
"FSB att Σndra till vid nΣsta uppstart",
"AnvΣnd frekvens",
"HΣmta PLL data", //150
"Fel vid lΣsandet av PLL",
"Setting FSB can damage your hardware!\nIt is on your own risk!\nNo resposibility!\nIf system hangs unplug AC and try it again!\nManufacturer : %s\nType : %s\nFrequency FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nFrequency PCI : %2d.%1d MHz\nCPU frequency : %d.%1d MHz",
"Actual frequency",
"Error setting PLL",
"Incorrect number of bytes read.\nShould be %d actual %d", //155
"anvΣnds inte",
"HΣmtandet av PLL data kan skada din hσrdvara!\nG÷r det pσ egen risk!\nJag tar inget ansvar!",
"Your PLL is a write only PLL!\nThat could not be read\nThat is no reason to worry\nYou can write another frequency to write only PLL's!",
" f÷r lσngsam",
" f÷r snabb", //160
"Inga rΣttigheter att avsluta",
"Starta loggning samtidigt som CPUCooL",
"Bifoga data i loggfilen",
"Texten i datan skrivs till loggfilen",
"Endast moderkortsvΣrden", //165
"Det gick inte att ÷ppna loggfilen",
"Det gick inte att stΣnga loggfilen",
"Det gick inte att skriva till loggfilen",
"Loggfilen Σr redan ÷ppen",
"Loggfilen Σr inte ÷ppen", //170
"L2 Cache Latency",
"Set Optimizations at start of CPUCooL",
"Not possible",
"Please test L2 Cache Latency first", //175
"This setting can damage your hardware!\nIt is on your own risk!\nNo resposibility!\nIf system hangs unplug AC and try it again!",
"Inga horisontella linjer",
"Inga vertikala linjer",
"Grafisk display i Celsius", //180
"Visa temperaturer ÷ver 130F",
"Skriv information till fil",
"Data skrevs till filen\nCPUCooL.Info",
"Stapeldiagram", // 185
"Numeriska vΣrden",
"Inga alarm i aktivitetsfΣltet",
"Please enter a number between %d and %d", //190
"Low Power",
"Low Power MMX",
"╓ppna huvudmenyn",
"Free memory",
"Kylning Pσ / Av", //195
"Cooling off",
"Alarm on",
"Alarm off",
"Forced cooling off",
"Avslutat spel", //200
"K÷r spel",
"Uppdateras var %d sek ",
"StΣng av kylning",
"StΣng av diagram",
"Megabyte minne att frig÷ra", //205
"─ndra FSB till:",
"Vad ska hΣnda nΣr man vΣljer Avsluta spel pσ ikonen i aktivitetsfΣltet?",
"Aktivera kylning",
"Aktivera diagram",
"Temp1 Sensor Thermistor", //210
"Temp2 Sensor Thermistor",
"Temp3 Sensor Thermistor",
"sΣnk FSB till",
"Om temperaturen sjunker under",
"anvΣnd den vanliga FSB igen", //215
"Contents of the EEPROMs on SDRAM (short form)",
"Number of Bytes in EEPROM",
"CAS Latency",
"SDRAM cycle time", //220
"SDRAM access time",
"SDRAM 2nd cycle time",
"SDRAM 2nd access time",
"PC100 spec",
"Extra Information", //225
"RAS to CAS Delay",
"RAS Precharge Time",
"Uppdatera bara i aktivitetsfΣltet",
"No update",
"Minimera diagramf÷nstret", //230
"┼terstΣll diagramf÷nstret",
"CPU optimization",
"FSB och CPU",
"InstΣllningar f÷r minne", //235
"Display alternativ",
"GrΣnser f÷r volttal, temperaturer och flΣktar",
"Celsius / Fahrenheit", //240
"CPUCooL┤s uppstart",
"CPUCool┤s prioritet",
"Konfigurera K÷r spel-alternativet",
"Log file",
"HuvudinstΣllningsmeny", //245
"GrΣnser f÷r grafisk display",
"Aktivera kontroll av flΣkthastighet",
"Temperature and relaive fan speed for lower fan level", //250
"Temperature and relaive fan speed for upper fan level",
"Controlling sensor",
"Se HjΣlp (Tryck F1)",
"Ingen moderkortsanalys vid uppstart",
"EEProm Σr tomt eller otillgΣngligt", //255
"RPM ",
"Skicka ut alla flyttbara media",
"FSB att Σndra till vid nΣsta avslut",
"Om du vill Σndra FSB pσ ditt moderkort, mσste du vΣlja PLL. Om du vet tillverkare och modell av ditt moderkort, vΣnligen vΣlj nu.", //260
"Skicka ut flyttbara media",
"Val av moderkort",
"", //265
"Allt borde fungera Σven om du inte vet ovanstσende.\nOm inte, eller om du fσr reda pσ tillverkare och modell, skicka gΣrna ett e-mail till",
"Hints for finding the PLL at",
"Om du fσr reda pσ tillverkare och modell, kan du gσ in\nsenare, \n\nInstΣllningar -> Val av moderkort\n\noch fylla i informationen.",
"yes", //270
"Jag vet inte",
"You choose the mainboard\n%s\nwith the pll\nmanufacturer : %s type : %s.\nIs this correct?",
"HΣmta frekvens",
"L2 Cache InstΣllning",
"Motorola / Mitsubishi cache type",
"NEC / SEC cache type",
"Please test L2 speed option first",
"Current L2", //280
"L2 cache optimization at start of CPUCooL",
"If you hear some sounds or see message boxes,\nyou can switch the sounds off in the BIOS or disable the message boxes in the other monitoring program",
"Logga in som administrat÷r f÷r att b÷rja anvΣnda CPUCooL!",
"Alternative PLL access",
"Before changing the access methode for the PLL\nplease switch off power first",
"Frequency change not successfull!",
"L2 cache change successfull",
"Error in changing L2 cache",
"grader, k÷r",
"grader, k÷r",
"hamnar under",
"nσr ÷ver",
"Temperature controlled program launch start",
"Temperature controlled program launch program stop",
"Starta program",
"The manufacturer of %s changed the PLL during production.\nPossible types are:\nmanufacturer: %s type: %s or\nmanufacturer: %s type: %s\nPlease look at your mainboard to select the type!",
"FSB blev inte Σndrad.\nResultatet kan vara fel.",
"Exit CPUFSB immediately after call from the autostart folder",
"AnvΣnder Grafikkort",
"utan nσgra frσgor",
"Aktivera temperaturberoende FSB instΣllningar",
"Aktivera temperaturberoende tvingad kylning",
"Aktivera temperaturberoende avstΣngning",
"och tvinga avstΣngning utan att spara", //305
"Tvingad kylning",
"SΣnk FSB",
"K÷r program",
"K÷r ett program om temperaturen nσr en viss grΣns (1)",
"K÷r ett program om temperaturen nσr en viss grΣns (2)",
"Temperaturen mσste f÷rst gσ ÷ver grΣns (1) och sen under grΣns (2)",
"Temperaturberoende kylning", //315
"Vanliga instΣllningar",
"Display alternativ",
"─ndra namn pσ temperaturer, volttal och flΣktar", //320
"Temperaturberoende kylning ÷ver en viss grΣns",
"Temperaturberoende kylning under en viss grΣns",
"starta CPU kylning",
"stoppa CPU kylning",
"Visa information om SPD EEPROM", //325
"UtlΣsningen av PLL kan vara felaktig. Var god stΣll in frekvensen f÷rst!",
"Tvingad ATHLON kylning.\nPσ vissa moderkort kan detta skapa vΣsen frσn ljudkortet\nSome tv cards do not work properly!",
"Spara", //330
"och ÷ppna den lilla displayen, annars ÷ppna en dialogruta",
"ej tillgΣnglig",
"AnvΣnd frekvensen 'Fin %d' i CPUCooL",
"Varning!!! Frekvensen 'Fin %d' Σr inte testad!\nDΣrf÷r Σr det inte tillgΣngligt!\nVΣnligen prova f÷rst!",
"AnvΣnd frekvens",
"Om du Σndrar FSB kan du skada din hσrdvara!\nG÷r det pσ egen risk!\nJag tar inget ansvar!\nOm systemet hΣnger sig, stΣng av str÷mmen och prova igen!\nManufacturer : %s\nType : %s\nFrequency FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nCPU frequency : %d.%1d MHz",
"Antal horisontella linjer",
"AnvΣnd i aktivitetsfΣltet, och CPUCooL┤s uppstart",
"AnvΣnd i aktivitetsfΣltet, och CPUCooL┤s avslut",
"AnvΣnd vid uppstart",
"Multiplier change for K6-2/3+",
"Aktivera avkΣnning av lσg flΣkthastighet",
"Om %s upptΣcker en felaktig multiplier, var snΣll och Σndra den hΣr.",
"Delay transaktion (dangerous on VIA686B systems)",
"Denna PLL kan finjusteras!\nVΣnligen g÷r det, det Σr mer pσlitligt!",
"Arkiv", //360 menu system
"Spara instΣllningar",
"InstΣllningar f÷r loggfil",
"Spara loggfil som",
"Starta loggning",
"Stoppa loggning", //365
"1 sek",
"2 sek",
"5 sek", //370
"10 sek",
"20 sek",
"30 sek",
"KylningslΣgen och temperaturberoende instΣllningar", //375
"Avsluta Windows med tangentbordsgenvΣgar ",
"─ndra Front Side Bus och CPU hastighet",
"CPU optimization",
"Frig÷r Windows minnesresurser",
"GrΣnser f÷r volttal, temperaturer och flΣktar", //380
"SDRAM4", //385
"Display alternativ", //390
"AktivitetsfΣltets display",
"Denna display (PrimΣr display)",
"Numerisk display",
"Grafisk display",
"Lilla displayen", //395
"Generella instΣllningar",
"InstΣllningar f÷r grafisk display", //400
"Nedre och lilla displayens fΣrginstΣllningar",
"Val av moderkort",
"Temperature sensor choice/Fan control",
"Temperaturavvikelse", //405
"Celsius - Fahrenheit",
"Val av sprσk",
"CPUCooL┤s start",
"Konfigurera K÷r spel-alternativet",
"─ndra namn pσ temperaturer, volttal och flΣktar", //411
"CPUCooL┤s prioritet",
"Registrera NU",
"Registrations Info",
"HjΣlp", //416
"CPUCooL info",
"Temp2", //420
"Temp3", //421
"Temp Sens 0",
"Temp Sens 1",
"Temp Sens 2",
"Temp Sens 3", //425
"Temp Sens 4",
"Temp Sens 5",
"Temp Sens 6",
"Temp Sens 7",
"VCore 1", //430
"VCore 2",
"3,3 V",
"5 V",
"12 V",
"V bat", //435
"V opt",
"V accu",
"-5 V",
"-12 V",
"Fan 1", //440
"Fan 2",
"Fan 3",
"Fan 4",
"% CPU Time 1",
"% CPU Time 2", //445
"Comm rec",
"Comm trans",
"Comm crc",
"Comm tot rec",
"Comm tot trans", //450
"Mem avail",
"Mem page",
"Disk read",
"Disk write",
"Server total", //455
"Client total",
"Pager pag",
"Current Freq",
"", //460
"Val av teckensnitt",
"Spara instΣllningar i en fil", //465
"Ladda instΣllningar frσn en fil",
"% CPU usage / bargraph",
"% CPU usage / numbers",
"No % CPU usage shown",
"Display unused memory", //470
"LΣgg till semikolon mellan vΣrden",
"StΣng menyn",
"Rensa alla vΣrden",
"Fan control",
"HDD 1", //475
"HDD 2",
"HDD 3",
"HDD 4",
"Overview", //480
"Additional Information",
"Aktivera S.M.A.R.T.\n(om du har ett SCSI system, var vΣnlig anvΣnd inte detta alternativ)",
"Model number",
"Firmware rev", //485
"Serial number",
"Raw Read Error Rate",
"Throughput Performance",
"Spin Up Time",
"Start/Stop Count", //490
"Reallocated Sector Count",
"Read Channel Margin",
"Seek Error Rate",
"Seek Time Performance",
"Power On Hours Count", //495
"Spin Retry Count",
"Calibration Retry Count",
"Power Cycle Count",
"Unknown attribute"
"Current Value", //500
"Transhold Value",
"Status Value",
"RAW Value",
"Worse Ever Value",
"Setting FSB can damage your hardware!\nIt is on your own risk!\nNo resposibility!\nIf system hangs unplug AC and try it again!\nManufacturer : %s\nType : %s\nFrequency FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nFrequency PCI : %2d.%1d MHz\nFrequency RAM : %3d.%1d\nCPU frequency : %d.%1d MHz",
"Var ... gσng den vanliga informationen uppdateras, uppdateras S.M.A.R.T. ocksσ.",
"Du blir meddelad om nσgot av S.M.A.R.T vΣrdena Σndras",
"Du blir meddelad om nσgot av S.M.A.R.T standardvΣrdena (frσn 0 - 15) Σndras",
"Du blir INTE meddelad om nσgot av S.M.A.R.T. vΣrdena Σndras",
"Viktigt!!!\nDrive %d\nS.M.A.R.T parametern %s Σndrades frσn %d to %d",
"F÷rlσt, det hΣr Σr bara en testversion.\nDet gσr inte att registera.\nFullversionen erbjuder detta alternativ\nVΣnligen k÷p detta program hos:\nhttp://www.podien.de/REGISTER.HTM !\nRegisterade anvΣndare fσr en fullversion hos:\nsupport@podien.de\nSkicka med ditt registreringsnummer med din f÷rfrσgan.");
"S÷k i nedre SMBus omrσdet",
"S÷k i ÷vre SMBus omrσdet",
"Harddisk optimizations",
"Set only basic cooling registers",
"Enable RAM refresh",
"CoolSVR.exe is working",
"CooLSRV.exe is not working",
"Fan divisor\nDivide by the choosen number\n0 = take no divisor into account", // 520
"Fan divisor",
"Are you shure that ASUS is the mainboard manufacturer?\nCPUCooL does not find the string ASUS in the bios!\nIt is on your own risk!\nNo resposibility!",
"This way to change the frequency does not work with this PLL\nPlease use the fine tuning button to change the frequency!",
"Temperature and absolute fan speed (*100 rpm, for 5000 rpm enter 50) for lower fan level",
"Temperature and absolute fan speed (*100 rpm, for 5000 rpm enter 50) for upper fan level",
"Generate info e-mail",
"F", //530
"*100 rpm",
"Set temperature sensor choice at startup",
"Background color main display",
"Background color small display",
"FrontSideBus change\nThe mainboard choise is only for PLL preselection\nHints for finding the PLL at",
"You have found the monitoring ic!\nFor some hints to find the PLL please have a look at",
"You have found a PLL whose frequency could not be changed via SMBUS.\nThe PLL manufacturer did not implement this feature. It will also not be possible to change the frequency in the future version of any program - the hardware does not support it...",
"You have found a PLL who does not have an SMBUS.\nThe PLL manufacturer did not implement this feature. It will also not be possible to change the frequency in the future version of any program - the hardware does not support it...",
"Cooling via S1 (HALT) Sleep",
"Cooling via C2 (I/O based) sleep", //540
"An error occured while sending the e-mail.\nNo e-mail is sent\nIs your e-mail program running?\nThen please close it first,\nand try it again",
"Always display fans",
"Generate debug info",
"Data skrevs till filen\nCPUFSB.Info",
"Rebuild tray icons after 30 min", //545
"Write Only PLL.\nThere is no reading of the PLL available only setting the new frequency!",
"No forced Athlon cooling",
"Only for registered users",
"The full version would save settings now! Please register CPUCooL for only 15,00 Euros / $ 17.95 US",
"Colored tray output",
"Number of lines",
"60 sek",
"CPU clock in Ghz",
"Harddisk state OK",
"Harddisk state BAD",//555
"Attention!!!\nHarddisk %d\nSMART error report for drive\n%s\nSerial : %s\nParameter %s value %d below transhold of %d\nDefect possible",
"┐Que deberia hacer CPUCooL\ndespues de ejecutarse?", //10
"Abrir un cuadro de dialogo",
"Ir a la barra de tareas",
"Si CPUCooL es ejecutrado desde la carpeta Inicio",
"Ir a la barra de tareas sin cuadro de dialogo Inicial",
//Cyrix processor configuration
"Configuracion del Procesador Cyryx", // 15
"Write Allocation",
"Write Back Cache",
"Tiempo de IO Recovery",
"Linear Burst (peligroso)",
"Cached Directory", // 20
"Negate Lock",
"Suspender en instruccion Halt",
"Salir", //25
//End Menu
"Ir a la barra de tareas",
"Display Grande",
// Free memoria Menu
"Liberar Memoria",
"Por Debajo del limite", // 30
"Si la memoria libre esta por debajo",
"y no hay activitidad en",
"segundos entonces empezar a liberar",
"megabytes de memoria",
"Haciendo click en la barra de tareas liberara", // 35
"megabytes de memoria",
"Liberar memoria cada",
"Periodicamente en background",
"Si no hay actividad en", //40
// General to do menu
"Configuracion de fuentes de medida",
"Solo valor en barra de tareas",
"Todos los valores",
"Pantalla completa", //45
// Cooling display
"Refrigeracion Encendida",
"Refrigeracion Apagada",
"Acciones a hacer cuando el Item Start Game es seleccionado",
"Si la temperatura de",
"sube por encima de", // 50
"entonce sube la prioridad de la tarea de refrigeracion",
"y suena una alarma",
"Si la actividad esta por encima del",
"% por",
"segundos, Apaga funcion de refrigeracion", //55
"Limite Inferior",
"Limite Superior", //60
"Activar control de limites",
// Priority display
"Idle (not advisable)",
"Superior a idle", //65
"Superior a normal",
"Real time",
"Aumenta la prioridad durante el acceso",
// Shareware display
"Es una utilidad\nbarata y universal.Solo 13$\n\nPor favor Registrese\nparamantener el soporte\n y el desarrollo.",
"Por favor introduzca un numero de registro", //71
"Mire la ayuda para saber como conseguir un numero de registro.\nLa cuota de registro is $17.95 US o Ç 15,00.\Por favor visite mi homepage http://www.podien.de",
"El periodo de evalucacion ha finalizado.\nPor favor Registrese\no Introduzca un unico numbero en la siguiente pantalla.",
"Demasiados elementos para mostrar!\nPor favor remueva algunos items antes!",
"Por favor introduzca un valor\nentre %d y %d!", //75
"Gracias por registrarse!",
"Numero de Registro no encontrado",
// Message boxes
"Hay otro proceso funcionando?",
"Por favor espera hasta que la inicializacion se haya completado",
"Sistema operativo Desconocido", //80
"Por favor instale el driver NTIOWP.SYS primero",
"El Programa require una version del driver!\nPor favor instale NTIOWP.SYS primero\nVersion read out : %d\nVersion Actual: %d",
"Por favor instale el driver IOWP9598.VXD primero",
"El Programa require una version del driver!\nPor favor instale IOWP9598.VXD primero\nVersion read out : %d\nVersion Actual : %d",
"Sin Optimizacion para series Cyrix 5x86", //85
"Sin Optimizacion para \nCPU's Intel 486",
"Sin Optimizacion para \nIntel 786",
"Sin Optimizacion\npara este procesador\n",
//Exit Menue addtion
"Display Peque±o",
//Small Display general configuration
"Posicion del Display Peque±o", // 90
"Tama±o del Display Peque±o",
"Esquina superior derecha",
"Esquina inferior izquierda",
"Esquina inferior derecha", //95
"Siempre visible",
//Small Displays left button menu
"Configuracion de los displays peque±os",
"Display Numerico",
"Display Grafico", //100
"Display Grafico de Barras",
//Messages shown in main display
"Refrigeracion Alternativa",
"Refrigeracion on",
"Refrigeracion off",
"Refrigeracion Alternativa on ", // 105
"Refrigeracion Forzada",
"Refrigeracion Forzada off ",
"No mostrar nombres",
"Display Coloreado", //110
"Por favor ejecute\nCPUCooL solo una vez",
"Eleccion de Lenguaje",
"Realizar Optimizaciones",
"Escoja sensor de Temperatura",
"Temp1 Sensor compatible Pentium", // 115
"Temp1 Sensor Transistor",
"Temp2 Sensor compatible Pentium",
"Temp2 Sensor Transistor",
"Temp3 Sensor Pentium compatible",
"Temp3 Sensor Transistor", // 120
"El numero de registro que has introducido es ILEGAL. POR FAVOR REGISTRESE! Soy una persona amable que no borrara tu disco duro. CPUCooL is barato solo $17.95 US! POR FAVOR REGISTRESE y ayudeme a continuar con el desarrollo de CPUCooL! Recuerda que es mas caro probar nuevo hardware y el precio que pagaras es minimo!",
"\nSin optimizacion CPU",
"Solo el icono de la barra de tareas es actualizado",
"Sin Actualizacion",
"Para ver los valores por favor seleccione", // 125
"Parametros -> Configuracion de fuentes de medida -> Todos los valores",
"Parametros -> Configuracion de fuentes de medida -> Pantalla completa",
"(no registrado)",
"Apagado del sistema", //130
"Normal Apagado del sistema",
"Forzado Apagado del sistema",
"Normal Apagado del sistema",
"Forzado Apagado del sistema",
"Cerrar sesion", // 135
"y las teclas Alt y Control",
"Apagado del sistema",
"y desconecte el sistema",
"La Temperatura esta por encima del limite.\nCPUCooL apagara el sistema AHORA!.",
"Fabricante del PLL", //140
"Tipo del PLL",
"Frecuencia a poner",
"Frecuencia de la barra de tareas 1",
"Frecuencia de la barra de tareas 2",
"Frecuencia de la barra de tareas 3", //145
"Frecuencia de la barra de tareas 4",
"Valores Actuales PLL",
"Seleccionar FSB en el proximo arranque",
"Seleccionar Frecuencia",
"Obtener Valor de salida PLL", //150
"Error leyendo PLL",
"Cambiar el valor del FSB puede da±ar el hardware!\nEs bajo tu responsabilidad!\nNo asumo ninguna resposabilidad!\Si el sistema se cuelga deconectarlo de la red y volver a intentarlo!\nFabricante : %s\nType : %s\nFrecuencia FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nFrecuencia PCI : %2d.%1d MHz\nVelocidad CPU : %d.%1d MHz",
"Actual Frecuencia",
"Error ajustando PLL",
"Numero de bytes incorrectos.\nDeberian ser %d actuales %d", //155
"no usado",
"Leer la informacion PLL puede da±ar tu hardware!\nEs bajo tu responsabilidad!\nNo asumo ninguna resposabilidad!",
"Tu PLL is de solo escrituraL!\nNo puede ser leido\nNo es motivo para preocuparse\nPuedes escribir otra Frecuencia en los PLL's de solo escritura!",
" Demasiado peque±o",
" Demasiado Grande", //160
"No tienes privilegio para apgar el sistema",
"Empezar a registrar al comenzar CPUCooL",
"A±adir datos al fichero de log",
"Los datos son grabados en el fichero de log",
"Solo los valores de la placa base", //165
"Error mientras abria el fichero de log",
"Error mientras cerraba el fichero de log",
"Error mientras escribia el fichero de log",
"El fichero de log ya esta abierto",
"El fichero de log no esta abierto", //170
"L2 Cache Latency",
"Optimizaciones del procesador al arrancar CPUCooL",
"Por favor compruebe L2 Cache Latency", //175
"Esta opcion puede da±ar su hardware!\nEs bajo tu responsabilidad!\nNo asumo ninguna resposabilidad!\nSi el sistema se cuelga desenchufelo y reintentelo!",
" Limite",
"Sin lineas horizontales",
"Sin lineas verticales",
"Mostrar Graficos en grados Celsius", //180
"Mostrar Temperatura sobre 130F",
"Guardar informacion en fichero",
"La Informacion ha sido guardada en\nCPUCooL.Info",
"Graficos de Barras", // 185
"Valores numericos",
"Sin alarma en la barra de tareas",
"Introduzca un numero entre %d y %d", //190
"Bajo consumo",
"Bajo consumo MMX",
"Mostrar pantalla principal",
"Liberar memoria",
"Refrigeracion", //195
"Refrigeracion off",
"Alarma on",
"Alarma off",
"Refrigeracion Forzada off",
"Parar Juego", //200
"Comenzar Juego",
"Frecuencia de actualizacion %d sec ",
"Apagar Refrigeracion",
"Deactiva el temporizador",
"Liberar MBytes de memoria (MByte)", //205
"PonerFSB en MHz",
"Acciones a realizar cuando se pare el juego",
"Restaurar refrigeracion",
"Restaurar temporizador",
"Temp1 Sensor Thermistor", //210
"Temp2 Sensor Thermistor",
"Temp3 Sensor Thermistor",
"reducir FSB a",
"Si la temperatura baja",
"Poner el valor anterior de FSB ", //215
"Contenido de EEPROMs en SDRAM (forma breve)",
"Numero de Bytes en EEPROM",
"CAS Latency",
"Ciclo SDRAM", //220
"Tiempo de accesso SDRAM",
"2║ Ciclo SDRAM",
"2║ Tiempo de accesso SDRAM",
"Especificacion PC100",
"Visualizacion Avanzada", //225
"RAS to CAS Delay",
"RAS Precharge Time",
"Actualiza solo en la barra de tareas",
"No Actualizar",
"Minimizar Ventana de salida", //230
"Restaurar Ventana de salida",
"Modo de Refrigeracion",
"Optimizacion CPU",
"Frecuencia CPU (FSB)",
"Optimizacion memoria Windows", //235
"Opciones de Pantalla",
"Limites de temperatura, voltaje, y velocidad del ventilador",
"Celsius / Fahrenheit", //240
"Arranque CPUCooL",
"Prioridad CPUCooL",
"Icono de game start",
"Fichero de Log",
"CPUCooL Pantalla principal de Configuracion", //245
"Numeros y general",
"Limites Graficos",
"Habilitar control de la velocidad del ventilador por CPUCooL",
"Limite inferior de Temperatura y velocidad del ventilador", //250
"Limite superior de Temperatura y velocidad del ventilador",
"Sensor de Control",
"Consultar la ayuda (Apriete F1)",
"No hacer el analisis de la placa base al arrancar",
"EEProm esta vacia o no existe", //255
"RPM ",
"Expulsa todos los dispositivos removibles",
"Al apagar poner el FSB a",
"Si quieres cambiar el FrontSideBus de tu placa base debes elegir su PLL.Si conoces el fabricante y el tipo de tu placa, por favor seleccionalo ahora", //260
"Fabricante de Placa Base",
"Tipo de Placa Base",
"Expulsa dispositivos removibles",
"Eleccion Placa Base",
"", //265
"If your Placa Base is not in the list above\neverything should work fine without a selection.\nIf you find out the PLL manufacturer and type, please give me an e-mail at",
"Hints for finding the PLL at",
"Si luego encuentras el proveedor y tipo de Placa Base , Por favor escogela\nopciones -> Eleccion Placa Base\nto Selecciona tu Placa Base.",
"Si", //270
"No lo se",
"Escogiste la Placa Base\n%s\ncon el pll\nfabricante : %s tipo : %s.\nEs correcto?",
"Obtener Frecuencia",
"L2 Cache",
"tipo cache Motorola / Mitsubishi",
""tipo cache NEC / SEC",
"Porfavor compruebe la velocidad de la cache L2 primero",
"L2 Actual", //280
"Optimizacion del cache L2 al arranque de CPUCooL",
"Si oyes algunos sonidos o ves cuadros de dialogo,\nPuedes desactivar los sonidos en la BIOS o desactivar los cuadros de dialogo en el otro programa de monitorizacion",
"Por favor conectate con derechos de administrador para arrancar el servicio CPUCooL!",
"Aceso alternativo al PLL",
"Antes de cambiar el metodo de acceso al PLL\nApague primero el ordenador",
"Cambio de Frecuencia no satisfactorio!",
"Cambio cache L2 correcto",
"Error al cambiar el cache L2",
"grados, arranque",
"grados, arranque",
"si baja de",
"si sube de",
"Programa controlado por la Temperatura launch start",
"Temperature controlled program launch program stop",
"Arrancar programa",
"El Fabricante de %s cambio el PLL durante la producion.\nLas posibiladese son:\nFabricante: %s tipo: %s o\nFabricante: %s tipo: %s\nPor favor comprueba tu Placa Base para saber el tipo!",
"El FrontSideBus no ha cambiado.\nLos Resultados pueden no ser los esperados",
"Salir CPUFSB inmediatamente despues de ejecutarlo desde la carpeta inicio",
"Usa Tarjetas Graficas",
"Sin ninguna pregunta",
"Activar configuracion FSB dependiendo de la Temp.",
"Activar Refrigeracion Forzada dependiendo de la Temp.",
"Activar el apagado del ordenor dependiendo de la temp.",
"Forced shutdown without saving any settings", //305
"Display Refrigeracion",
"Display principal",
"Refrigeracion Forzada",
"Reduce FSB",
"Apagado del Ordenador",
"Ejecutar Programa",
"Temperature dependant program launch if the temperature is over the limit(1)",
"Temperature dependant program launch if the temperature is under the limit(2)",
"First it must go over the limit (1) and then under (2)",
"Temperature dependant cooling", //315
"Common settings",
"Settings of the display",
"Displayed names of the temperature, voltages and fans", //320
"Temperature dependent cooling over a limit",
"Temperature dependent cooling under a limit",
"start CPU cooling",
"stop CPU cooling",
"Display the contents of SPD EEPROM", //325
"The output of the PLL might be wrong. Please set the Frecuencia first!",
"ATHLON forced cooling.\nOn some boards there might be some noise from the soundcard",
"Save", //330
"open small display else start dialog",
"no disp.",
"Fine tuning",
"Use Frecuencia 'fine %d' en CPUCooL",
"Peligro!!! Frecuencia 'Fine %d' no ha sido probado!\nPor lo que no esta disponible en CPUCooL!\nPor favor pruebalo antes!",
"Freq set",
"Cambiar el FSB puede estropear tu hardware!\nEs bajo tu responsabilidad!\nNo asumo ninguna resposabilidad!\nSi el sistema se cuelga desconecta el enchufe y reintentalo otra vez!\nFabricante : %s\nTipo : %s\nFrecuencia FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nFrecuencia CPU : %d.%1d MHz",
"Numero de lineas horizontales",
"Usar Frecuencia en bandeja y arrancar cpucool",
"Usar Frecuencia en bandeja y apagar cpucool",
"Usar al arrancar",
"Cambio de Multiplicador en K6-2/3+",
"Habilitar detencion de ventilador lento",
"Si %s detecta un multiplicador erroneo, por favor corrijalo aqui",
"Current Frecuencia",
"Change additional:",
"1 clock at frames and CPU/PCI slave",
"Fair CPU/PCI priority, PCIBusMaster",
"PCI MasterRead caching", // 351
"Reduce sound problems",
"Basic Frecuencia",
"FSB", //355
"Master priority rotation 2 cycles",
"Delay transaktion (dangerous on VIA686B systems)",
"Este PLL tiene opcion de ajuste preciso!\nPor favor usalo Please use it as it is more reliable!",
"Fichero", //360 menu system
"Grabar configuracion",
"Configuracion Fichero Log",
"Nombre del Fichero de Log",
"Empezar el Log",
"Parar el Log", //365
"Freq. Actualizacion",
"1 seg",
"2 seg",
"5 seg", //370
"10 seg",
"20 seg",
"30 seg",
"Modo Refrigeracion / Dependiendo de la temperatura", //375
"Apagado de Windows por teclado / Expulsa todos los disp. removibles",
"Cambiar FSB / Cambiar Velocidad CPU",
"Optimizacion CPU",
"Limpieza periodica de la memoria usada por Windows",
"Limites de voltajes, temperatura y Velocidad ventilador", //380
"Contenido SDRAM EEPROM",
"SDRAM4", //385
"Opciones Display", //390
"Display ",
"Este display (Display Principal)",
"Display Numerico",
"Display Grafico",
"Display Peque±o", //395
"Grafico de Barras",
"Limites del display grafico", //400
"Colores de display inferior y del peque±o",
"Escojer Placa Base",
"Escojer sensor de Temperatura",
"Ajuste Temperaturas", //405
"Celsius - Fahrenheit",
"Configuracion de fuentes de medida",
"Escoger Lenguaje",
"Arranque de CPUCooL",
"Configurar item Juego del menu",
"Cambiar nombres de temperaturas voltajes y ventiladores", //411
"Prioridad de CPUCooL",
"Info. Registro",
"Help", //416
"Help Items",
"info CPUCooL",
"Temp2", //420
"Temp3", //421
"Sensor Temp 0",
"Sensor Temp 1",
"Sensor Temp 2",
"Sensor Temp 3", //425
"Sensor Temp 4",
"Sensor Temp 5",
"Sensor Temp 6",
"Sensor Temp 7",
"VCore 1", //430
"VCore 2",
"3,3 V",
"5 V",
"12 V",
"V bat", //435
"V opt",
"V accu",
"-5 V",
"-12 V",
"Vent. 1", //440
"Vent. 2",
"Vent. 3",
"Vent. 4",
"% Tiempo CPU 1",
"% Tiempo CPU 2", //445
"Com. rec",
"Com. trans",
"Com. crc",
"Com. tot rec",
"Com. tot trans", //450
"Mem Disp.",
"Pag. Mem",
"Lect. Disco",
"Esc. Disco",
"Total Servidor", //455
"Total cliente",
"Pager pag",
"Freq Actual",
"", //460
"Barra (seleccion de fuente)",
"Guardar configuracion desde fichero", //465
"Cargar configuracion desde fichero",
"% Uso de CPU / G. barras",
"% Uso de CPU / numeros",
"No % CPU usage shown",
"Mostar memoria no usada", //470
"A±ada coma entre valores",
"Cerrar el menu de la bandeja",
"Quitar valores",
"Control Vent.",
"HDD 1", //475
"HDD 2",
"HDD 3",
"HDD 4",
"Discos Duros",
"Overview", //480
"Informacion Adiccional",
"Enable S.M.A.R.T.\n(Si tienes un Ordenador Scsi, No actives esta opcion)",
"Rev. Firmware", //485
"Numero de Serie",
"Tasa de Error en Raw Read",
"Tiempo de Arranque(Spin Up)",
"Cuenta Arranques/Paros", //490
"Cuenta de Sectores Realojados",
"Lectura Channel Margin",
"Tasa Error Busq.",
"Rend. Tiempo Busq",
"Horas Encendido", //495
"Cuenta de ReArranques",
"Cuenta de ReCalibraciones",
"Cuenta de Power Cycle",
"Atributo Desconocido"
"Valor Actual", //500
"Transhold Valor",
"Valor Status",
"Valor RAW",
"Worse Ever Valor",
"Cambiar el FSB puede estropear tu hardware!\nEs bajo tu responsabilidad!\nNo asumo ninguna resposabilidad!\nSi el sistema se cuelga desconecta el enchufe y reintentalo otra vez!\nFabricante : %s\nTipo : %s\nFrecuencia FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nFrecuencia CPU : %d.%1d MHz",
"Cada ... rd tiempo de refresco comun la informacion S.M.A.R.T. es tambien actualizada",
"Habra un mensaje si uno de los valores S.M.A.R.T. cambia",
"Habra un mensaje si uno de los valores S.M.A.R.T. (rango 0 - 15) cambia",
"NO Habra un mensaje si uno de los valores S.M.A.R.T. cambia",
"Atencion!!!\nDrive %d\nEl Parametro S.M.A.R.T. %s cambio de %d a %d",
"Lo Siento, Estas es una version Demo.\nNo se puede registrar.\nLa Version completa incluye esta opcion\nPor favor compra este programa en:\nhttp://www.podien.de/REGISTER.HTM !\nLos usuarios Registrados pueden optener la version completa en\nsupport@podien.de\nPor favor incluyan su numero de registro en la solicitud.",
"Buscar rango inferior SMBus",
"Buscar rango superior SMBus",
"Harddisk optimizations",
"Set only basic cooling registers",
"Enable RAM refresh",
"CoolSVR.exe is working",
"CooLSRV.exe is not working",
"Fan divisor\nDivide by the choosen number\n0 = take no divisor into account", // 520
"Fan divisor",
"Are you shure that ASUS is the mainboard manufacturer?\nCPUCooL does not find the string ASUS in the bios!\nIt is on your own risk!\nNo resposibility!",
"This way to change the frequency does not work with this PLL\nPlease use the fine tuning button to change the frequency!",
"Temperature and absolute fan speed (*100 rpm, for 5000 rpm enter 50) for lower fan level",
"Temperature and absolute fan speed (*100 rpm, for 5000 rpm enter 50) for upper fan level",
"Generate info e-mail",
"F", //530
"*100 rpm",
"Set temperature sensor choice at startup",
"Background color main display",
"Background color small display",
"FrontSideBus change\nThe mainboard choise is only for PLL preselection\nHints for finding the PLL at",
"You have found the monitoring ic!\nFor some hints to find the PLL please have a look at",
"You have found a PLL whose frequency could not be changed via SMBUS.\nThe PLL manufacturer did not implement this feature. It will also not be possible to change the frequency in the future version of any program - the hardware does not support it...",
"You have found a PLL who does not have an SMBUS.\nThe PLL manufacturer did not implement this feature. It will also not be possible to change the frequency in the future version of any program - the hardware does not support it...",
"Cooling via S1 (HALT) Sleep",
"Cooling via C2 (I/O based) sleep", //540
"An error occured while sending the e-mail.\nNo e-mail is sent\nIs your e-mail program running?\nThen please close it first,\nand try it again",
"Always display fans",
"Generate debug info",
"La Informacion ha sido guardada en\nCPUFSB.Info",
"Rebuild tray icons after 30 min", //545
"Write Only PLL.\nThere is no reading of the PLL available only setting the new frequency!",
"No forced Athlon cooling",
"Only for registered users",
"The full version would save settings now! Please register CPUCooL for only 15,00 Euros / $ 17.95 US",
"Colored tray output",
"Number of lines",
"60 seg",
"CPU clock in Ghz",
"Harddisk state OK",
"Harddisk state BAD",//555
"Attention!!!\nHarddisk %d\nSMART error report for drive\n%s\nSerial : %s\nParameter %s value %d below transhold of %d\nDefect possible",
"Czynno£ci do wykonania po wybraniu opcji Start Gry na pasku",
"Je£li temperatura",
"przekroczy", // 50
"podnie£ priorytet procesu ch│odzenia",
"i w│╣cz alarm",
"Je£li aktywno£µ ponad",
"% przez",
"sekund, wy│╣cz ch│odzenie", //55
"Dolna Granica",
"G≤rna Granica", //60
"W│╣cz kontrolΩ zakresu",
// Priority display
"Idle (nie polecane)",
"Ponad idle", //65
"Ponad normalny",
"Podnie£ priorytet podczas dostΩpu",
// Shareware display
"jest niedrogim ($17.95 US û ok 50 z│)\nuniwersalnym narzΩdziem.\n\nProszΩ zarejestrowaµ\ni pom≤c dalszym rozwoju.\nPo wiΩcej informacji zajrzyj na http://www.podien.de !",
"ProszΩ wpisaµ numer rejestracyjny", //71
"Zajrzyj do Menu Pomoc aby dowiedzieµ siΩ jak otrzymaµ numer rejestracyjny. Op│ata\nrejestracyjna wynosi $17.95 US lub 15 Euro (ok. 50z│).\nProszΩ odwiedziµ moj╣ stronΩ http://www.podien.de",
"Zbyt du┐o do wy£wietlania!\nProszΩ usun╣µ jakie£ pozycje!",
"ProszΩ wpisaµ warto£µ \npomiΩdzy %d i %d!", //75
"DziΩkuje za rejestracjΩ!",
"Nie znaleziono numeru rejestracyjnego",
// Message boxes
"Czy jest w│╣czony inny proces?",
"ProszΩ czekaµ na zako±czenie inicjalizacji",
"Nieznany system operacyjny", //80
"ProszΩ najpierw zainstalowaµ sterownik NTIOWP.SYS",
"Program wymaga innej nowszej sterownika !\nProszΩ najpierw zainstalowaµ NTIOWP.SYS \nWersja rozpoznana : %d\nWersja wymagana : %d",
"ProszΩ najpierw zainstalowaµ sterownik OWP9598.VXD",
"Program wymaga innej nowszej sterownika !\nProszΩ najpierw zainstalowaµ OWP9598.VXD \nWersja rozpoznana : %d\nWersja wymagana : %d",
"Brak optymalizacji do Cyrix serii 5x86", //85
"Brak optymalizacji do \nIntel 486 CPU",
"Brak optymalizacji do \nIntel 786 jak narazie",
"Brak optymalizaji\ndostΩpnych do tego \nprocesora",
//Exit Menue addtion
"Ma│e okno",
//Small Display general configuration
"Pozycja ma│ego okna", // 90
"Rozmiar ma│ego okna",
"G≤rny lewy r≤g",
"G≤rny prawy r≤g",
"Dolny lewy r≤g",
"Dolny prawy r≤g", //95
"Zawsze na wierzchu",
//Small Displays left button menu
"Ustawienia ma│ego okna",
"Wy£wietl numerycze",
"Wy£wietl graficzne", //100
"Wy£wietl Bargraph ",
//Messages shown in main display
"Ch│odzenie alternatywne",
"Ch│odzenie w│╣czone ",
"ch│odzenie wy│╣czone ",
"Alternatywne ch│odzenie w│╣czone ", // 105
"Wymuszone ch│odzenie ",
"Wymuszone ch│odzenie wy│╣czone ",
"Nie wy£wietlaj nazw",
"W kolorze", //110
"ProszΩ uruchamiaµ\nCPUCooL pojedy±czo",
"Wyb≤r jΩzyka",
"W│╣cz optymalizacje",
"Wyb≤r czujnika temperatury",
"Temp1 Sensor kompatybilny z Pentium", // 115
"Temp1 Sensor Tranzystor",
"Temp2 Sensor kompatybilny z Pentium",
"Temp2 Sensor Tranzystor",
"Temp3 Sensor kompatybilny z Pentium",
"Temp3 Sensor Tranzystor", // 120
"Wpisa│e£ piracki numer seryjny. PROSZ╩ ZAREJESTROWA╞! Nie mam zamiaru niszczyµ Ci dyku twardego. CPUCooL jest tani $17.95 US! PROSZ╩ ZAREJESTROWA╞ i pom≤c mi w jego rozwijaniu! Pamietaj, ┐e testowanie nowego sprzΩtu jest drogie a cena kt≤r╣ p│acisz ma│a!",
"\nBrak optymalizacji CPU",
"Od£wie┐ane s╣ jedynie warto£ci na pasku",
"Brak od£wie┐ania",
"Aby zobaczyµ ekran wyj£ciowy naci£nij", // 125
"Ustawienia -> Ustawienia ƒr≤de│ danych -> Pasek i warto£ci p│yty g│≤wnej",
"Ustawienia -> Ustawienia ƒr≤de│ danych -> Wy£wietl wszystko",
"Ustawianie FSB mo┐e uszkodziµ tw≤j sprzΩt!\nRobisz to na w│asn╣ odpowiedzialno£µ!\nJa£li system siΩ zawiesi od│╣cz zasilanie s pr≤buj ponownie!\nProducent : %s\nTyp : %s\nCzΩstotliwo£µ FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nCzΩstotliwo£µ PCI : %2d.%1d MHz\nCzΩstotliwo£µ CPU : %d.%1d MHz",
"Aktualna czΩstotliwo£µ",
"B│╣d podczas ustawiania PLL",
"Nieprawid│owa ilo£µ zczytanych bajt≤w.\nPowinno byµ %d jest %d", //155
"Pobieranie danych PLL mo┐e uszkodziµ tw≤j sprzΩt!\nRobisz to na w│asn╣ odpowiedzialno£µ!",
"Twoj PLL s│u┐y jedynie do zapisywania!\nNie mo┐e byµ odczytany\nNie ma czym siΩ martwiµ\nMo┐esz do niego zapisaµ inn╣ czΩstotliwo£µ!",
" za ma│o",
" za du┐o", //160
"Brak uprawnie± do zamkniΩcia",
"Tw≤rz dziennik CPUCooL",
"Dodaj dane do dziennika",
"Informacje tekstowe s╣ zapisywane do dziennika",
"Jedynie warto£ci p│yty g│≤wnej", //165
"B│╣d podczas otwierania dziennika",
"B│╣d podczas zamykania dziennika",
"B│╣d podczas zapisywania do dziennika",
"Dziennik ju┐ otwarty",
"Dziennik zamkniΩty", //170
"Op≤ƒnienie L2 Cache",
"W│╣cz optymalizacje podczas startu CPUCooL",
"Nie mo┐liwe",
"ProszΩ najpierw sprawdziµ op≤xnienie L2 Cache", //175
"Ta opcja mo┐e uszkodziµ tw≤j sprzΩt!\nRobisz to na w│asn╣ odpowiedzialno£µ!\nJe£li system siΩ zawiesi od│╣cz zasilanie i spr≤buj ponownie!",
" Limit",
"Bez linii poziomych",
"Bez linii pionowych",
"Wy£wietlanie graficzne w stopniach Celciusza", //180
"Wy£wietlaj temperaturΩ ponad 130F",
"Zapisz informacje do pliku",
"Dane zapisane do pliku\nCPUCooL.Info",
"Bargraphs", // 185
"Warto£ci numeryczne",
"Brak alarmu na pasku",
"ProszΩ wpisaµ numer pomiΩdzy %d a %d", //190
"Ma│a moc",
"Ma│a moc MMX",
"Otw≤rz du┐e okno",
"Odzyskaj pamiΩµ",
"Ch│odzenie", //195
"Ch│odzenie wy│╣czone",
"Alarm w│╣czony",
"Alarm wy│╣czony",
"Wymuszone ch│odzenie wy│╣czone",
"Stop gry", //200
"Start gry",
"Od£wie┐ane co %d sec\n",
"Wy│╣cz ch│odzenie",
"Wy│╣cz rozk│ad zajΩµ",
"Odzyskaj MB pamiΩci", //205
"Ustaw FSB na MHz",
"Czynno£ci do wykonania po wybraniu opcji Stop Gry na pasku",
"Przywr≤µ ch│odzenie",
"Przywr≤µ rozk│ad zajΩµ",
"Temp1 Sensor Thermistor", //210
"Temp2 Sensor Thermistor",
"Temp3 Sensor Thermistor",
"zmniejsz FSB do",
"Je£li temperatura spadnie poni┐ej",
"ustaw star╣ warto£µ FSB", //215
"Zawarto£µ EEPROMs na SDRAM (kr≤tka postaµ)",
"Suma kontrolna",
"Liczba Bajt≤w w EEPROM",
"Op≤ƒnienie CAS",
"Czas cyklu SDRAM", //220
"Czas dostΩpu SDRAM",
"2 czas cyklu SDRAM",
"2 czas dostΩpu SDRAM",
"PC100 spec",
"Rozszerzone info", //225
"Op≤ƒnienie RAS to CAS",
"Czas prze│adowania RAS",
"Od£wie┐ wy│╣cznie na pasku",
"Brak od£wierzania",
"Minimalizuj okno wyj£ciowe", //230
"Przywr≤µ okno wyj£ciowe",
"Tryb ch│odzenia",
"Optymalizacja CPU",
"CzΩstotliwo£µ zegara CPU (FSB)",
"Optymalizacja pamiΩci Windows", //235
"Opcje wy£wietlania",
"Zakresy temperatury, napiΩcia i prΩdko£ci wentylator≤w",
"Pozycjonowanie temperatury",
"Celsjusz / Fahrenheit", //240
"Start CPUCooL",
"Priorytet CPUCooL",
"Start gry na pasku",
"G│≤wne okno konfiguracyjne CPUCooL", //245
"Liczby i og≤lne",
"Zakresy grafiki",
"W│╣cz kontrolΩ wentylator≤w przez CPUCooL",
"Temperatura i wzglΩdna prΩdko£µ wentylator≤w dla dolnej granicy", //250
"Temperatura i wzglΩdna prΩdko£µ wentylator≤w dla g≤rnej granicy",
"Sensor kontrolny",
"Zobacz ekran pomocy (Klawisz F1)",
"Nie analizuj p│yty g│≤wnej przy starcie",
"EEProm pusty lub brak", //255
"RPM ", // rotations per minute
"Wysu± wszystkie no£niki wymienne",
"Przy wychodzeniu ustaw FSB na",
"Je£li chcesz zmieniµ FSB na Twojej p│ycie musisz wybraµPLL. Je£li znasz producenta i typ p│yty, wybierz j╣ teraz", //260
"Producent p│yty g│≤wnej",
"Typ p│yty g│≤wnej",
"Wysu± media wymienne",
"Wyb≤r p│yty g│≤wnej",
"", //265
"Je£li na powy┐szej li£cie nie ma Twojej p│yty g│≤wnej\nWszystko i tak powinno dzia│aµ.\nJe£li niedzia│a, lub je£li odkry│e£ producenta i typ PLL,\n kt≤rej nie ma na liscie\nproszΩ daj mi znaµ na e-mail:",
"Pomoc przy szukaniu PLL na stronce:",
"Je£li odkry│e£ producenta i typ Twojej p│yty g│≤wnej, wybierz \nOpcje -> Wyb≤r p│yty g│≤wnej\naby wybraµ p│ytΩ.",
"ProszΩ najpierw przetestowaµ opcjΩ prΩdko£ci L2",
"Aktualne L2", //280
"Optymalizacja L2 cache przy starcie CPUCooL",
"Je£li s│yszysz jakie£ dƒwiΩki lub pokazuj╣ siΩ komunikaty,\nmo┐esz wy│╣czyµ dƒwiΩki w BIOSie lub zablokowaµ komunikaty w innych programach monitoruj╣cych",
"ProszΩ zalogowaµ siΩ z uprawnieniami administratora aby uruchomiµ us│ugΩ CPUCooL Server!",
"Alternatywny dostΩp do PLL",
"Przed zmian╣ metody dostΩpu do PLL \nproszΩ najpierw wy│╣czyµ zasilanie",
"Delay transaktion (niebezpieczne w systemie VIA686B)",
"To PLL posiada opcje dok│adnego strojenia!\nProszΩ u┐yµ go jako bardziej solidnego!",
"Plik", //360 menu system
"Zapisz ustawienia",
"Ustawienia dziennika",
"Nazwa pliku dziennika",
"Rozpocznij zapisywanie dziennika",
"Zatrzymaj zapisywanie dziennika", //365
"1 sec",
"2 sec",
"5 sec", //370
"10 sec",
"20 sec",
"30 sec",
"Tryb ch│odzenia / w│╣czanie zale┐ne od temperatury", //375
"Wy│╣czanie Windows klawiatur╣ / Wysuwanie no£nik≤w wymiennych",
"Zmiana FSB / zmiana czΩstotliwo£ci CPU",
"Optymalizacja CPU",
"Okresowe odzyskiwanie pamiΩci Windows",
"Zakresy napiΩµ, temperatury i wentylator≤w", //380
"Zawarto£µ SDRAM EEPROM",
"SDRAM4", //385
"W│a£ciwo£ci wy£wietlania", //390
"Wy£wietlanie na pasku",
"To okno (G│≤wne okno)",
"Wy£wietlanie numeryczne",
"Wy£wietlanie graficzne",
"Ma│e okno", //395
"Zakresy wy£wietlania grafiki", //400
"Kolory wykresu i ma│ego okna",
"Wyb≤r p│yty g│≤wnej",
"Wyb≤r czujnika temperatury / Kontrola wentylator≤w ",
"Pozycjonowanie temperatury", //405
"Celsjusz - Fahrenheit",
"Konfiguracja ƒr≤de│ danych",
"Wyb≤r jΩzyka",
"Start CPUCooL",
"Ustawienia opcji Gra na pasku",
"Zmiana nazw temperatur, napiΩµ i wentylator≤w", //411
"Priorytet CPUCooL",
"Informacja rejestracji",
"Pomoc", //416
"Tematy Pomocy",
"CPUCooL info",
"Temp2", //420
"Temp3", //421
"Temp Sens 0",
"Temp Sens 1",
"Temp Sens 2",
"Temp Sens 3", //425
"Temp Sens 4",
"Temp Sens 5",
"Temp Sens 6",
"Temp Sens 7",
"VCore 1", //430
"VCore 2",
"3,3 V",
"5 V",
"12 V",
"V bat", //435
"V opt",
"V accu",
"-5 V",
"-12 V",
"Fan 1", //440
"Fan 2",
"Fan 3",
"Fan 4",
"% CPU Time 1",
"% CPU Time 2", //445
"Comm rec",
"Comm trans",
"Comm crc",
"Comm tot rec",
"Comm tot trans", //450
"Dost Pam",
"Stron Pam",
"Odcz Dysk",
"Zapis Dysk",
"Server calosc", //455
"Client calosc",
"Pager pag",
"Akt czΩst",
"", //460
"Wyb≤r czcionki paska",
"Zapisz ustawienia do pliku", //465
"Odczytaj ustawienia z pliku",
"% u┐ycie CPU / bargraph",
"% u┐ycie CPU / liczby",
"Nie pokazuj u┐ycia % CPU",
"Wy£wietl woln╣ pamiΩµ", //470
"Dodaj podzia│k╣ pomiΩdzy warto£ciami",
"Zamknij menu na paska",
"Wyczy£µ wszystkie warto£ci",
"Kontrola wentylatora",
"HDD 1", //475
"HDD 2",
"HDD 3",
"HDD 4",
"Twarde dyski",
"Przegl╣d", //480
"Dodatkowe informacje",
"W│╣cz S.M.A.R.T. \n(Je£li masz dyski SCSI, nie w│╣czaj)",
"Numer modelu",
"Firmware rev", //485
"Numer seryjny",
"Wsp≤│czynnik b│Ωd≤w odczytu",
"Czas rozruchu",
"Licznik Start/Stop", //490
"Licznik przen sektor≤w",
"Margines kana│u zapisu",
"Wsp≤│czynnik b│Ωd≤w odczytu",
"Czas dostΩpu",
"Licznik godzin dzia│ania", //495
"Licznik powt start≤w",
"Licznik powt kalibracji",
"Licznik cykl≤w mocy",
"Nieznana wart"
"Aktualna warto£µ", //500
"Warto£µ graniczna",
"Warto£µ statusu",
"Warto£µ RAW",
"Najgorsza uzyskana warto£µ",
"Zmiana FSB mo┐e uszkodziµ tw≤j sprzΩt!\nRobisz to na w│asn╣ odpowiedzialno£µ!\nJa£li system siΩ zawiesi od│╣cz zasilanie i spr≤buj ponownie!\nProducent : %s\nTyp : %s\nCzΩstotliwo£µ FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nCzΩstotliwo£µ PCI : %2d.%1d MHz\nCzΩstotliwo£µ RAM : %3d.%1d MHz\nCzΩstotliwo£µ CPU : %d.%1d MHz",
"Uaktualniej informacje S.M.A.R.T.co x wsp≤lne uaktualnienie",
"Pojawi siΩ wiadomo£µ je£li ulegnie zmianie jedna z warto£ci S.M.A.R.T.",
"Pojawi siΩ wiadomo£µ je£li ulegnie zmianie jedna z g│≤wnych (zakres 0 - 15) warto£ci S.M.A.R.T. ",
"Nie informuj mnie o zmianach warto£ci S.M.A.R.T.",
"Uwaga!!!\nDrive %d\nParametr S.M.A.R.T. %s zmieni│ siΩ z %d na %d",
"Przykro mi, to jest jedynie wersja testowa.\nNie ma mo┐liwo£ci rejestracji.\nPe│na wersja zawiera tutaj ekran rejestracyjny.\nProszΩ kupiµ program na:\nhttp://www.podien.de/REGISTER.HTM !\nZarejestrowani u┐ytkownicy dostaj╣ pe│n╣ wersjΩ z \nsupport@podien.de\nProszΩ zamie£ciµ sw≤j adres lub numer rejestracyjny we wniosku.");
"Szukaj w dolnym zakresie SMBus",
"Szukaj w g≤rnym zakresie SMBus",
"Optymalizacje HDD",
"Ustaw jedynie podstawowe rejestry ch│odzenia",
"W│╣cz od£wie┐anie pamiΩci",
"CoolSVR.exe dzia│a",
"CooLSRV.exe nie dzia│a",
"Dzielnik wentylatora\nDziel przez wybran╣ liczbΩ\n0 = nie uwzglΩdniaj dzielnika", // 520
"Dzielnik went.",
"Czy jeste£ pewny, ┐e ASUS jest producentem twojej p│yty g│≤wnej?\nCPUCooL nie znalaz│ │a±cucha ASUS w biosie!\nRobisz to na w│asn╣ odpowiedzialno£µ!",
"Ten spos≤b zmiany czΩstotliwo£ci nie dzia│a z tym PLL\nProszΩ u┐yµ przycisku Dok│adne strojenie aby zmieniµ czΩstotliwo£µ!",
"Sprawdzenie minimalnego zakresu SMBUS (adresy 2c-2e)",
"Wykrywanie monitora Dell", // 525
"Temperatura i bezwzglΩdna prΩdko£µ wentylator≤w (*100 rpm, dla 5000 rpm wpisz 50) dla dolnej granicy",
"Temperatura i bezwzglΩdna prΩdko£µ wentylator≤w (*100 rpm, dla 5000 rpm wpisz 50) dla g≤rnej granicy",
"Wygeneruj e-mail informacyjny",
"F", //530
"* 100 rpm",
"Set temperature sensor choice at startup",
"Kolor t│a g│≤wnego okna",
"Kolor t│a ma│ego okna",
"Zmiana czestotliwosci FSB\nWyb≤r p│yty g│. s│u┐y jedynie wybraniu uk│. PLL\nPomoc w rozpoznaniu PLL na stronie",
"Znalaz│e£ ic monitoruj╣ce!\nPomoc w rozpoznaniu PLL na stronce",
"Znalazles PLL kt≤rego czestotliwosci nie mozna zmieniac przez SMBUS.\nProducent PLL nie doda│ takiej mozliwo£ci. Nie bΩdzie to r≤wnie┐ mo┐liwe w ┐adnej z przysz│ych wersji programu - sprzΩt na to nie pozwala...",
"Znalazles PLL kt≤ry nie ma SMBUS.\nProducent PLL nie doda│ takiej mozliwo£ci. Nie bΩdzie to r≤wnie┐ mo┐liwe w ┐adnej z przysz│ych wersji programu - sprzΩt na to nie pozwala...",
"Ch│odzenie poprzez u£pienie S1 (HALT)",
"Ch│odzenie poprzez u£pienie C2 (I/O based)", //540
"B│╣d podczas wysylania e-mail'a.\nNie wyslano listu\nCzy tw≤j program pocztowy jest w│╣czony?\nJesli tak prosze go zamkn╣µ,\ni spr≤bowac ponownie",
"Zawsze wyswietlaj wentylatory",
"Wygeneruj wiadomosc o bledach",
"Dane zapisane do pliku\nCPUFSB.Info",
"Odtworzenie ikony paska po 30 min", //545
"Jednie zapis PLL.\nNie ma zadnego odczytu z PLL, mozliwe jedynie ustawienie nowej czestotliwosci!",
"Nie wymuszone chlodzenie Athlona",
"Tylko dla zarejestrowanych uzytkowikow",
"The full version would save settings now! Please register CPUCooL for only 15,00 Euros / $ 17.95 US",
"Colored tray output",
"Number of lines",
"60 sec",
"CPU clock in Ghz",
"Harddisk state OK",
"Harddisk state BAD",//555
"Attention!!!\nHarddisk %d\nSMART error report for drive\n%s\nSerial : %s\nParameter %s value %d below transhold of %d\nDefect possible",
"Wat zou CPUCooL\nna het starten moeten doen?", //10
"Een dialoogvenster openen",
"Naar de taakbalk gaan",
"Als CPUCooL vanuit de opstartmap aangeroepen werd,",
"naar de taakbalk gaan anders een dialoogvenster openen",
// Cyrix Processor
"Cyrix Processor configuratie", // 15
"Schrijfindeling L2 tussengeheugen inschakelen",
"Strategie L2 tussengeheugen omschakelen",
"Wachttijd I/O verminderen",
"Lineair schrijven inschakelen (gevaarlijk)",
"Tussengeheugen register inschakelen", // 20
"CPU ID inschakelen",
"Slot bevel negeren",
"Energiebeheer inschakelen",
"Framebuffer optimaliseren",
"beδindigen", //25
//Einde Menu
"Grote weergave",
//Maak geheugen vrij Menu
"Geheugen vrijmaken",
"Onder de limiet", //30
"Als het vrije geheugen onder",
"is, en er geen activeit voor",
"seconden is, dan start",
"MB geheugen vrij te maken",
"Klikken op de taakbalk zal", //35
"MB geheugen vrijmaken",
"Maak geheugen vrij elke",
"Periodiek in de achtergrond",
"Als er geen activeit voor", //40
//Algemeen te doen menu
"Meetbronnen configuratie",
"Alleen weergave van de taakbalkwaarde",
"Taakbalk en moederbord waarden",
"Volledige weergave", // 45
//Koeling weergave
"Koeling ingeschakeld",
"Koeling uitgeschakeld",
"Acties die gedaan moeten worden wanneer taakbalk item Start Spel ingeschakeld is",
"Als de temperatuur van",
"boven", //50
"stijgt, verhoog prioriteit koelingtaak",
"en laat alarm horen",
"Als de CPU activiteit boven",
"% voor meer dan",
"seconden is, schakel koeling uit", //55
"Bovengrens", //60
"Activeer grenswaardebewaking",
//Prioriteit weergave
"Lui (niet raadzaam)",
"Boven lui", //65
"Boven normaal",
"Verhoog prioriteit tijdens toegang",
// Shareware weergave
"is een voordelige ($17.95 US/15,00 EUR)\nuniversele tool.\n\nRegistreer aub en help\nverdere ontwikkeling ondersteunen.\nKijk op http://www.podien.de voor meer informatie!",
"Voer het registratienummer in.", //71
"In het helpmenu kunt u zien hoe u een registratienummer kunt verkrijgen. Registratiekosten $17.95 US(US) of 15,00 EUR. Bezoek aub mijn homepage op http://www.podien.de",
"De evaluatieperiode is voorbij\nRegistreer aub.\nof geef een ander getal in het volgende venster in.",
"Te veel om weer te geven!\nVerwijder eerst sommige items!",
"Voer aub een getal\ntussen %d en %d in", //75
"Dank u voor de registratie",
"Registratienummer onbekend",
// Message boxes
"Is er een ander werkend proces?",
"Wacht aub tot het initialiseren gedaan is!",
"Onbekend besturingsysteem", //80
"Installeer aub de driver NTIOWP.SYS !",
"Voor deze versie is een nieuwe driver nodig.\nInstalleer aub de driver NTIOWP.SYS opnieuw\nVersie: %d\nHuidige versie: %d",
"Installeer aub de driver IOWP9598.VXD !",
"Deze versie heeft een nieuwe driver nodig.\nInstalleer aub de driver IOWP9598.VXD opnieuw\nVersie: %d\nHuidige versie: %d",
"Geen optimalisering voor\nCyrix 5x86", //85
"Geen optimalisering voor\n\nIntel 486",
"Geen optimalisering voor\n\nIntel 786",
"Er bestaat geen optimalisering voor\ndeze processor\n",
//Exit Menue addtion
"Kleine weergave",
//Small Display general configuration
"Positie kleine weergave", // 90
"Grootte kleine weergave",
"Bovenste rechterhoek",
"Onderste linkerhoek",
"Onderste rechterhoek", // 95
"Altijd bovenaan",
//Small Displays left button menu
"Configuratie van kleine weergaves",
"Numerieke weergave",
"Grafische weergave", // 100
"Staafgrafische weergave",
//Messages shown in main display
"Alternative koeling",
"Koeling aan ",
"Koeling uit ",
"Alternatieve koeling aan ", // 105
"Geforceerde koeling ",
"Geforceerde koeling uitgeschakeld ",
"Geen weergave van de namen",
"Kleurweergave", // 110
"\nCPUCooL loopt al",
"Taal keuze",
"Optimalisering uitvoeren",
"Temperatuursensor keuze",
"Temp1 Sensor Pentium compatibel",
"Temp1 Sensor Transistor",
"Temp2 Sensor Pentium compatibel",
"Temp2 Sensor Transistor",
"Temp3 Sensor Pentium compatibel",
"Temp3 Sensor Transistor",
"Het registratienummer is gehackt! Registreer aub CPUCooL! Ik was zo eerlijk om jouw mobo, HD, DVD en videokaart niet te mollen met een eeprom-flash, ben jij ook zo fair en registreer CPUCooL! Het is ontzettend duur elke keer de nieuwste hardware te testen, registreer en ik kan hiermee verder blijven gaan! Het kost maar 15,00 EUR!",
"\ngeen CPU Optimalisering",
"Alleen de taakbalk wordt bijgewerkt",
"Geen periodieke bijwerkingen",
"Om een uitvoer weergave te krijgen ga naar", // 125
"Instellingen -> Meetbronnen configuratie -> Taakbalk en moederbord waarden",
"CPUCooL wil de PC\nvanwege de te hoge temperatuur afsluiten",
"PLL fabrikant", // 140
"PLL type",
"In te stellen frequentie",
"Taakbalk frequentie 1",
"Taakbalk frequentie 2",
"Taakbalk frequentie 3", //145
"Taakbalk frequentie 4",
"Huidige PLL waarde",
"Stel FSB bij volgende opstart in op",
"Frequentie instellen",
"PLL uitlezen", //150
"Fout bij het uitlezen van de PLL!",
"Opgelet !!\nHet instellen van de frequentie kan uw hardware vernielen!\nHiervoor zijn wij niet verantwoordelijk!\nBij het ophangen van het system stroom uitschakelen en opnieuw proberen!\nEr worden volgende waarden ingesteld:\nfabrikant : %s\nType : %s\nfrequentie FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nfrequentie PCI : %2d.%1d MHz\nCPU frequentie : %d.%1d MHz",
"Huidige frequentie",
"Fout bij het instellen het PLL!",
"Onjuist aantal bytes gelezen.\nZou %d moeten zijn ipv %d", //155
"niet gebruikt",
"Waarschuwing!!\nHet instellen van de frequentie kan uw hardware vernielen!\nHiervoor zijn we niet verantwoordelijk!",
"Uw PLL is een alleen schrijven PLL die niet gelezen kan worden!\nU kan een andere frequentie schrijven naar alleen schrijven PLL's!",
" te klein",
" te groot", //160
"Recht voor het afsluiten niet gekregen!",
"Begin met loggen bij start CPUCooL",
"Gegevens aan logbestand toevoegen",
"Tekst van gegevens wordt naar logbestand geschreven",
"Alleen moederbord waarden", //165
"Fout bij het openen van het Logfiles",
"Fout bij het sluiten van het Logfiles",
"Logbestand schrijffout",
"Logbestand is reeds geopend",
"Logbestand is niet geopend", //170
"L2 tussengeheugen wachttijd",
"Stel optimalisering in bij de start van CPUCooL",
"niet mogelijk",
"Test aub de L2 tussengeheugen wachttijd eerst", //175
"Opgelet !!!\nHet wijzigen van deze instelling kan uw hardware vernielen!\nHiervoor zijn wij niet verantwoordelijk\nBij het ophangen van het system stroom uitschakelen en opnieuw proberen!!",
" limiet",
"Geen horizontale lijnen",
"Geen vertikale lijnen",
"Grafische weergave in Celsius", //180
"Temperatuurweergave boven 130F",
"Info in bestand schrijven",
"Gegevens werden geschreven naar het bestand\nCPUCooL.Info",
"Staafgrafieken", //185
"Numerieke waarde",
"Geen alarm naar taakbalk",
"Voer aub een getal tussen de %d en %d in!", //190
"Grenswaarden voor temperatuur, spanning en koelersnelheid",
"Temperatuur offset",
"Celsius / Fahrenheit", //240
"CPUCooL opstartinstellingen",
"CPUCooL prioriteit",
"Taakbalk item spel start",
"Configuratieweergave van CPUCooL", //245
"Getallen en algemeen",
"Grafische limieten",
"Koeler regeling van CPUCooL inschakelen",
"Temperatuur en relatieve RPM voor laagste koelerniveau", //250
"Temperatuur en relatieve RPM voor bovenste koelerniveau",
"Controlerende sensor",
"Zie Help (Knop F1)",
"Geen moederbordanalyse bij opstart",
"EEProm is leeg of niet aanwezig", //255
"Alle verwijderbare media uitwerpen bij afsluiten",
"Bij het afsluiten, stel FSB in op",
"Als u de FrontSideBus van uw moederbord wil veranderen, moet u de PLL selecteren. Als u de fabrikant en het type van uw moederbord kent, selecteer het dan nu.", //260
"Mobo fabrikant",
"Mobo type",
"Verwijderbare media uitwerpen",
"Moederbord keuze",
"", //265
"Indien uw moederbord niet in bovenstaande lijst staat,\nzou alles ook goed moeten werken zonder keuze.\nAls u de PLL fabrikant en type ontdekt, stuur dan aub een e-mail naar",
"Tips om de PLL te vinden:",
"Als u de fabrikant en type van uw moederbord vindt,\nkies dan Instellingen -> Moederbord keuze\nom uw moederbord te kiezen",
"ja", //270
"Geen idee",
"U heeft het moederbord\n%s\nmet PLL\nfabrikant : %s type : %s\ngeselecteerd. Is dit juist?",
"Frequentie inlezen", //275
"L2 tussengeheugen instelling",
"Motorola / Mitsubishi tussengeheugen type",
"NEC / SEC tussengeheugen type",
"L2 snelheid aub eerst testen!",
"Huidige L2", //280
"L2 tussengeheugenoptimalisering bij start van CPUCooL",
"Indien geluiden te horen zijn of foutmeldingen zichtbaar zijn,\nkan je de geluiden in de BIOS of foutmeldingen van een ander bewakingsprogramma uitschakelen!",
"Log u aub nogmaals met administratorrechten in om de CPUCooL Server dienst te starten!",
"Alternative PLL toegang",
"Voor het wisselen van de toegangswijze voor de PLL\nbest computer eerst uitzetten!", //285
"De fabrikant van het moederbord %s heeft de PLL type tijdens de productie gewijzigd!\nMogelijke types zijn:\nfabrikant: %s type: %s\nof fabrikant: %s type: %snKijk naar uw moederbord om het type te selecteren!",
"De FrontSideBus werd nog niet gewijzigd!\nHet resulaat kan foutief zijn!",
"CPUFSB na opstart van autostartmenu direct beδindigen",
"Schakel temperatuurafhankelijke PC afsluiten in",
"geforceerd afsluiten zonder opslaan van instellingen", //305
"Geforceerde koeling",
"FSB verminderen",
"Computer afsluiten", //310
"Opstarten van het programma",
"Temperatuurafhankelijke programma-opstart als temperatuur boven de limiet is (1)",
"Temperatuurafhankelijke programma-opstart als temperatuur onder de limiet is (2)",
"Eerst moet het over limiet (1) gaan en dan onder limiet (2)",
"Temperatuurafhankelijke koeling", //315
"Algemene instellingen",
"Instellingen weergaven",
"Benoemingen van temperaturen, spanning en koelers", //320
"Temperatuurafhankelijke koeling boven een limiet",
"Temperatuurafhankelijke koeling onder een limiet",
"stijgt, start de CPU koeling",
"daalt, stop de CPU koeling",
"De inhoud van SPD EEPROM", //325
"laten zien",
"Het inlezen het PLL kan foutief zijn. Aub als volgende een nieuwe frequentie instellen!",
"ATHLON geforceerde koeling.\nOp sommige borden kunnen er stoorgeluiden van de geluidskaart voorkomen!",
"Opslaan", //330
"kleine weergave openen, anders een dialoogvenster openen",
"Niet beschikbaar",
"Voortreffelijk stemmen",
"frequentie 'Fine %d' in CPUCooL toepassen",
"Opgelet!!!\nFrequentie 'Fine %d' werd niet getest!\nVandaar is ze in CPUCooL niet aanwezig!\nTest het best eerst!", //335
"Freq instellen",
"Opgelet !!\nHet instellen van de frequentie kan uw hardware vernielen!\nHier zijn we niet voor verantwoordelijk!\nBij het ophangen van het systeem netspanning uitzetten en opnieuw proberen!\nEr worden volgende waarde ingesteld:\nfabrikant : %s\nType : %s\nfrequentie FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nCPU frequentie : %d.%1d MHz",
"Aantal horizontale lijnen",
"Frequentie in de taakbalk en bij het opstarten gebruiken",
"Frequentie in de taakbalk en bij het afsluiten gebruiken",// 340
"Gebruik bij opstart",
"Wijziging van de multiplier bij K6-2/3+",
"Schakel Langzame koeler detecteren in",
"Indien een verkeerde multiplier van %s gedetecteert wordt, kan deze fout hier gecorrigeerd worden", //345
"Windows afsluiten met het toetsenbord / alle verwijderbare media uit te werpen",
"FrontSideBus wijzigen / CPU snelheid wijzigen",
"CPU optimaliseren",
"Windows geheugen periodiek opschonen",
"Grenswaarden voor temperatuur, spanningen en koelersnelheid", //380
"SDRAM EEPROM inhoud",
"SDRAM 1",
"SDRAM 2",
"SDRAM 3",
"SDRAM 4", //385
"SDRAM 5",
"SDRAM 6",
"SDRAM 7",
"SDRAM 8",
"Weergavemogelijkheden", //390
"Deze weergave (Hoofdweergave)",
"Numerieke weergave",
"Grafische weergave",
"Kleine weergave", //395
"Grenswaarden grafische weergave", //400
"Kleuren van lagere en kleinere weergaven",
"Moederbord keuze",
"Temperatuursensor keuze / Koelerbesturing",
"Temperatuuroffset", //405
"Celsius / Fahrenheit",
"Meetbronnen configuratie",
"Taal keuze / Language Choice",
"Opstarteigenschappen van CPUCooL",
"Stel taakbalk Spel item in", //410
"Verander namen van de temperaturen, spanningen en koelers",
"Prioriteit van CPUCooL",
"Registratie informatie", //415
"Help items",
"CPUCool informatie",
"Temp Sens 0",
"Temp Sens 1",
"Temp Sens 2",
"Temp Sens 3",
"Temp Sens 4",
"Temp Sens 5",
"Temp Sens 6",
"Temp Sens 7",
"VCore 1",
"VCore 2",
"3,3 V",
"5 V",
"12 V",
"V bat",
"V opt",
"V accu",
"-5 V",
"-12 V",
"Koeler 1",
"Koeler 2",
"Koeler 3",
"Koeler 4",
"% CPU Tijd 1",
"% CPU Tijd 2",
"Comm ontv",
"Comm verz",
"Comm crc",
"Comm tot ontv",
"Comm tot verz",
"Mem beschik",
"Mem blad",
"Schijf lezen",
"Schijf schrij",
"Server totaal",
"Client totaal",
"Pager blz",
"Huidige Freq",
"", //460
"Taakbalk lettertype",
"Configuratie in een bestand opslaan", //465
"Configuratie uit een bestand laden",
"% CPU gebruik / Bargrafisch",
"% CPU gebruik / Numeriek",
"Geen % CPU gebruik getoond",
"Toon ongebruikt geheugen", //470
"Voeg semikolom tussen de waarden",
"Menu sluiten",
"Alle waarden wissen",
"HDD 1", //475
"HDD 2",
"HDD 3",
"HDD 4",
"Harde Schijven",
"Overzicht", // 480
"Extra informatie",
"Schakel S.M.A.R.T. in\n(als u een SCSI systeem heeft, gebruik deze optie niet)",
"Firmware reversie", //485
"Grof leesfoutencijfer",
"Bewerkingssnelheid presatie",
"Spin Op tijd",
"Aantal Starts / Stops", //490
"Aantal re-aloceerde sectoren",
"Zoekfouten aantal",
"Zoektijd prestatie",
"Aantal uren aan", //495
"Spin Gereed Telling",
"Calibratie Gereed Telling",
"Vermogen Cyclus Telling",
"Onbekend atribuut"
"Huidige waarde", //500
"Status van de waarde",
"Onbewerkte waarde",
"Slechtste waarde",
"Opgelet !!\nHet instellen het frequentie kan uw hardware vernielen!\nDaar zijn wij niet verantwoordelijk voor!\nBij het vasthangen van het systeem netspanning uitzetten en opnieuw proberen!\nEr worden volgende waarde ingesteld:\nfabrikant : %s\nType : %s\nfrequentie FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nfrequentie PCI : %2d.%1d MHz\nfrequentie RAM : %3d.%1d MHz\nCPU frequentie : %d.%1d MHz",
"Bij elke ...de keer van de algemene update wordt de S.M.A.R.T. informatie ook geupdate",
"Er zal bericht worden als ΘΘn van de S.M.A.R.T. waarden veranderd",
"Er zal bericht worden als ΘΘn van de standaard S.M.A.R.T. waarden (bereik 0-15) veranderd",
"Er zal niet bericht worden als ΘΘn van de S.M.A.R.T. waarden veranderd",
"Waarschuwing!!!\nSchijf %d\nWijzigingen van de S.M.A.R.T. Parameters %s van %d op de %d", //510
"Dit is enkel een testversie, die niet kan worden geregistreerd.\nIn de volledige versie krijgt u op deze plaats het invoervenster voor uw registratienummer.\nKoop aub CPUCooL op:\nhttp://www.podien.de/REGISTER.HTM !\nGeregistreerde gebruikers krijgen de volledige versie bij support@podien.de\nwanneer u uw registratiemail en/of uw registratienummer stuurt.");
"Zoek lager SMBus bereik",
"Zoek hoger SMBus bereik",
"(geregistreerd)", //514
"Hardeschijf optimalisaties",
"Alleen basiskoeling registers instellen",
"RAM Vernieuwen aanzetten",
"CooLSRV.exe werkt",
"CooLSRV.exe werkt niet",
"Koeler uitdeler\nGedeeld door gekozen nummer\n0 = neem geen uitdeler in account", // 520
"Koeler uitdeler",
"ASUS-string niet in BIOS gevonden\nZeker dat ASUS de fabrikant is?\nEen verkeerde antwoord kan uw hardware vernielen!\nHierover zijn we niet verantwoordelijk!",
"Deze wijze van het frequentiewijziging werkt bij deze PLL niet.\nGebruik aub de voortreffelijk stemmen knop, om de frequentie te wijzigen",
"Temperatuur en absolute koeler snelheid (*100 rpm, voor 5000 rpm geef 50 op) voor lager koeler niveau",
"Temperatuur en absolute koeler snelheid (*100 rpm, voor 5000 rpm geef 50 op) voor hoger koeler niveau",
"Genereer info e-mail",
"F", //530
"* 100 tpm",
"Stel temperatuur sensor keuze in bij het opstarten",
"Achtergrondkleur hoofdweergave",
"Achtergrondkleur kleine weergave",
"FrontSideBus verandering\nDe moederbord keuze is enkel voor de PLL voorselectie\nTips om de PLL te vinden:",
"U heeft de controle ic gevonden!\nTips om de PLL te vinden:",
"U heeft een PLL gevonden welke in zijn frequentie niet veranderd kan worden via SMBus.\nDe PLL fabrikant heeft deze mogelijkheid niet ge∩mplementeert. Het zal ook niet mogelijk zijn de frequentie in de toekomstige versie of eender welk programma te veranderen - de hardware ondersteund het niet...",
"U heeft een PLL gevonden die geen SMBus heeft.\nDe PLL fabrikant heeft deze mogelijkheid niet ge∩mplementeert. Het zal ook niet mogelijk zijn de frequentie in de toekomstige versie of eender welk programma te veranderen - de hardware ondersteund het niet...",
"Cooling via S1 (HALT) slaap",
"Cooling via C2 (I/O gebaseerd) slaap", //540
"Er is een fout opgetreden bij het versturen van de email.\nEr werd geen email verzonden\nDraait uw emailprogramma?\nSluit het dan aub eerst,\nen probeer opnieuw",
"Geef altijd volgende koelers weer",
"Genereer debug info",
"Gegevens werden in het bestand\nCPUFSB.Info geschreven!",
"Herbouw taakbalkiconen na 30 min", //545
"Schrijf alleen PLL.\nEr is geen PLL-lezing beschikbaar, enkel de nieuwe frequentie wordt ingesteld!",
"Geen geforceerde Athlon koeling",
"Alleen voor geregistreerde gebruikers",
"Het volledig versie had de instellingen nu opgeslagen! A.u.b. registreer CPUCooL voor slechts Euro 15,00 / $ 17.95 US",
"Colored tray output",
"Number of lines",
"60 sec",
"CPU clock in Ghz",
"Harddisk state OK",
"Harddisk state BAD",//555
"Attention!!!\nHarddisk %d\nSMART error report for drive\n%s\nSerial : %s\nParameter %s value %d below transhold of %d\nDefect possible",
"Mit csinßljon a CPUCooL\nmiutßn elindφtotta?", //10
"PßrbeszΘdablak nyitßsa",
"Tßlcßra kⁿld",
"Ha a CPUCooL az indφtßsi mappßb≤l lett el⌡hφvva",
"menjen a tßlcßra, kⁿl÷nben indφtson pßrbeszΘdablakot",
//Cyrix processor configuration
"Cyrix Processzor konfigurßci≤", // 15
"═rßsi foglalßs",
"Visszaφrßs a Cache-be",
"I/O helyreßllφtßsi id⌡",
"Lineßris Burst (veszΘlyes)",
"Gyorsφt≤tßr k÷nyvtßra", // 20
"EllentΘtes lezßrßs",
"Halt felfⁿggesztΘs",
"&KilΘp", //25
//End Menu
"Teljes mΘret",
// Free Memory Menu
"Mem≤ria felszabadφtßs",
"A hatßr alatt", // 30
"Ha a szabad mem≤ria hatßr",
"alatti, Θs nincs semmi tevΘkenysΘg",
"mßsodperce, szabadφtson fel",
"Megabyte mem≤rißt.",
"A tßlcßra klikkelve felszabadφthat", // 35
"Megabyte mem≤rißt",
"Szabadφtson fel mem≤rißt minden",
"Id⌡szakos hßttΘr",
"Ha nincs semmi tevΘkenysΘg", //40
// General to do menu
"ForrßsfelmΘrΘs konfigurßci≤",
"Csak a tßlcßn lΘv⌡ ΘrtΘk",
"Tßlca Θs alaplap ΘrtΘkei",
"Teljes kΘperny⌡", //45
// Cooling display
"H√tΘs bekapcsolßs",
"H√tΘs kikapcsolßs",
"M√veletek elvΘgzΘse, mikor a Tßlca menⁿben a JßtΘk kezdΘs aktφv.",
"Ha a(z)",
"h⌡mΘrsΘklet a(z)", // 50
"░C-ot meghaladja, emelje a h√tΘsi folyamat prioritßsßt",
"Figyelmeztet⌡ jelzΘs",
"Ha a tevΘkenysΘg",
"% f÷l÷tti",
"mßsodpercig, tiltsa le a h√tΘsi funkci≤t.", //55
"Als≤ hatßr",
"Fels⌡ hatßr", //60
"Hatßr ellen⌡rzΘs aktivßlßs",
"Tßlcßra helyez",
// Priority display
"▄resjßrat (nem tanßcsos)",
"▄resjßrat f÷l÷tt", //65
"Normßl f÷l÷tt",
"Emelje a prioritßst a belΘpΘs folyamßn.",
// Shareware display
"egy olcs≤ 13$-os\nuniverzßlis program.\n\nKΘrem regisztrßlja\nezzel is tßmogatva\na tovßbbi fejlesztΘst.\nLßtogasson el a http://www.podien.de cφmre tovßbbi informßci≤Θrt!",
"KΘrem adja meg a regisztrßci≤s szßmot", //71
"A Help menⁿb⌡l megtudhatja, hogyan kaphat regisztrßci≤s szßmot.\nA regisztrßci≤s dφj 17,95$, vagy 15,00 Euro.\nLßtogassa meg a honlapomat a http://www.podien.de cφmen.",
"A kiΘrtΘkelΘsi id⌡ letelt.\nRegisztrßljon\nvagy adjon meg egy mßsik szßmot a k÷vetkez⌡ kΘperny⌡n.",
"T·l sok a megjelenφtΘshez!\nTßvolφtson el el⌡sz÷r nΘhßny elemet!",
"Nem ßll rendelkezΘsre\nehhez a processzorhoz\noptimalizßlßs",
//Exit Menue addtion
"KismΘret√ ablak",
//Small Display general configuration
"KismΘret√ ablak helyzete", // 90
"KismΘret√ ablak nagysßga",
"Jobb fels⌡ sarok",
"Bal als≤ sarok",
"Jobb als≤ sarok", //95
"Mindig felⁿl",
//Small Displays left button menu
"KismΘret√ ablak beßllφtßsa",
"Numerikus kijelz⌡",
"Grafikus kijelz⌡", //100
"Oszlopgrafikus kijelz⌡",
//Messages shown in main display
"Alternatφv h√tΘs",
"H√tΘs bekapcsolva ",
"H√tΘs kikapcsolva",
"Alternatφv h√tΘs bekapcsolßs", // 105
"Er⌡ltetett h√tΘs",
"Er⌡ltetett h√tΘs kΘnysszerφtΘse kikapcsol",
"Nem jelenφt meg neveket",
"Szφnes kijelz⌡", //110
"Csak egyszer\nfuttassa a CPUCooL-t",
"Nyelv vßlasztßsa/Language choice",
"H⌡mΘrsΘklet szenzor vßlasztßs",
"Temp1 Szenzor Pentium kompatibilis", // 115
"Temp1 Szenzor tranzisztor",
"Temp2 Szenzor Pentium kompatibilis",
"Temp2 Szenzor tranzisztor",
"Temp3 Szenzor Pentium kompatibilis",
"Temp3 Szenzor tranzisztor", // 120
"A megadott regisztrßci≤s szßm egy felt÷rt vßltozat. K╔REM REGISZTR┴LJON! Becsⁿletes vagyok, nem rongßlom meg a merevlemezΘt. A CPUCooL olcs≤, csak 13$! K╔REM REGISZTR┴LJON, ezzel segφtve a CPUCooL tovßbbi fejlesztΘsΘt! EmlΘkezzen, hogy ·j hardver tesztelΘse drßga Θs az ßr, amit fizetett, alacsony!",
"\nA CPU nem optimalizßlt",
"Csak a Tßlca elem frissφtve",
"Nem rendszeres frissφtΘs",
"Kimeneti kΘperny⌡ megjelenφtΘsΘhez nyomja meg a", // 125
"Beßllφtßsok -> Forrßskonfigurßci≤ felmΘrΘse -> Teljes mΘret",
"(nem regisztrßlt)",
"Windows leßllφtßsi kΘperny⌡", //130
"Normßl Windows leßllφtßsi gomb",
"Er⌡ltetett Windows leßllφtßsi gomb",
"Normßl Windows ·jraindφtßsi gomb",
"Er⌡ltetett Windows ·jraindφtßsi gomb",
"KijelentkezΘsi billenty√", // 135
" + Alt Θs Control billenty√",
" ░C-ot meghaladja, akkor a Windows-t leßllφtja",
"Θs tßpot lekapcsol",
"A h⌡mΘrsΘklet meghaladta a hatßrt.\nA CPUCooL le fog ßllni.",
"PLL gyßrt≤", //140
"PLL tφpus",
"Frekvencia beßllφtßs",
"Tßlca frekvencia 1",
"Tßlca frekvencia 2",
"Tßlca frekvencia 3", //145
"Tßlca frekvencia 4",
"Aktußlis PLL ΘrtΘkek",
"FSB ßllφtßs a k÷vetkez⌡ indulßskor",
"Frekvencia ßllφtßs",
"PLL kimenet", //150
"PLL olvasßsi hiba",
"A FSB vßltoztatßsa kßrosφthatja a hardvert!\nCsak sajßt felel⌡ssΘgre!\nFelel⌡ssΘget nem vßllalok!\nHa a rendszer ÷sszeomlott, kapcsolja le a gΘpet Θs pr≤bßlja ·jra\nGyßrt≤ : %s\nTφpus : %s\nFSB frekvencia: %3d.%1d MHz\nPCI frekvencia: %2d.%1d MHz\nCPU frekvencia : %d.%1d MHz",
"A PLL adat kΘrΘse kßrosφthatja a hardvert!\nCsak sajßt felel⌡ssΘgre!\nFelel⌡ssΘget nem vßllalok!",
"Az ╓n PLL-je csak φrhat≤ PLL!\nNem tudja olvasni\nDe nincs ok aggodalomra\n═rhat mßsik frekvencißt a csak φrhat≤ PLL-be!",
" t·l kicsi",
" t·l nagy", //160
"Nincs joga a leßllφtßshoz",
"Napl≤zßs kezdΘse a CPUCooL indulßsakor",
"Adat csatolßsa a napl≤fßjlhoz",
"Sz÷veges adat a napl≤fßjlba φrva",
"Csak a f⌡lap ΘrtΘkei", //165
"Hiba a napl≤fßjl megnyitßsa k÷zben.",
"Egy hiba bezßrta a napl≤fßjlt",
"Egy hiba φrt a napl≤fßjlba",
"A napl≤fßjl mßr nyitva van",
"A napl≤fßjl nincs megnyitva", //170
"L2 Cache vßrakozßsi id⌡",
"Optimizßlßsok beßllφtßsa a CPUCooL indulßsakor",
"Nem lehetsΘges",
"El⌡sz÷r ellen⌡rizze a L2 Cache vßrakozßsi id⌡t", //175
"Ez a beßllφtßs kßrosφthatja a hardvert!\nCsak sajßt felel⌡ssΘgre!\nFelel⌡ssΘget nem vßllalok!\nHa a rendszer ÷sszeomlott, kapcsolja le a gΘpet Θs pr≤bßlja ·jra!",
" hatßr",
"Nincsenek vφzszintes vonalak",
"Nincsenek fⁿgg⌡leges vonalak",
"Grafikus kijelzΘs Celsiusban", //180
"H⌡mΘrsΘklet kijelzΘs 130F f÷l÷tt",
"Info φrßsa fßjlba",
"Adat lett φrva a fßjlba\nCPUCooL.Info",
"Oszlopgrafikonok", // 185
"Numerikus ΘrtΘkek",
"Nincs riasztßs a Tßlcßn",
"Adjon meg egy szßmot %d Θs %d k÷z÷tt", //190
"Low Power",
"Low Power MMX",
"El⌡z⌡ &mΘret",
"Szabad mem≤ria",
"H√tΘs aktφv", //195
"H√tΘs ki",
"Riasztßs &be",
"Riasztßs &ki",
"Er⌡ltetett h√tΘs ki",
"JßtΘk leßllφtßs", //200
"JßtΘk kezdΘs",
"FrissφtΘsi id⌡: %d sec ",
"H√tΘs lekapcsolßsa",
"Id⌡zφt⌡ rutin leßllφtßsa",
"Szabad mem≤ria (MByte)", //205
"FSB ßllφtßs MHz-re:",
"M√veletek elvΘgzΘse, mikor a Tßlca menⁿben a JßtΘk leßllφtßs aktφv.",
"H⌡m. Θs relatφv ventilßtor seb. alacsony h√tΘsi szinthez", //250
"H⌡m. Θs relatφv ventilßtor seb. magas h√tΘsi szinthez",
"Szabßlyoz≤ szenzor",
"S·g≤ megjelenφtΘse (F1 billenty√)",
"Nincs alaplap-ellen⌡rzΘs indφtßskor",
"EEProm ⁿres, vagy nem lΘtezik", //255
"ford/min ", // rotations per minute
"Minden cserΘlhet⌡ eszk÷z eltßvolφtßsa",
"Leßllφtßsnßl a FSB ΘrtΘke a k÷vetkez⌡:",
"Ha vßltoztatni akarja az alaplap FrontSideBus(FSB) ΘrtΘkΘt, vßlasszon PLL-t. Ha ismeri az alaplap gyßrt≤jßt Θs tφpusßt, vßlassza ki most.", //260
"Alaplap gyßrt≤ja",
"Alaplap tφpusa",
"CserΘlhet⌡ &hordoz≤ kiadßsa",
"Alaplap vßlasztßs",
"", //265
"Ha az alaplapja nem talßlhat≤ a listßban,\nmindennek rendesen kell m√k÷dnie vßlasztßs nΘlkⁿl is.\nHa vΘgⁿl megtalßlta a PLL gyßrt≤jßt Θs tφpusßt, kΘrem kⁿldj÷n egy e-mailt:",
"Javaslatok a PLL megtalßlßsßhoz:",
"Ha megtalßlta az alaplap gyßrt≤jßt Θs tφpusßt, vßlassza a\nBeßllφtßsok -> Alaplap vßlasztßs\nmenⁿt az alaplapja kivßlasztßsßhoz.",
"Ha valamilyen hangot hall, vagy ⁿzenetek jelennek meg,\nlekapcsolhatja a hangot a BIOS-ban, vagy letilthatja a ⁿzeneteket mßs figyel⌡programban",
"Jelentkezzen be Rendszergazda jogokkal Θs ßllφtsa be a CPUCooL Server szolgßltatßst!",
"Alternatφv PLL hozzßfΘrΘs",
"Miel⌡tt megvßltoztatja a PLL hozzßfΘrΘsi m≤dot, el⌡sz÷r kapcsolja le a feszⁿltsΘget",
"Frekvencia ßllφtßs sikertelen!",
"L2 cache vßltoztatßs sikeres",
"Hiba a L2 cache vßltoztatßsnßl",
"fok, indφtsa el:",
"fok, indφtsa el:",
"H⌡mΘrsΘklet ellen⌡rz⌡ program elindult",
"H⌡mΘrsΘklet ellen⌡rz⌡ program leßllt",
"Program indφtßs:",
"A %s gyßrt≤ja megvßltoztatta a PLL-t gyßrtßs k÷zben.\nLehetsΘges tφpusok:\ngyßrt≤: %s tφpus: %s vagy\ngyßrt≤: %s tφpus: %s\nNΘzze meg az alaplapjßt a tφpusvßlasztßshoz!",
"A FrontSideBus nem vßltozott.\nLehet, hogy rossz ΘrtΘk",
"CPUFSB kilΘp k÷zvetlenⁿl, miutßn el⌡hivta az autostart mappßt",
"Hasznßlja a frekvencia 'finomφtßs %d'-t a CPUCooL",
"Figyelem!!! A Frekvencia 'Finomφtßs %d' nem lett tesztelve!\nEzΘrt jelenleg nem elΘrhet⌡!\nEl⌡sz÷r pr≤bßlja ki!",
"Frekv. ßllφtßs",
"A FSB vßltoztatßsa kßrosφthatja a hardvert!\nCsak sajßt felel⌡ssΘgre!\nFelel⌡ssΘget nem vßllalok!\nHa a rendszer ÷sszeomlott, kapcsolja le a gΘpet Θs pr≤bßlja ·jra!\nGyßrt≤: %s\nTφpus: %s\nFSB frekvencia: %3d.%1d MHz\nCPU frekvencia : %d.%1d MHz",
"Vφzszintes vonalak szßma",
"Hasznßlja a frekvencißt a Tßlcßn Θs indulßsnßl",
"Hasznßlja a frekvencißt a Tßlcßn Θs leßllφtßskor",
"Indφtßsnßl hasznßl",
"K6-2/3+ szorz≤ vßltoztatßs",
"Lass· ventilßtor ΘrzΘkelΘs engedΘlyezΘse",
"Ha a(z) %s rossz szorz≤t ΘrzΘkel, javφtsa ki itt.",
"S.M.A.R.T. engedΘlyezΘs\n(ha SCSI rendszere van, ne hasznßlja ezt a lehet⌡sΘget)",
"Modell szßm",
"Firmware verzi≤", //485
"Hossz· olvasßsi hiba arßny",
"┴tviteli teljesφtmΘny",
"Felp÷rgetΘsi id⌡",
"Start/Stop szßmlßlßs", //490
"┌jra felhasznßlt szektor szßmlßlßs",
"Csatorna perem olvasßs",
"HibakeresΘsi arßny",
"KeresΘsi id⌡ teljesφtmΘny,
"Bekapcsolßsi ≤rßk szßmlßlßsa", //495
"┌jra p÷rgetΘs szßmlßlßs",
"┌jra hitelesφtΘs szßmlßlßs",
"Power Cycle Count",
"Ismeretlen jellemz⌡"
"Aktußlis ΘrtΘk", //500
"Duzzasztott ΘrtΘk",
"┴llapot ΘrtΘk",
"Nyers(RAW) ΘrtΘk",
"Legrosszabb ΘrtΘk",
"A FSB vßltoztatßsa kßrosφthatja a hardvert!\nCsak sajßt felel⌡ssΘgre!\nFelel⌡ssΘget nem vßllalok!\nHa a rendszer ÷sszeomlott, kapcsolja le a gΘpet Θs pr≤bßlja ·jra!\nGyßrt≤: %s\nTφpus: %s\nFSB frekvencia: %3d.%1d MHz\nPCI frekvencia: %2d.%1d MHz\nRAM frekvencia: %3d.%1d MHz\nCPU frekvencia: %d.%1d MHz",
"Minden ...-dik frissφtΘsi peri≤dusban a S.M.A.R.T. informßci≤ is frissⁿl.",
"Megjelenik egy ⁿzenet, ha valamely S.M.A.R.T. ΘrtΘk vßltozik",
"Megjelenik egy ⁿzenet, ha valamely alapvet⌡ S.M.A.R.T ΘrtΘk (0 - 15 tartomßny) vßltozik",
"NEM jelenik meg ⁿzenet, ha valamely S.M.A.R.T. ΘrtΘk vßltozik",
"ElnΘzΘst, ez csak pr≤bavßltozat.\nNincs lehet⌡sΘg regisztrßlßsra.\nA teljes vßltozat itt tartalmazza a regisztrßci≤s kΘperny⌡t.\nKΘrem, vßsßrolja meg a programot a:\nhttp://www.podien.de/REGISTER.HTM cφmen!\nA regisztrßlt felhasznßl≤k teljes vßltozatot kapnak\nsupport@podien.de\nKΘrem kΘrΘsΘben csatolja a regisztrßci≤s e-mail-t, vagy a regisztrßci≤s szßmot.");
"Alacsonyabb SMBus tartomßny keresΘs",
"Magasabb SMBus tartomßny keresΘs",
"Merevlemez optimalizßci≤",
"Alapvet⌡ h√tΘsi bejegyzΘsek ßllφtßsa",
"RAM frissφtΘs engedΘlyezΘse",
"CoolSVR.exe dolgozik",
"CooLSRV.exe nem dolgozik",
"Ventilßtor oszt≤\nOsszon a vßlasztott szßmmal\n0 = ne legyen oszt≤ a szßmφtßsban", // 520
"Ventilßtor oszt≤",
"Biztos, hogy az ASUS az alaplap gyßrt≤ja?\nA CPUCooL nem talßlta az ASUS karaktersorßt a BIOS-ban!\nCsak sajßt felel⌡ssΘgre!\nFelel⌡ssΘget nem vßllalok!",
"Ez a frekvencia vßltoztatßsi m≤d nem m√k÷dik ezzel a PLL-el\nHasznßlja a finomhangolßs gombot a frekvencia vßltoztatßshoz!",
"Csak minimßlis SMBUS ellen⌡rzΘs (2c-2e cφmek)",
"Dell monitor ΘrzΘkelΘs",
"H⌡mΘrsΘklet Θs abszol· ventilßtor sebessΘg (*100 ford/min, 5000 f/m-hez adjon meg 50-et) alacsony ventilßtor szinthez",
"H⌡mΘrsΘklet Θs abszol· ventilßtor sebessΘg (*100 ford/min, 5000 f/m-hez adjon meg 50-et) magas ventilßtor szinthez",
"Info e-mail generßlßsa",
"F", //530
"* 100 ford/min",
"H⌡mΘrsΘklet szenzor beßllφtßsa indφtßskor",
"F⌡ablak hßttΘrszφne",
"Kis ablak hßttΘrszφne",
"FrontSideBus csere\nAz alaplap vßlasztßsnßl csak PLL-t vßlasztott\nJavaslatok a PLL megtalßlßsßhoz:",
"Megtalßlta a mintavev⌡ IC-t!\nJavaslatokΘrt, hogy megtalßlja a PLL-t, tekintse meg",
"Talßlt egy PLL-t, amely frekvencißja nem cserΘlhet⌡ a SMBUS-on keresztⁿl.\nA PLL gyßrt≤ja nem Θpφtette be ezt a paramΘtert. A j÷v⌡ben sem val≤szφn√, hogy programok segφtsΘgΘvel vßltoztassa a frekvencißt, mert a hardver nem tßmogatja ezt...",
"Talßlt egy PLL-t, amelyben nincs SMBUS.\nA PLL gyßrt≤ja nem Θpφtette be ezt a paramΘtert. A j÷v⌡ben sem val≤szφn√, hogy programok segφtsΘgΘvel vßltoztassa a frekvencißt, mert a hardver nem tßmogatja ezt...",
"H√tΘs S1 (HALT) keresztⁿl",
"H√tΘs C2 (I/O alap·) keresztⁿl", //540
"Hiba lΘpett fel az e-mail kⁿldΘse k÷zben.\nA levΘl nincs elkⁿldve\nFut a levelez⌡ programja?\nEl⌡sz÷r zßrja ezt be,\n Θs pr≤bßlja ·jra.",
"Ventilßtorokat mindig mutat",
"Hiba info lΘtrehozßsa",
"Adat lett φrva a fßjlba\nCPUFSB.Info",
"Tßlca ikonok helyreßllφtßsa 30 perc utßn", //545
"Csak φrhat≤ PLL.\nNem lehetsΘges a PLL olvasßsa, csak az ·j frekvencia ßllφthat≤ be!",
"No forced Athlon cooling",
"Only for registered users",
"The full version would save settings now! Please register CPUCooL for only 15,00 Euros / $ 17.95 US",
"Colored tray output",
"Number of lines",
"60 sec",
"CPU clock in Ghz",
"Harddisk state OK",
"Harddisk state BAD",//555
"Attention!!!\nHarddisk %d\nSMART error report for drive\n%s\nSerial : %s\nParameter %s value %d below transhold of %d\nDefect possible",
"Katso Ohje-valikosta miten voit Rekister÷intinumeron.\nRekister÷intimaksu on 17.95 Dollaria tai 15,00 Euroa.\nKΣy kotisvuillani http://www.podien.de",
"Kokeiluaika on ohitse.\nOle hyvΣ ja Rekister÷i\tai anna uusi yksinumeroinen luku seuraavassa ruudussa.",
"Liian paljon nΣytettΣvΣΣ!\nPoista ensin joitakin kohteita!",
"Anna arvo\nvΣliltΣ %d ja %d!", //75
"Kiitos Rekister÷innistΣ!",
"Rekister÷intinumeroa ei l÷ydy",
// Message boxes
"Onko muita kΣynnissΣ olevia prosesseja?",
"Odota kunnes alustaminen on lopetettu",
"Tuntematon kΣytt÷jΣrjestelmΣ", //80
"Ole hyvΣ ja asenna ensin NTIOWP.SYS ajuri",
"Ohjelma tarvitsee uudemman ajuriversion!\nOle hyvΣ ja asenna ensin NTIOWP.SYS ajuri\nVersio l÷ydetty : %d\nNykyinen versio : %d",
"Ole hyvΣ ja asenna ensin IOWP9598.VXD ajuri",
"Ohjelma tarvitsee uudemman ajuriversion!\nOle hyvΣ ja asenna ensin IOWP9598.VXD ajuri\nVersio l÷ydetty : %d\nNykyinen versio : %d",
"Annoit hakkeroidun Rekister÷intiavaimen. OLE HYV─ JA REKISTER╓I! Olen reilu enkΣ tuhoa kiintolevyΣsi. CPUCooL on edullinen, vain 13 dollaria! OLE HYV─ JA REKISTER╓I ja auta minua jatkamaan CPUCooLin kehittΣmistΣ! Muista ettΣ on kallista testata uutta tekniikkaa ja hinta jonka maksat on pieni!",
"\nEi Prosessorin optimointia",
"Vain TehtΣvΣpalkin kuvake pΣivitetΣΣn",
"Ei SΣΣnn÷llistΣ pΣivitystΣ",
"Saadaksesi arvot nΣkyviin valitse", // 125
"Asetukset -> MittauslΣhteiden asetukset -> TehtΣvΣpalkin ja emolevyn arvot",
"FSB:een asettaminen voi vahingoittaa laitteistoasi!\nSe on omalla vastuullasi!\nEn ota mitΣΣn vastuuta!\nJos kone kaatuu, kΣytΣ virta pois ja koita uudelleen!\nValmistaja : %s\nTyyppi : %s\nFSB:een kellotaajuus : %3d.%1d MHz\nPCI:iin kellotaajuus : %2d.%1d MHz\nProsessorin kellotaajuus : %d.%1d MHz",
"Todellinen kellotaajuus",
"Virhe PLL:ΣΣ asetettaessa",
"VΣΣrΣ bittien arvo luettu.\nPitΣisi olla %d todellin on %d", //155
"ei kΣytetty",
"PLL-datan lukeminen voi vahingoittaa laitteistoasi!\nSe on omalla vastuullasi!\nEn ota mitΣΣn vastuuta!",
"Sinun PLL:Σsi on vain kirjoitettava PLL!\nSitΣ ei voida lukea\nEi syytΣ huoleen\nvoit kirjoittaa silti uuden arvon!",
"TΣmΣ asetus voi vahingoittaa laitteistoasi!\nSe on omalla vastuullasi!\nEn ota mitΣΣn vastuuta!\nJos kone kaatuu, kΣytΣ virta pois ja koita uudelleen!",
" - raja",
"Ei vaakasuoria viivoja",
"Ei pystysuoria viivoja",
"Graafiset nΣyt÷t Celsiuksina", //180
"LΣmp÷tilan nΣytt÷ yli 130F",
"Kirjoita data tiedostoon",
"Data kirjoitettiin tiedostoon\nCPUCooL.Info",
"PylvΣsnΣytt÷", // 185
"Numeeriset arvot",
"Ei hΣlytystΣ tehtΣvΣpalkkiin",
"Anna numero vΣliltΣ %d ja %d", //190
"Alhainen Teho",
"Alhainen MMX-Teho",
"Avaa PΣΣikkuna",
"Vapauta muisti",
"Vaihda JΣΣhdytys", //195
"JΣΣhdytys pois",
"HΣlytys pΣΣlle",
"HΣlytys pois",
"Pakotettu JΣΣhdytys pois",
"Sammuta peli", //200
"KΣynnistΣ peli",
"PΣivitystaajuus %d s ",
"Lopeta JΣΣhdytys",
"PysΣytΣ ajastusrutiini",
"Vapauta muistia (Megatavua)", //205
"Aseta FSB =",
"Toiminnot kun tehtΣvΣpalkin Sammuta Peli on valittu",
"Jatka JΣΣhdytystΣ",
"Jatka ajastusrutiinia",
"LΣmp÷anturi1 Termistori", //210
"LΣmp÷anturi2 Termistori",
"LΣmp÷anturi3 Termistori",
"Alenna FSB:",
"Jos lΣmp÷tila putoaa alle",
"Aseta edellinen FSB uudestaan", //215
"SDRAM:in EEPROM:in sisΣlt÷",
"Bittien mΣΣrΣ EEPROM:issa",
"CAS Latenssi",
"SDRAM:in kiertoaika", //220
"SDRAM:in saantiaika",
"SDRAM:in 2. kiertoaika",
"SDRAM:in 2. saantiaika",
"PC100 spesifikaatio",
"Kaikki tiedot", //225
"Viive RAS:ista CAS:iin",
"RAS:in esilatausaika",
"PΣivitΣ vain TehtΣvΣpalkkissa",
"Ei pΣivitystΣ",
"PienennΣ PΣΣikkuna", //230
"Palauta PΣΣikkuna",
"Prossessorin optimointi",
"Prosessorin kellotaajuus(FSB)",
"Windows-muistin optimointi", //235
"Ikkunan asetukset",
"LΣmp÷tilojen, jΣnnitteiden ja tuulettimien rajat",
"LΣmp÷tilan ennakkomuunnos",
"Celsius / Fahrenheit", //240
"CPUCooL kΣynnistys",
"CPUCooL prioriteetti",
"TehtΣvΣpalkin kohde KΣynnistΣ Peli",
"CPUCooL PΣΣasetusikkuna", //245
"Numerot ja yleiset",
"Graafiset rajat",
"KΣytΣ CPUCooL:in tuulettimien nopeuskotrollia",
"LΣmp÷tila ja kierrosnopeus alemmalle tuuletustasolle", //250
"LΣmp÷tila ja kierrosnopeus ylemmΣlle tuuletustasolle",
"Katso Ohje (NΣppΣin F1)",
"Ei emolevyn tutkimista kΣynnistyksessΣ",
"EEProm tyhjΣ tai sitΣ ei ole", //255
"RPM ", // rotations per minute
"Poista kaikki siirrettΣvΣt laitteet",
"Sammutuksessa aseta FSB=",
"Jos haluat vaihtaa emolevyn vΣylΣnopeutta sinun on valittava PLL.Jos tiedΣt emolevysi valmistajan ja mallin, valitse se nyt", //260
"Emolevyn valmistaja",
"Emolevyn malli",
"Poista siirrettΣvΣt levyt",
"Emolevyn valinta",
"", //265
"ei mitΣΣn",
"Jos emolevysi ei ole listalla\nkaiken pitΣisi toimia ihan hyvin ilman valintaa.\nJos saat selville PLL:Σn valmistajan ja tyypin, ole hyvΣ ja lΣhetΣ minulle sΣhk÷postia",
"Jos kuulet joitain ΣΣniΣ tai nΣet viesti-ikkunoita,\nvoit ottaa ΣΣnet pois BIOS:sista tai poistaa viesti-ikkunat kΣyt÷stΣ muista tarkkailuohjelmista",
"Pakota koneen sammutus tallentamatta asetuksia", //305
"Pakotettu JΣΣhdytys",
"Alenna FSB:tΣ",
"Koneen sammutus",
"LΣmp÷tilaohjattu ohjelman kΣynnistys kun lΣmp÷ on yli rajan(1)",
"LΣmp÷tilaohjattu ohjelman kΣynnistys kun lΣmp÷ on alle rajan(2)",
"LΣmm÷n tΣytyy nousta yli rajan (1) ja laskea alle rajan (2)",
"LΣmp÷tilaohjattu JΣΣhdytys", //315
"Yhteiset asetukset",
"Ikkunan asetukset",
"NΣytettΣvΣt nimet lΣmp÷tiloille, jΣnnitteille ja tuulettimille", //320
"JΣΣhdytyksen lΣmp÷tilaohjaus ylΣrajalla",
"JΣΣhdytyksen lΣmp÷tilaohjaus alarajalla",
"aloita Prosessorin JΣΣhdytys",
"lopeta Prosessorin JΣΣhdytys",
"NΣytΣ SPD EEPROM:in sisΣlt÷", //325
"Luettu PLL-arvo voi olla vΣΣrin. Aseta kellotaajuus ensin!",
"ATHLON pakotettu JΣΣhdytys.\nJoillakin emolevyillΣ voi kuulua ΣΣntΣ ΣΣnikortista!\nJotkut TV-kortit eivΣt toimi oikein!",
"Tallenna", //330
"avaa pieni ikkuna, muuten nΣytΣ aloitusviesti.",
"ei kΣytettΣvissΣ",
"KΣytΣ kellotaajuutta 'fine %d' CPUCooL:issa",
"Varoitus!!! Kellotaajuutta 'Fine %d' ei ole kokeiltu!\nJoten se ei ole kΣytettΣvissΣ CPUCooL:issa!\nKokeile se ensin!",
"Aseta taajuus",
"FSB:een asettaminen voi vahingoittaa laitteistoasi!\nSe on omalla vastuullasi!\nEn ota mitΣΣn vastuuta!\nJos kone kaatuu, kΣytΣ virta pois ja koita uudelleen!\nValmistaja : %s\nTyyppi : %s\nFSB:een kellotaajuus : %3d.%1d MHz\nProsessorin kellotaajuus : %d.%1d MHz",
"Vaakasuorien viivojen lukumΣΣrΣ",
"KΣytΣ kellotaajuutta TehtΣvΣpalkissa ja CPUCooL:in kΣynnistyksessΣ",
"KΣytΣ kellotaajuutta TehtΣvΣpalkissa ja CPUCooL:in sammutuksessa",
"JΣnnitteiden, lΣmp÷tilojan ja tuulettimien rajat", //380
"SDRAM EEPROM:in sisΣlt÷",
"SDRAM4", //385
"Ikkunan asetukset", //390
"TΣmΣ ikkuna (PΣΣikkuna)",
"Numeerinen nΣytt÷",
"Graafinen nΣytt÷",
"Pieni ikkuna", //395
"Graafisen ikkunan asetukset", //400
"PΣΣnΣyt÷n ja Pienen ikkunan vΣrit",
"Emolevyn valinta",
"LΣmp÷tila- anturien/Tuulettimien ohjaus",
"LΣmp÷tilan ennakko", //405
"Celsius - Fahrenheit",
"MittauslΣhteiden asetukset",
"Kielen valinta",
"CPUCooL:in KΣynnistys",
"Muokkaa TehtΣvΣpalkin Peli-kohtaa",
"Vaihda JΣnnitteiden, lΣmp÷tilojan ja tuulettimien nimet", //411
"CPUCooL:in Prioriteetti",
"Tee Rekister÷inti",
"Ohje", //416
"Ohjeen Aiheet",
"CPUCooL:in tiedot",
"LΣmp÷tila 1",
"LΣmp÷tila 2", //420
"LΣmp÷tila 3", //421
"LΣmp÷-anturi 0",
"LΣmp÷-anturi 1",
"LΣmp÷-anturi 2",
"LΣmp÷-anturi 3", //425
"LΣmp÷-anturi 4",
"LΣmp÷-anturi 5",
"LΣmp÷-anturi 6",
"LΣmp÷-anturi 7",
"Vcore 1", //430
"Vcore 2",
"3,3 V",
"5 V",
"12 V",
"V bat", //435
"V opt",
"V accu",
"-5 V",
"-12 V",
"Tuuletin 1", //440
"Tuuletin 2",
"Tuuletin 3",
"Tuuletin 4",
"% CPU 1",
"% CPU 2", //445
"Comm sisΣΣn",
"Comm ulos",
"Comm CRC",
"LΣhetetty", //450
"Vapaa RAM",
"Sivut RAM",
"Levyn luku",
"Levyn kirjoitus",
"Palvelin", //455
"", //460
"TehtΣvΣpalkin fontin valinta",
"Tallenna asetukset tiedostoon", //465
"Lataa asetukset tiedostosta",
"% Prosessorin kuorma / PylvΣsnΣytt÷",
"% Prosessorin kuorma / numeeriset",
"Ei % Prosessorin kuormaa nΣytetty",
"NΣytΣ kΣyttΣmΣt÷n muisti", //470
"LisΣΣ puolipiste arvojen vΣliin",
"Sulje tehtΣvΣpalkin valikko",
"TyhjennΣ kaikki arvot",
"Tuulettimien ohjaus",
"Kiintolevy 1", //475
"Kiintolevy 2",
"Kiintolevy 3",
"Kiintolevy 4",
"Yhteenveto", //480
"S.M.A.R.T. pΣΣlle\n(jos sinulla on SCSI-jΣrjestelmΣ, ΣlΣ kΣytΣ tΣtΣ)",
"Ohjelmaversio", //485
"Raakaluvun Virhetaso",
"Kokonaisulostulon Suorituskyky",
"KΣynnistys/PysΣhdys Lukema", //490
"Uudelleenvarattujen Sektoreiden Lukema",
"Lukukanavan pelivara",
"Hakuvirheiden taso",
"Hakuajan Suorituskyky",
"Tunteja pΣΣllΣ -lukema", //495
"KΣynnistyksen uudelleenyritys -lukema",
"Calibroinnin uudelleenyritys -lukema",
"Virran jakso -lukema",
"Tuntematon attribuutti"
"Nykyinen arvo", //500
"Transhold -arvo",
"Status -arvo",
"RAW -arvo",
"Worst ever -arvo",
"FSB:een asettaminen voi vahingoittaa laitteistoasi!\nSe on omalla vastuullasi!\nEn ota mitΣΣn vastuuta!\nJos kone kaatuu, kΣytΣ virta pois ja koita uudelleen!\nValmistaja : %s\nTyyppi : %s\nFSB:een kellotaajuus : %3d.%1d MHz\nPCI:iin kellotaajuus : %2d.%1d MHz\nMuistin kellotaajuus : %3d.%1d MHz\nProsessorin kellotaajuus : %d.%1d MHz",
"Joka ... s kerta tietoja pΣivitettΣesΣ S.M.A.R.T. -tiedot pΣivitetΣΣn my÷s",
"Saat ilmoituksen jos S.M.A.R.T. -arvot muuttuvat",
"Saat ilmoituksen jos yksi S.M.A.R.T -vakioarvoista (vΣliltΣ 0 - 15) muuttuu",
"Et saa ilmoitusta jos S.M.A.R.T. -arvot muuttuvat",
"Huomio!!!\nLevyn %d\nS.M.A.R.T. -arvot %s muuttuivat %d :stΣ %d :hen",
"TΣmΣ on vain kokeiluversio.\nTΣssΣ ei ole mitΣΣn mahdollisuutta Rekister÷idΣ.\nTΣydessΣ versiossa Rekister÷inti-ikkuna on tΣssΣ\nVoit ostaa tΣmΣn ohjelman osoitteessa:\nhttp://www.podien.de/REGISTER.HTM !\nRekister÷idyt kΣyttΣjΣt saavat tΣyden version sΣhk÷postilla:\nsupport@podien.de\n,laita mukaan Rekister÷inti-sΣhk÷posti tai Rekister÷intinumero.");
"Olet l÷ytΣnyt PLL:Σn jonka kellotaajuutta ei voi vaihtaa SMBUS:in kautta.\nPLL:Σn valmistaja ei lisΣnnyt tΣtΣ ominaisuutta. Kellotaajuuden vaihtaminen ei ole mahdollista minkΣΣn ohjelman tulevissakaan versiossa - piiri ei vaan tue sitΣ...",
"Olet l÷ytΣnyt PLL:Σn jossa ei ole SMBUS -vΣylΣΣ.\nPLL:Σn valmistaja ei lisΣnnyt tΣtΣ ominaisuutta. Kellotaajuuden vaihtaminen ei ole mahdollista minkΣΣn ohjelman tulevissakaan versiossa - piiri ei vaan tue sitΣ...",
"JΣΣhdytys S1 (HALT) -tilan kautta",
"JΣΣhdytys C2 (I/O based) -tilan kautta", //540
"Virhe lΣhetettΣessΣ sΣhkopostia.\nSΣhk÷postia ei lΣhetetty\nOnko sΣhk÷postiohjelmasi kΣynnissΣ?\nJos on, sammuta se,\nja kokeile uudestaan",
"NΣytΣ aina tuulettimet:",
"Lue debug -tiedot",
"Data kirjoitettiin tiedostoon\nCPUFSB.Info",
"Uudista ikonit 30 min. vΣlein", //545
"PLL voidaan vain kirjoittaa.\nPLL:ΣΣ ei voida lukea, voidaan vain asettaa uusi kellotaajuus!",
"No forced Athlon cooling",
"Only for registered users",
"The full version would save settings now! Please register CPUCooL for only 15,00 Euros / $ 17.95 US",
"Colored tray output",
"Number of lines",
"60 sekuntia",
"CPU clock in Ghz",
"Harddisk state OK",
"Harddisk state BAD",//555
"Attention!!!\nHarddisk %d\nSMART error report for drive\n%s\nSerial : %s\nParameter %s value %d below transhold of %d\nDefect possible",
"O que CPUCooL deveria fazer\nap≤s ser chamado?", //10
"Ir para a barra inferior (tray)",
"Se CPUCooL for chamado a partir da pasta iniciar",
"vß para a barra inferior (tray) ou inicia dißlogo",
//Cyrix processor configuration
"Configuraτπo do processador Cyrix", // 15
"Write Allocation",
"Write Back Cache",
"IO Recovery Time",
"Linear Burst (perigoso)",
"Cached Directory", // 20
"Negate Lock",
"Suspend on Halt",
"&Sair", //25
//End Menu
"Tela principal",
// Free Memory Menu
"&Mem≤ria livre",
"Abaixo do limite", // 30
"Se a mem≤ria livre estiver abaixo",
"e nπo ocorrer atividade por",
"segundos, entπo iniciar a liberaτπo de",
"megabytes de mem≤ria",
"Clicando no sistray irß liberar", // 35
"megabytes de mem≤ria",
"Liberar mem≤ria a cada",
"Periodical background",
"Se nπo ocorrer atividade por", //40
// General to do menu
"Configuraτπo de fontes de medidas",
"Somente valor no tray",
"Valores do tray e da motherboard",
"Tela principal", //45
// Cooling display
"Modo de refrigeraτπo ligado",
"Modo de refrigeraτπo desligado",
"Aτ⌡es a serem tomadas quando opτπo de jogo no tray estiver selecionado",
"Se a temperatura de",
"ultrapassar", // 50
"entπo aumente a prioridade da tarefa de refrigeraτπo",
"e emita um som e mensagem de alerta",
"Se a atividade for acima de",
"% por",
"segundos, desabilite a funτπo de refrigeraτπo", //55
"Limite inferior",
"Limite superior", //60
"Ativar controle de limite",
// Priority display
"Bßsica (nπo recomendßvel)",
"Acima da bßsica", //65
"Acima da normal",
"Tempo real",
"Aumente a prioridade durante o acesso",
// Shareware display
"custa apenas $17.95 US.\n\n\nRegistre por favor\ne ajude a evoluir este software.\nDΩ uma olhada em http://www.podien.de para mais informaτπo!",
"Por favor, entre o n·mero de registro", //71
"Veja o menu de help para aprender como obter o n·mero de registro.\nA taxa de registro Θ de $17.95 US ou 15,00 Euro.\nPor favor visite minha pßgina em http://www.podien.de",
"O perφodo de avaliaτπo expirou.\nPor favor registre\nou entre outro n·mero de 1 dφgito na pr≤xima tela.",
"Muita coisa para apresentar!\nPor favor, remova alguns itens!",
"Por favor, entre um valor\nentre %d e %d!", //75
"Obrigado por registrar!",
"N·mero de registro nπo encontrado",
// Message boxes
"Hß outro processo em execuτπo?",
"Por favor, aguarde atΘ que a inicializaτπo seja completada",
"Sistema operacional desconhecido", //80
"Por favor, instale o driver NTIOWP.SYS primeiro",
"O programa requer uma nova versπo do driver!\nPor favor instale NTIOWP.SYS\nVersπo atiaτ : %d\nCurrent version : %d",
"Por favor, instale o driver IOWP9598.VXD primeiro",
"O programa requer uma nova versπo do driver!\nPOr favor, instale IOWP9598.VXD primeiro\nVersπo atual : %d\nCurrent version : %d",
"Nπo hß otimizaτ⌡es para a sΘrie Cyrix 5x86", //85
"Nπo hß otimizaτ⌡es para CPU┤s\nIntel 486",
"Nπo hß otimizaτ⌡es para \nIntel 786 ainda",
"Nπo hß otimizaτ⌡es\ndisponφvel\npara este processador",
//Exit Menue addtion
"Display reduzido",
//Small Display general configuration
"Posiτπo do display reduzido", // 90
"Tamanho do display reduzido",
"Canto superior esquerdo",
"Canto superior direito",
"Canto inferior esquerdo",
"Canto inferior direito", //95
"Sempre na frente das demais telas",
//Small Displays left button menu
"Configuraτπo de display reduzido",
"Display numΘrico",
"Display grßfico", //100
"Display em grßf. barras",
//Messages shown in main display
"Regrigeraτπo alternativa",
"Refrigeraτπo ligada ",
"Refrigeraτπo desligada ",
"Refrigeraτπo alternativa ligada ", // 105
"Refrigeraτπo forτada ",
"Refrigeraτπo forτada desligada ",
"Nπo mostrar nomes",
"Display colorido", //110
"Por favor, execute\nCPUCooL somente uma vez",
"Executar otimizaτ⌡es",
"Escolha do sensor de temperatura",
"Temp1 - compatφvel com Sensor Pentium", // 115
"Temp1 - compatφvel com Sensor a Transistor",
"Temp2 - compatφvel com Sensor Pentium",
"Temp2 - compatφvel com Sensor a Transistor",
"Temp3 - compatφvel com Sensor Pentium",
"Temp3 - compatφvel com Sensor a Transistor", // 120
"O n·mero de registro que vocΩ entrou Θ pirata. Por favor, registre! CPUCooL Θ barato, somente $17.95 US! POR FAVOR REGISTRO e me ajude a continuar o desenvolvimentodo CPUCooL! Lembre que Θ caro testar um novo hardware e que o preτo que vocΩ paga Θ barato!!",
"\nNo CPU optimize",
"Somente o tray Θ atualizado",
"Sem atualizaτπo peri≤dica",
"Para obter o resultado, por favor tecle", // 125
"Configuraτπo -> Fontes de medidas -> Valores de tray e motherboard",
"Configuraτπo -> Fontes de medidas -> Display original",
"(nπo registrado)",
"Windows shutdown display", //130
"Botπo para desligar Windows normalmente",
"Botπo para forτar o desligamento do Windows",
"Botπo para reiniciar o Windows normalmente",
"Botπo para forτar o reinφcio do windows",
"Chave para logoff", // 135
"e tecla Alt e Control",
"desligar Windows",
"e desligar a energia do computador",
"Temperatura estß acima do limite.\nCPUCooL irß desligar agora.",
"Fabricante da PLL", //140
"Tipo da PLL",
"FreqⁿΩncia para configurar",
"FreqⁿΩncia 1",
"FreqⁿΩncia 2",
"FreqⁿΩncia 3", //145
"FreqⁿΩncia 4",
"Valores atuais da PLL",
"Configurar FSB no pr≤ximo reinφcio",
"Definir freqⁿΩncia",
"Obter saφda da PLL", //150
"Erro ao ler PLL",
"Configurar a FSB pode estragar seu hardware!\nFaτa-o por sua conta e risco!\nSe o sistema travar, desligue-o da eletricidade e tente novamente!\nFabricante : %s\nTipo : %s\nFreqⁿΩncia FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nFreqⁿΩncia PCI : %2d.%1d MHz\nFreqⁿΩncia da CPU : %d.%1d MHz",
"FreqⁿΩncia real",
"Erro ao configurar PLL",
"N·mero de bytes lidos incorreto.\nDeveria ser %d real %d", //155
"nπo usado",
"Ler a PLL pode estragar seu hardware!\nFaτa-o por sua conta e risco!",
"Sua PLL Θ de escrita somente!\nNπo hß como efetuar leitura\nNπo hß motivo para se preocupar\nVocΩ pode definir uma nova freqⁿΩncia!",
" muit pequena",
" muito grande", //160
"Sem privilΘgio para desligar",
"Iniciar LOG quando CPUCooL iniciar",
"Anexar dado ao arquivo de log",
"Texto com dados Θ gravado no arquivo de log",
"Somente valores da Motherboard", //165
"Erro ao abrir arquivo de log",
"Erro ao fechar o arquivo de log",
"Erro ao gravar no arquivo de log",
"Arquivo de log jß estß aberto",
"Arquivo de log nπo estß aberto", //170
"LatΩncia do cache L2",
"Definir otimizaτ⌡es ao inφcio do CPUCooL",
"Nπo Θ possφvel",
"Por favor, teste a latΩncia do cache L2", //175
"Esta configuraτπo pode estratar seu hardware!\nFaτa-o por sua conta e risco!\nSe o sistema travar, desligue-o da eletricidade e tente novamente!",
" Limite",
"Sem linhas horizontais",
"Sem linhas verticais",
"Valores em Celsius", //180
"Temperatura acima de 130F",
"Gravar informaτ⌡es no arquivo",
"Os dados foram gravados no arquivo\nCPUCooL.Info",
"Barras", // 185
"Valores numΘricos",
"Nenhum alarme para o tray",
"Por favor, entre um n·mero entre %d e %d", //190
"Baixa potΩncia",
"Baixa potΩncia MMX",
"Abrir display &principal",
"Mem≤ria livre",
"&Inverter refrigeraτπo", //195
"Refrigeraτπo desligada",
"Alarme &ligado",
"Alarme &desligado",
"Refrigeraτπo forτada desligada",
"Parar jogo", //200
"Iniciar jogo",
"Taxa de atualizaτπo %d seg ",
"Desligar refrigeraτπo",
"Stop timer routine",
"MBytes livre de mem≤ria (MByte)", //205
"Definir FSB para MHz",
"Aτ⌡es a serem tomadas quando escolher opτπo de para jogo",
"Reabilitar refrigeraτπo",
"Restore timer routine",
"Temp1 Sensor a Thermistor", //210
"Temp2 Sensor a Thermistor",
"Temp3 Sensor a Thermistor",
"reduz FSB para",
"Se a temperatura cair abaixo de",
"Define valor antigo de FSB novamente", //215
"Conte·do das EEPROMs na SDRAM (forma curta)",
"N·mero de bytes na EEPROM",
"LatΩncia CAS",
"Ciclo de tempo da SDRAM", //220
"Tempo de acesso da SDRAM",
"Segundo ciclo de tempo da SDRAM",
"Segundo tempo de acesso da SDRAM",
"Especificaτπo PC100",
"Saφda extendida", //225
"Atraso da RAS para CAS",
"Tempo de carga da RAS",
"Somente atualizaτπo no modo TRAY",
"Sem atualizaτπo",
"Minimizar janela de saφda", //230
"Restaurar janela de saφda",
"Modo de refrigeraτπo",
"Otimizaτπo da CPU",
"FreqⁿΩncia (FSB)",
"Otimizar mem≤ria do Windows", //235
"Opτπo da tela",
"Limites de temperatura, voltagem e velocidade do ventilador",
"Diferenτa de temperatura",
"Celsius / Fahrenheit", //240
"Inφcio do CPUCooL",
"Prioridade do CPUCooL",
"Opτπo de inφcio de jogo",
"Arquivo de Log",
"Tela de configuraτπo principal do CPUCooL", //245
"Limites do grßfico",
"Habilitar controle de velocidade do ventilador pelo CPUCooL",
"Temperatura e velocidade relativa do fan para limite inferior do fan", //250
"Temperatura e velocidade relativa do fan para limite superior do fan",
"Sensor de controle",
"Veja o help (tecle F1)",
"Sem anßlise de motherboard no inφcio",
"EEProm estß vazio ou nπo estß presente", //255
"RPM ", // rotations per minute
"Ejetar todos os dispositivos removφveis",
"Ao iniciar, configurar FSB para",
"Se vocΩ quer trocar o FSB de sua motherboard, vocΩ precisa selecionar a PLL. Se vocΩ sabe o fabricante e o tipo de sua motherboard, selecione agora", //260
"Fabricante da motherboard",
"Tipo da motherboard",
"Ejetar midia removφvel",
"Opτπo da motherboard",
"", //265
"Se sua motherboard nπo estß na lista acima\n o programa funcionßria sem seleτπo.\nSe vocΩ encontrar descobrir o fabricante e o tipo de sua PLL, por favor envie um email para",
"Dicas para encontrar a PLL em",
"Se vocΩ descobrir o fabricante e o tipo de sua motherboard, escolha\nopτ⌡es -> escolha da motherboard\npara selecionar sua motherboard.",
"sim", //270
"Eu nπo sei",
"VocΩ escolheu a motherboard\n%s\ncom a PLL\nfabricante : %s tipo : %s.\nEstß correto?",
"Obter freqⁿΩncia",
"Configura do cache L2",
"Tipo de cache Motorola / Mitsubishi",
"Tipo de cache NEC / SEC ",
"Por favor, teste primeiro a opτπo de velocidade de L2",
"L2 atual", //280
"Otimizaτπo de cache L2 quando iniciar o CPUCooL",
"Se vocΩ ouvir alguns sons ou ver algumas mensagens,\nvocΩ pode desligar a opτπo de som na BIOS ou desabilitar as mensagens no programa de monitoramento",
"Por favor, faτa o login com privilΘgio de administrador para configurar o serviτo do CPUCooL!",
"Acesso alternativo α",
"Antes de trocar o mΘtodo de acesso α PLL\ndesligue o computador",
"Troca de freqⁿΩncia nπo foi possφvel!",
"Troca de cache L2 realizada",
"Erro ao trocar o cache L2",
"grau, inφcio",
"grau, inφcio",
"cair abaixo",
"subir acima de",
"Inφcio de programa controlado pela temperatura",
"Fim de programa controlado pela temperatura",
"Iniciar programa",
"O fabricante de %s mudou a PLL durante a produτπo.\nTipos possφveis sπo:\nfabricante: %s tipo: %s ou\nfabricante: %s tipo: %s\nPor favor veja sua motherboard para selecionar o tipo!",
"O FSB nπo foi mudado.\nO resultado pode estar incorreto",
"Finalize CPUFSB imediatamente ap≤s chamada a partir do folder autostart",
"Utilize placas de vφdeo", //300
"sem perguntas",
"Ligar opτπo FSB dependente da temperatura",
"Ligar opτπo refrigeraτπo forτada dependente da temperatura",
"Ligar opτπo de desligar o computador de acordo com a temperatura",
"Forτar desligamento do computador sem salvar trabalhos (forτada)", //305
"Display de refrigeraτπo",
"&Display principal",
"&Refrigeraτπo forτada",
"Re&duzir FSB",
"&Desligar computador",
"&Abrir programa",
"Abrir programa se a temperatura for superior ao limite (1)",
"Abrir programa se a temperatura for inferior ao limite (2)",
"Primeiro, deverß ser superior ao limite (1) e depois inferior ao limite (2)",
"Refrigeraτπo dependente da temperatura", //315
"Definiτ⌡es padr⌡es",
"Configuraτ⌡es do display",
"Nomes apresentados da temperatura, voltagens e fans", //320
"Refrigeraτπo dependente da temperatura acima de um limite",
"Refrigeraτπo dependente da temperatura abaixo de um limite",
"Iniciar refrigeraτπo da CPU",
"Para refrigeraτπo da CPU",
"Mostrar o conte·do da EEPROM SPD", //325
"A saφda da PLL pode estar incorreta. Configure a freqⁿΩncia primeiro!",
"Refrigeraτπo forτada para ATHLON.\nEm algumas motherboards, pode ocorrer interferΩncia na placa de som!\nAlgumas placas de TV nπo funcionam apropriadamente!",
"Gravar", //330
"Abrir o display reduzido ou entπo iniciar pergunta",
"Nπo disponφvel",
"Ajuste fino",
"Utilize freqⁿΩncia 'fine %d' no CPUCooL",
"Atenτπo!!! FreqⁿΩncia 'Fine %d' nπo foi testada!\nEntπo ela nπo estß disponφvel no CPUCooL!\nTeste-a primeiro!",
"Conf. freq",
"Configurar a FSB pode estragar seu hardware!\nPor sua conta e risco!\nSe o sistema travar, desligue da tomada e tente novamente!\nFabricante : %s\nTipo : %s\nFreqⁿΩncia FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nCPU freqⁿΩncia : %d.%1d MHz",
"N·mero de linhas horizontais",
"Use frequency in tray and cpucool startup",
"Use frequency in tray and cpucool shutdown",
"Use ao iniciar",
"Mudanτa de multiplicador para K6-2/3+",
"Habilitar detecτπo de fan lento",
"Se %s detectar um multiplicador incorreto, por favor corrija",
"freqⁿΩncia atual",
"troque adicionalmente:",
"1 clock at frames and CPU/PCI slave",
"Fair CPU/PCI priority, PCIBusMaster",
"PCI MasterRead caching (pode ser perigoso)", // 351
"Reduzir som / problemas na USB",
"FreqⁿΩncia bßsica",
"FSB", //355
"Master priority rotation 2 cycles",
"Delay transaction (perigoso em sistemas baseados no VIA686B)",
"Esta PLL possui opτπo de ajuste fino!\nUse-a, pois Θ mais confißvel!",
"&Arquivo", //360 menu system
"&Gravar configuraτπo",
"&Configurar Arquivo de Log",
"&Nome do arquivo de log",
"Iniciar log",
"Parar log", //365
"Taxa de atualizaτπo",
"&1 seg",
"&2 seg",
"&5 seg", //370
"1&0 seg",
"20 seg",
"&30 seg",
"Modo de &refrigeraτπo / chaveamento conforme temperatura", //375
"&Desligar Windows pelo teclado / Ejetar todas as mφdias removφveis",
"Mudar FSB / Mudar velocidade da CPU",
"&Otimizaτπo da CPU",
"Limpeza peri≤dica da mem≤ria do Windows",
"&Limites de voltagens, temperatura e velocidade do fan", //380
"Conte·dos da SDRAM &EEPROM",
"SDRAM&4", //385
"&Opτ⌡es do display", //390
"&Display no Tray",
"Este display (Display &principal)",
"Display &numΘrico",
"Display &grapico",
"Display &reduzido", //395
"Grßfico de &barras",
"&Limites do display grßfico", //400
"&Cores do display reduzido",
"Opτπo de &Motherboard",
"Escolha do &sensor de temperatura/Controle do fan",
"Diferenτa da &temperatura", //405
"&Celsius - Fahrenheit",
"Configuraτπo de &fontes de medidas",
"Inφcio do CPUCooL",
"Configurar opτπo de jogo no &Tray",
"Mudar nomes das temperaturas, voltagens e fans", //411
"&Prioridade do CPUCooL",
"&Informaτπo sobre registro",
"&Help", //416
"&Itens de Help",
"Informaτ⌡es sobre &CPUCoo",
"Temp2", //420
"Temp3", //421
"Temp Sens 0",
"Temp Sens 1",
"Temp Sens 2",
"Temp Sens 3", //425
"Temp Sens 4",
"Temp Sens 5",
"Temp Sens 6",
"Temp Sens 7",
"VCore 1", //430
"VCore 2",
"3,3 V",
"5 V",
"12 V",
"V bat", //435
"V opt",
"V accu",
"-5 V",
"-12 V",
"Fan 1", //440
"Fan 2",
"Fan 3",
"Fan 4",
"% CPU Time 1",
"% CPU Time 2", //445
"Comm rec",
"Comm trans",
"Comm crc",
"Comm tot rec",
"Comm tot trans", //450
"Mem avail",
"Mem page",
"Disk read",
"Disk write",
"Server total", //455
"Client total",
"Pager pag",
"Current Freq",
"", //460
"Escolha da fonte do Tray",
"Gravar configuraτπo no arquivo", //465
"Abrir configuraτπo do arquivo",
"% Uso de CPU / barras",
"% Uso de CPU / n·meros",
"% Uso de CPU nπo disponφvel",
"Mostrar mem≤ria livre", //470
"Adiciona ponto e vφrgula entre os valores",
"Fechar o menu TRAY",
"Limpar todos os valores",
"Controle do ventilador",
"HDD 1", //475
"HDD 2",
"HDD 3",
"HDD 4",
"Harddisk &drives",
"Visπo geral", //480
"Informaτπo adicional",
"Habilitar S.M.A.R.T.\n(se vocΩ tem placa SCSI, nπo utilize esta opτπo)",
"N·mero do modelo",
"Versπo do firmware", //485
"N·mero de sΘrie",
"Raw Read Error Rate",
"Spin Up Time",
"Start/Stop Count", //490
"Reallocated Sector Count",
"Read Channel Margin",
"Seek Error Rate",
"Seek Time Performance",
"Power On Hours Count", //495
"Spin Retry Count",
"Calibration Retry Count",
"Power Cycle Count",
"Atributo desconhecido"
"Valor atual", //500
"Transhold Value",
"Status Value",
"RAW Value",
"Worse Ever Value",
"Configurar a FSB pode estragar seu hardware!\n╔ por sua conta e risco!\nCPUCooL nπo se responsabiliza!\nSe o sistema travar, tire o pluge de energia elΘtrica da tomada e tente novamente!\nFabricante : %s\nTipo : %s\nFreqⁿΩncia FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nFreqⁿΩncia PCI : %2d.%1d MHz\nFreqⁿΩncia RAM : %3d.%1d MHz\nFreqⁿΩncia da CPU : %d.%1d MHz",
"A cada ... tempo da atualizaτπo normal, a informaτπo do S.M.A.R.T. tambΘm Θ atualizada",
"Haverß uma mensagem se um dos valores do S.M.A.R.T mudar",
"Haverß uma mensagem se um dos valores padr⌡es do S.M.A.R.T. (variaτπo de 0 - 15) mudar",
"Nπo haverß mensagens se um dos valores do S.M.A.R.T. mudar",
"Atenτπo!!!\nDrive %d\nS.M.A.R.T. Parameter %s changed from %d to %d",
"Sinto muito, esta Θ uma versπo de teste.\nNπo hß como registrar.\nNa versπo full, a tela de registro aparece aqui\nPor favor, compre este programa em:\nhttp://www.podien.de/REGISTER.HTM !\nUsußrios registrados pegam a versπo completa e suporte em\nsupport@podien.de\nPor favor inclua seu e-mail de registro ou seu n·mero de registro em sua solicitaτπo.");
"Procura variaτπo inferior do SMBus",
"Procura variaτπo superior do SMBus",
"Otimizaτ⌡es do HD",
"Define somente registros bßsicos de refrigeraτπo",
"Habilita refresh de RAM",
"CoolSVR.exe estß funcionando",
"CooLSRV.exe nπo estß funcionando",
"Divisor para ventilador\nDivide pelo n·mero escolhido\n0 = nπo leve em conta o divisor", // 520
"Divisor para ventilador",
"Tem certeza que a ASUS Θ a fabricante desta motherboard?\nCPUCooL nπo encontra a palavra ASUS na BIOS!\n╔ por sua conta e risco!\nSem responsabilidades para CPUCooL!",
"Esta forma de trocar a freqⁿΩncia nπo funciona com esta PLL\nPor favor, use o botπo de sintonia fina para trocar a freqⁿΩncia!",
"Checagem mφnima de SMBUS (end. 2c-2e)",
"Detecτπo de monitor Dell", // 525
"Temperatura e velocidade absoluta do ventilador (*100 rpm, para 5000 rpm entre 50) para nφvel inferior",
"Temperatura e velocidade absoluta do ventilador (*100 rpm, para 5000 rpm entre 50) para nφvel superior",
"Gerar e-mail de informaτπo",
"F", //530
"* 100 rpm",
"Definir sensor de temperatura no inφcio do programa",
"Cor de fundo para display principal",
"Cor de fundo para display reduzido",
"Mudanτa do FrontSideBus \nA escolha da motherboard Θ apenas para prΘ-seleτπo da PLL\nDicas para encontrar a PLL em",
"VocΩ encontrou o chip de monitoramento!\nPara algumas dicas para encontrar o PLL, por favor veja",
"VocΩ encontrou uma PLL cuja freqⁿΩncia nπo pode ser trocada via SMBUS.\nO fabricante do PLL nπo implementou este recurso. Nπo serß possφvel tambΘm trocar a freqⁿΩncia em futuras vers⌡es de nenhum programa - este hardware nπo suporta...",
"VocΩ encontrou uma PLL que nπo tem SMBUS.\nO fabricante do PLL nπo implementou este recurso. Nπo serß possφvel tambΘm trocar a freqⁿΩncia em futuras vers⌡es de nenhum programa - este hardware nπo suporta...",
"Refrigeraτπo via S1 (HALT)",
"Regrigeraτπo via C2 (baseado em I/O)", //540
"Um erro ocorreu enquanto enviava o e-mail.\nE-mail nπo enviado\nSeu programa de e-mail estß rodando?\nPor favor, feche-o antes,\ne tente novamente",
"Sempre mostrar ventiladores",
"Gerar informaτπo para DEBUG",
"Dados gravados no arquivo \nCPUFSB.Info",
"Refazer icone do sistray ap≤s 30 min", //545
"PLL somente de escrita.\nNπo hß leitura disponφvel nesta PLL, somente a configuraτπo de nova freqⁿΩncia!",
"Nπo utilizar refrigeraτπo forτada para Athlon",
"Somente para usußrios registrados",
"The full version would save settings now! Please register CPUCooL for only 15,00 Euros / $ 17.95 US",
"Colored tray output",
"Number of lines",
"60 seg",
"CPU clock in Ghz",
"Harddisk state OK",
"Harddisk state BAD",//555
"Attention!!!\nHarddisk %d\nSMART error report for drive\n%s\nSerial : %s\nParameter %s value %d below transhold of %d\nDefect possible",
"FrontSideBus change\nThe mainboard choise is only for PLL preselection\nHints for finding the PLL at",
"You have found the monitoring ic!\nFor some hints to find the PLL please have a look at",
"You have found a PLL whose frequency could not be changed via SMBUS.\nThe PLL manufacturer did not implement this feature. It will also not be possible to change the frequency in the future version of any program - the hardware does not support it...",
"You have found a PLL who does not have an SMBUS.\nThe PLL manufacturer did not implement this feature. It will also not be possible to change the frequency in the future version of any program - the hardware does not support it...",
"Cooling via S1 (HALT) Sleep",
"Cooling via C2 (I/O based) sleep", //540
"An error occured while sending the e-mail.\nNo e-mail is sent\nIs your e-mail program running?\nThen please close it first,\nand try it again",
"Always display fans",
"Generate debug info",
"─αφφ√σ τα∩Φ±αφ√ Γ ⌠αΘδ\nCPUFSB.Info",
"Rebuild tray icons after 30 min", //545
"Write Only PLL.\nThere is no reading of the PLL available only setting the new frequency!",
"No forced Athlon cooling",
"Only for registered users",
"The full version would save settings now! Please register CPUCooL for only 15,00 Euros / $ 17.95 US",
"Colored tray output",
"Number of lines",
"60 ±σΩ",
"CPU clock in Ghz",
"Harddisk state OK",
"Harddisk state BAD",//555
"Attention!!!\nHarddisk %d\nSMART error report for drive\n%s\nSerial : %s\nParameter %s value %d below transhold of %d\nDefect possible",
"Temperature and absolute fan speed (*100 rpm, for 5000 rpm enter 50) for lower fan level",
"Temperature and absolute fan speed (*100 rpm, for 5000 rpm enter 50) for upper fan level",
"Generate info e-mail",
"F", //530
"*100 rpm",
"Set temperature sensor choice at startup",
"Background color main display",
"Background color small display",
"FrontSideBus change\nThe mainboard choise is only for PLL preselection\nHints for finding the PLL at",
"You have found the monitoring ic!\nFor some hints to find the PLL please have a look at",
"You have found a PLL whose frequency could not be changed via SMBUS.\nThe PLL manufacturer did not implement this feature. It will also not be possible to change the frequency in the future version of any program - the hardware does not support it...",
"You have found a PLL who does not have an SMBUS.\nThe PLL manufacturer did not implement this feature. It will also not be possible to change the frequency in the future version of any program - the hardware does not support it...",
"Cooling via S1 (HALT) Sleep",
"Cooling via C2 (I/O based) sleep", //540
"An error occured while sending the e-mail.\nNo e-mail is sent\nIs your e-mail program running?\nThen please close it first,\nand try it again",
"Always display fans",
"Generate debug info",
"╕Ω«╞ñw╝gñJ¿∞└╔«╫ \nCPUFSB.Info",
"Rebuild tray icons after 30 min", //545
"Write Only PLL.\nThere is no reading of the PLL available only setting the new frequency!",
"No forced Athlon cooling",
"Only for registered users",
"The full version would save settings now! Please register CPUCooL for only 15,00 Euros / $ 17.95 US",
"Colored tray output",
"Number of lines",
"60 ¼φ ",
"CPU clock in Ghz",
"Harddisk state OK",
"Harddisk state BAD",//555
"Attention!!!\nHarddisk %d\nSMART error report for drive\n%s\nSerial : %s\nParameter %s value %d below transhold of %d\nDefect possible",
"Temperature and absolute fan speed (*100 rpm, for 5000 rpm enter 50) for lower fan level",
"Temperature and absolute fan speed (*100 rpm, for 5000 rpm enter 50) for upper fan level",
"Generate info e-mail",
"F", //530
"*100 rpm",
"Set temperature sensor choice at startup",
"Background color main display",
"Background color small display",
"FrontSideBus change\nThe mainboard choise is only for PLL preselection\nHints for finding the PLL at",
"You have found the monitoring ic!\nFor some hints to find the PLL please have a look at",
"You have found a PLL whose frequency could not be changed via SMBUS.\nThe PLL manufacturer did not implement this feature. It will also not be possible to change the frequency in the future version of any program - the hardware does not support it...",
"You have found a PLL who does not have an SMBUS.\nThe PLL manufacturer did not implement this feature. It will also not be possible to change the frequency in the future version of any program - the hardware does not support it...",
"Cooling via S1 (HALT) Sleep",
"Cooling via C2 (I/O based) sleep", //540
"An error occured while sending the e-mail.\nNo e-mail is sent\nIs your e-mail program running?\nThen please close it first,\nand try it again",
"Always display fans",
"Generate debug info",
"╫╩┴╧╥╤╨┤╚δ╡╜╡╡░╕ \nCPUFSB.Info",
"Rebuild tray icons after 30 min", //545
"Write Only PLL.\nThere is no reading of the PLL available only setting the new frequency!",
"No forced Athlon cooling",
"Only for registered users",
"The full version would save settings now! Please register CPUCooL for only 15,00 Euros / $ 17.95 US",
"Colored tray output",
"Number of lines",
"60 ├δ ",
"CPU clock in Ghz",
"Harddisk state OK",
"Harddisk state BAD",//555
"Attention!!!\nHarddisk %d\nSMART error report for drive\n%s\nSerial : %s\nParameter %s value %d below transhold of %d\nDefect possible",